Becoming the Luna

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

"How's Shana?" He asks politely, settling on the couch at my silent ordering.

"She's fine, she'll probably come up here after her shift to scold you on not sleeping." Mae tells him bluntly, noting how he winces.

She checks him over, using magic as well in the case that she misses anything. 

"You need to take walks in the sun more often." She scolds him. "And actually try to sleep, it doesn't count if you just close your eyes for a couple of minutes and get back up."

He only chuckles nervously at this. "Yes ma'am."

Mae glares at him, unimpressed. "That was what you said last time, I made a potion of sorts but it's not a cure which means it'll just help you sleep but you have to actually try as well." She gets up at this. "Honestly with how little you care for yourself if you weren't a Werewolf you would have crashed since."

A loud thumping sound alerts their attention to the office they had just left, Mae shares a look with Jaxon.

"Is everything oka" 

Another thump, louder than the first shakes the room again and they go to check on it only to see Leon and Darian smacking each other around.

Mae just ignores them, she had seen enough of that with Virgil and Dale. "Leon, please make sure Jax takes a teaspoon of the potion I gave to him before bed and I'm pretty sure Darian's cushions are way more efficient than your body Leon." She summarizes before going out.

Jaxon doesn't even look surprised, leaning over the table to go through the files that Darian had brought.

"Nah, they'll be fine." She mutters under her breath when they go back to whatever they were doing, Darian trying to get Leon out of Jaxon's chair and failing.

It would explain why she didn't see him often anymore if he was now staying at the Pack House, it's not totally surprising why he would.

She hadn't seen Dream for a while, it must be a little difficult to live with an unmated Omega, besides he was obviously easily older than Leon or Jaxon, there was nothing wrong with choosing to live alone.


Dream settled in the steaming hot water unhappily, his stomach cramping up viciously if he so much as breathed the wrong way.

This didn't happen often so he learnt to put up with it, as an Omega once he hit eighteen years of age, heats were inevitable and dangerous in a place like the city where you had no idea who was a Werewolf or not.

So the next best options were heat suppressants, life isn't really fun with having to suppress everything, his scent, his heats, he could see the worry in his mother's eyes and knows that it's all for his safety.

The heat suppressants worked perfectly well, he didn't feel like a mindless baby carrier begging for someone to fill him up with pups but there was a but.

Suppressing his heats wasn't following the natural order of things so once in a while at the periods he's supposed to be getting his heats, he would have these painful cramps instead.

They usually subside after a couple days and painkillers helped but it was still very uncomfortable not to mention that his scent went wild and wonky on him like he was in heat, scent suppressants useless against it so he was trapped in the house, hoping no one came too close.

He was relieved that at least Darian didn't have to suffer from the effects of his heats although because he couldn't go to the Pack House as often as he would have liked, it meant that he would barely see his older brother.

He would kill for a muffin just then but that was a no-no with how delicate his stomach currently was unless he really fancied spending the next couple hours throwing up.

His mom had wanted someone to stay home with him but he hadn't seen the need, it would only make Diedre uncomfortable with how potent his scent was.

Besides, they were needed at the bakery, they had only been in Pine Creek for a little over a week but the bakery was already doing really well and it also helped that teenagers from the Pack House got part-time jobs working there, although most of the baking was left to his mom and that's why he wanted to hurry up and get better so he could help her.

He made sure that all the windows were tightly locked, spraying an air freshener with a dense scent to dull the intensity of his before settling in for a warm bath.

He actually missed Hayden, his first real friend and the sentiment was reciprocated because the other man had texted him to check up on him and his mom tells him every day that his sweet friend asked after him.

Maybe he could pay him a visit when he got better, he could already feel the sharp pains dulling as he settled deeper in the water, then they would get together and maybe bake cookies.

He barely thought about the Alpha he had bumped into or maybe it was just easier to convince himself that he didn't but they were countries apart now and the stranger probably forgot him instantly, he wasn't that remarkable.


Dale places a hand over his tattoo, an unconscious act that is quickly becoming a habit as he listens to his mother ramble on about the girl she had set up as his date the next day.

He notices how jittery and impatient she is about the matter, not to mention how quick she was to make his father call him back to Pack House when she knew he was spending time with Hayden.

He had only one explanation for it, his mom was terrified of the adorable Teddy bear that was terrified of puppies, it was hilarious.

He knows she feels like he's still in love with Hayden even though Hayden clearly belongs to the other Alpha, he wasn't correcting that because he wasn't sure either.

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