Becoming the Luna

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Hayden huffs out a shaky laugh, slipping his hands into Virgil's hair, slender body pressed flush up against his muscular one, he almost didn't recognize him.

He looks up into those familiar piercing blue eyes, the words he wants to say getting clogged in his throat again, Virgil seems to be having the same difficulties but they're content with just having to stare at each other.

Hayden knows that Virgil isn't supposed to be back for a couple more months but he's not complaining not in the least bit, this is the best surprise ever.

Virgil's hands come up to cradle his face and his eyes slip shut, hiding away from those eyes that melts to a burning gold.

He's missed this

Hayden decides when Virgil claims his lips, melding their bodies even closer, he let him lead the kiss, a hand slipping from his hair to trail down Virgil's neck and over his chest.

It's easy to fall into the kiss, the rest of the world falling away as all is right again.


Dale sits in the car and watches Virgil hurry in the book store, a gnawing blank space where his heart is supposed to be.

He had agreed to go so why is he still sitting here, parked in front of Hayden's bookstore like some stalker?

He's not sure what he's waiting for but he knows it when he hears it, Hayden's voice, screaming someone else's name.

Dale rubs his face and puts the car in reverse, Hayden's cute, small car sitting in the driveway as he backs away.

Thoughts jumbled in his head as he frantically tries to make a run for it, he couldn't let Hayden see him just yet, he knows Shana and Virgil wouldn't tell Hayden about his pastimes but those big grey orbs staring up at him would make his guilt consume him.

So call him a wimp but he would put that off for as long as possible, he curses when his hands get jittery, barely able to steer right. Maybe he should pick up smoking, seeing that Jasmine had switched off his dick, he chuckles in self disdain, pushing his dark hair out of his face.

A sparkly building catches his attention, a bakery and on a whim, he stops the car and gets out, crossing the road to the bakery.

What can he say? He was still experiencing withdrawals from lack of the heady mixture of honey and jasmines and the bakery was associated with the scent so naturally, he decided to check it out.

The delicious aroma of pastries and candied fruits assaults his senses as soon as he steps in.

Some people were seated at the tables, munching down but he just swept his gaze over them, their features not registering.

Although he clearly feels their eyes on him, he can't see their eyes or faces and that was fine by him.

He walks up to the counter and stares down at the lady behind the counter, something niggling at the back of his mind.

Slightly terrified dark blue eyes stare up at him and it's so different from the delicate blue-grey that's imprinted on his psyche that he shakes himself out of his trance and mumbles out an apology, it must not be fun to have an Alpha glare down at you so menacingly.

He ends up buying blueberry muffins and making his way out with his package, still slightly lost until he gets in his car and starts the drive to the Pack House.

Why the fuck had he walked right into a bakery and bought muffins?


Virgil licks into his boyfriend's soft wet mouth like it's air and he's breathless, hands slipping under his shirt to rub over the warm silken skin.

"V-Virgil" Hayden halts him, panicking when it seems like Virgil is about to take off his shirt.

It's hard to breathe, much more think when Virgil is tonguing at the crook of his neck like that and nibbling gently but the horror of someone walking in and finding them tangled around each is enough to make him break away, panting slightly.

Virgil looks unbothered, his pale blond hair tousled from Hayden's constant tugging as he eyes up his boyfriend looking like he wants to pick up from where he left off.

"L-let's cl-close up the st-store first." He places his hands on the other man's shoulders to keep him away.

"Fine." Virgil agrees unhappily, blue eyes narrowing.

"Ah!" Hayden yelps when Virgil slips his hands under him and picks him off from the counter, making like he wants to just leave.

"W-Wait, I-I" He trails off when Virgil pauses and stares down at him with an eyebrow up, he realizes there's nothing he actually needs to take with him except his cat. "A-Apple!" He stutters, the cat was probably still fast asleep in the back room. "I h-have to get her."

Virgil just smiles subtly, noting that his flustered stuttering was still there and it was so very easy to get him flustered. "She's wrapped around my legs." 

Hayden blinks at Virgil's words and a plaintive meow rings clearly, followed by a ridiculously loud purring. "Let's go then." He smiles wryly, expecting Virgil to drop him.

Instead, he just grabs the keys off the counter and makes his way out of the store with Hayden still wrapped around him and Apple following obediently.

Hayden just buries his face in Virgil's shoulders, half-dead from embarrassment as Virgil proudly makes his way to his car, eyes tightly shut.

He only opens them when he is safely situated in the passenger seat, Apple gently placed on his legs, the white cat just spins around when Virgil deposits her on her owner's legs, paws against the window when the door gets closed like she wants to get back out to Virgil.

She spins just as fast as Hayden does when he gets into the driver's seat, beelining for his jean-clad legs to continue purring around them.

Hayden just glares down at his shameless cat. "Please step on her." He mutters darkly to Virgil who settles in with a smile on his face. "I don't know, she looks like she'll probably like that." He replies in amusement, leaning over to kiss off the disgruntled look on Hayden's face, the flustered one that replaces it much better.

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