Becoming the Luna

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Hayden lounges on a couch, a novel discarded on the table beside him, he's at the bookstore and utterly bored, and simultaneously restless.

So much that even his favorite latte and a couple of Dream's cupcakes doesn't lift his mood, the bookstore has been unusually empty today.

Mae unable to make it and Dream who usually snuck around to keep him company was also absent as well, he had even gone over to the 'Diamond Bakery' that was just opposite his bookstore but his friend was nowhere to be found and his mom had said that Dream couldn't come in that day.

So he bought cupcakes anyway and wandered back into his bookstore, arranging and rearranging the books on the shelf or just plain pacing around.

Apple is already past done with him, unable to stand his constant fidgeting and restlessness, she had hidden in the backroom to get a proper nap that didn't keep on getting interrupted by her owner.

It was just 2 pm but Hayden felt tired of his own skin and the bookstore as well, he lurches up from the couch with determination.

He would close up early for the day and take a hot bath or something, anything to distract himself. He could even make the trip to the Pack House, Jaxie had been begging for a visit anyway.

He just had to leave the bookstore before he jumped out of his own skin, with his mind made up, he grabs the book he had been reading, deciding to take it home with him and possibly finish it.

Today seems like one of those days, he muses to himself absently twisting his silver-grey ring gently when he gets behind the counter, those days when missing Virgil feels like a physical ache.

Pushing a hand through his short hair, he tugs down his shirt and starts to pack up, there wasn't much to pack, he had finished up the cupcakes, rare for him who didn't eat too much and the extra-large cup of latte.

The book goes in the satchel and he starts to straighten out the counter, his mom was currently at the Pack House and if Mae wasn't here by noon, it meant she wasn't coming so he would just text his mom to let her know that he closed up early, it would probably make her happy.

Because although Hayden did absolutely nothing at the bookstore, it still felt like hard work to Renee and she was worried that he was overworking himself.

One of Apple's plastic toys that had been littered around the entire bookstore rolls off the counter to the ground and Hayden immediately goes down after it because if it rolled into a corner somewhere it was as good as gone and he didn't want to have to deal with a grumpy Apple.

He backs the counter as he does this, reaching for the colorful, squeaky mouse-shaped plastic.

The bell dings when he does and he stiffens briefly in surprise, the chiming sound resonating in slow motion as time seems to slow down.

What are the odds that he would get a customer just when he's about to leave?

He snatches up the toy and gets up to his feet slowly turning around.

Virgil feels the impatience thrumming under his skin as he pushes open the door to his boyfriend's bookstore, Shana had gone to Mae's place while Dale had driven home, saying they would all meet up the next day.

When he gets in, he doesn't see the usual goldish brown, fluffy curls of Hayden's hair and starts to panic, throwing his eyes around the store until rustling movements drag his attention back to the counter where said fluffy curls slowly make their appearance.

He just stands right there in the middle of the store and smiles so wide that his cheeks hurt when Hayden turns around in surprise with a plastic mouse clutched in a small hand.

Hayden frowns slightly as he turns around, wheels whirring around in his brain as he tries to figure out who it could be, he looks up and the first thing he sees is a familiar gummy smile on an unfamiliar body, who was this huge stranger taking up most of the space in his bookstore?

"Hey, baby."

His eyes widen comically at that familiar voice, mouse dropping from his hands in shock as he starts around the counter. "V-Virgil?" He asks tentatively, wondering if it was just a hallucination from missing his boyfriend too much but Virgil still stands there just staring at him with happiness in his bright blue eyes, he breaks out of his skin.

"V!" He squeals happily, dashing for him and throwing himself on Virgil.

This turn of events is very unexpected but Virgil effortlessly catches the lithe body thrown on him, supporting him with his hands under his thighs.

Hayden just throws his hands around Virgil, trembling slightly from the excitement which keeps overflowing as he proceeds to hug the very life out of him.

"Hay, you're cutting off my airflow." Virgil complains.

Hayden just leans back to glare at him which isn't very effective with the tears that keep spilling out of his eyes. "I-Idiot, h-how can y-you ju-just show up u-unannounced? D-Do you wa-want my h-heart to stop b-beating?" He demands in a shaky voice, wiping at his eyes which just makes the tears spill faster.

"I missed you." Virgil says in a choked voice, burying his face in Hayden's neck and taking deep calming breaths.

Hayden wants to say those words back but his words get drowned in tears.

"Stop crying, love, don't cry." Virgil says starting to get nervous with the constant water flow.

Hayden just pries off one of his hands from Virgil's neck and slowly reaches down to lace their ring hands together, placing their foreheads together. "I-I" sniff. "I love you."

Virgil just props him up against the counter, his boyfriend's legs crossed behind his waist, keeping him close, Virgil didn't mind, he didn't plan on going anywhere anyway.

"I love you too, so so much." Virgil breathes in return, lifting his finger hand to kiss it and sprinkling featherlight kisses all over his wet face.

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