Becoming the Luna

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Hayden wakes up alone on his bed, arousal pooling low in his belly, his dream should be rated PG 21, good thing he was twenty-one.

He rolls over to his front, the blanket tangling around his body as he does this but tucking his knees under himself and sticking his rear in the air soothed the ache somewhat so he stays like this for a long while, uninterested in touching himself when his boyfriend is around to do it for him.

His phone rings and he blearily reaches out an arm to check it only to see that it's well past 9 am, he's already very late for work, not to mention that his friends are coming over.

Virgil had barely been able to spend a couple hours until his duties pulled him back to the Pack House and Hayden was definitely not pleased with this.

Said hours had been spent making out and bringing each other up to date with their lives

Which is exactly why Hayden thinks to himself as he hurries to the bathroom, ignoring his throbbing lower area which is not difficult when he gets a clear look at his upper body.

Virgil had gone to town with the hickies and it looked like pale red tattoos all over his upper body.

He throws a robe on to go down and check on his mom, Renee had been excited to see Virgil the day before, she said she had run in Dale at the Pack House before coming home.

"Morning, baby." Renee greets her son, wearing similar clothing of a nightgown and an outer robe.

"Morning, mom." He rubs an eye sleepily, he hadn't slept well which is ironic because he had been sleeping just fine all alone till Virgil came back. 

"You're not going to the bookstore today, are you?"

"I am." He murmurs, turning around to climb the first stair. "I just wanted to check up on you."

"Isn't it late, plus you look really tired." Renee frowns, Hayden had gone to bed early the night before so she's rightfully worried about how tired he looks.

Hayden colors up and hurries up the stairs. "I-I'm fine, mom, don't you have to go in to the Pack House today?"

Renee sighs miserably, easily distracted by this question. "I do."

Hayden just smiles, knowing that even though she complained at every chance she got, his mom loved babysitting. "Have fun."

He cleans up and dresses up quickly, the cool shower doing lots to help things down south.

He's not ashamed of the love bites littered across his skin but he's not interested in advertising to the test of the world just how much they were so he wears a simple sweater, that doesn't do much for the ones on his neck but it was fine

He couldn't wait to meet Shana and Dale, it feels like so long yet it feels like not much time has passed

"Apple? Apple?" He calls, searching around for his cat after grabbing his car keys, a small work bag in hand. "Mom? Have you seen Apple?" He calls to his mom who's most likely holed up in her room taking a hot soak just so that she can light up candles.

"Yep! She's up here." She calls back cheerily making Hayden panic.

"W-What?! Why?! Don't let her burn her paw again." He stutters, hurrying to his mom's room.

"Calm down, baby, I locked her out of the bathroom." Renee explains just as Hayden bursts in to find his cat sprawled lazily on his mom's bed.

He sighs audibly walking up to her. "Don't you want to come along to the bookstore?" He invited, leaning forward with a hand out.

Apple bats his hand away with a paw and a stern meow repositioning herself on the bed.

"Apple? Come on, I don't like to leave you all alone in the house" He tries again only to get a firm rebuttal and more of that stern meowing.

Hayden gives her a look. "Virgil will be there."

Apple goes on high alert at this, raising her head quickly to give Hayden a look like she senses he's messing with her.

"I'm serious, now come on let's go." He sweeps out, unsurprised when the cat hops off the bed and tags along, maybe he should put her up for adoption considering she had disowned him.

"I'm off to work, mom!" He informs his mother, the calming scents of butterscotch wafting out.

"Sure, bye, Hayden."

The trip to the bookstore is short and after a drive that doesn't last up to five minutes considering how carefully Hayden always drives, he gets there and opens up.

The Micall's bakery is already in full swing and he wonders if Dream is in now, he would love to introduce him to his friends.

He notes that he had barely seen the blonde ever since the bee incident, he hoped that Dream wasn't still feeling embarrassed about it.

He picks up Apple so she doesn't go wandering off and locks up the car, making for the front door of the bookstore.

He goes around opening up the windows and putting out the open sign, a quick trip to the cafe and the bakery gets him his daily routine of a latte and cupcakes that are currently not available so he goes for scones instead.

Apparently, Dream didn't still come in and although his mom assures him that his friend is just fine, he can't help but worry, planning a visit.

He doesn't spend long alone in the bookstore before Mae comes in, her hair in a ponytail and the widest smile he had ever seen on her face.

"Well, isn't someone excited today?" He teases when she twirls into his bookstore in short shorts and an oversized shirt.

Mae just skips over and pulls him into a hug, large books forgotten today. "Damn straight I am." She grins, whistling at the hickies on his neck.

Hayden just swats her away, face red as he walks around the counter to pretend to busy himself. "Where's your girlfriend?"

"She's coming." Mae huffs out, getting comfortable on her usual couch. "She spent the night over at my place and had to go over to her family house this morning." She explains, munching on a scone that she had swiped from Hayden. "She's going to move in."

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