Becoming the Luna

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Hayden didn't get to take his coveted shower until it was already late, bumping into his mom had taken most of his time, explaining to her that he wasn't moving out of the entire fucking continent wasn't something he wanted to repeat.

Then dinner, he hadn't fancied the crowd but he couldn't easily see their excitement to have their Alpha at the dining room even if it's the newly appointed one.

Virgil had some things to take care of so that left him alone in the apartment that feels too big and quiet when it's just him in it.

Apparently, it was the apartment that Virgil would have lived in if his mom was still alive, it had undergone major renovation though.

He beelined straight for their shared bedroom, impatient to get out of his clothes and clean up.

The bedroom is done in soothing shades of blue and gray and he keeps the lights dim, peeling his clothes off his body and tossing them in the clothes bin.

He had spent some of the afternoon actually moving in and was already so acquainted with the apartment it felt like he had been living there for a considerable while already although he's pretty sure it's just because it's Virgil.

The warm water is welcome on his sticky skin and he takes his time washing out his hair and cleaning up thoroughly, now that the nagging sensation of wanting to be clean is settled, nervous anticipation settles under his heated skin.

He makes his way barefoot out of the shower and throws a towel around himself, absently rubbing it over his wet skin as he makes his way to the bedroom.

Although he instinctively remembers that he's now sharing the space with someone else, it's also easy to forget that when he slips the door shut gently only to look up and panic, wrapping the towel higher on his body in a show of modesty.

Virgil is sitting at the edge of the bed, facing his direction with his elbows settled on his thighs, and very shirtless.

A surprised gasp makes its way out of Hayden's mouth before his boyfriend's presence registers and he heaves a sigh of relief, frozen in place.

"Hi." He breathes, slightly out of breath. "A-Are you done with what you had to do?" He asks to make conversation, unsure of what to do next, getting dressed in Virgil's presence was going to be a new kind of experience that he was hoping he'd love through.

His breath catches in his throat when Virgil doesn't reply but fluidly and quickly gets up and comes in his direction, crowding him against the wall.

Hayden startles at this, nearly losing his death grip on the edges of his towel, the soft cotton whispered against his thighs and was held close just over his chest as he looks up expectantly at Virgil who casually states down with lazy blue eyes.

"Mn." Virgil hums, leaning down to tuck his face in the crook of the shorter man's neck, inhaling the soft scent of lavender and wet skin.

Hayden shivers when a warm tongue licks its way up his neck, his eyes fluttering shut when it morphs to an open warm over the prominent vein of his neck.

They don't stay shut for long, going wide when big warm hands slide up the skin of his thighs, going under the tower to brush around his waist and settle on the globes of the bare skin of his ass.

One hand releases their grip on the edges of the towel and he places the hand on Virgil's bare chest, caressing the silken skin stretched taut over firm muscles.

He feels a hand up and over his barely covered body to wrap a hand around his nape and angle his head backward.

"I miss your hair." Virgil murmurs against his lips, his other hand digging lightly I'm the plus skin of his thigh.

Hayden remembers once when he said he would cut it and Virgil said he liked the length, he had thought that his friend was just trying to lift his mood but not now.

Not now when his tongue is buried in Hayden's mouth, pulling and pushing against his tongue as his hand gently finds a grip on his almost too short hair.

It doesn't take long to give up on the towel and throw his arms around Virgil's neck, body arched and stretched on his tiptoes so he can angle his head into the kiss.

The only thing keeping up his towel now is where it's caught in between their bodies, a jean-clad leg slips in between his thighs, eliciting a soft moan which gets drowned in the heated kiss.

Virgil decides that he wants to hear more of that sound so he thrusts again making Hayden break away from the kiss as his breath catches in his throat, a strangled moan leaving red and kiss bitten lips.

"A-ah!" He gasps softly, head thrown back when there's more of that subtle grinding.

Virgil doesn't break his stride easily kissing down his neck as the hand on Hayden's thigh lifts the limb high to drape it around his waist.

Hayden's slender body easily moves with the adjustment, arching backward as the kiss trail over his collarbones, towel dropping

"Achoo!" Hayden sneezes cutely and violently which makes him jerk and move against Virgil, the sneeze ending on a moan.

Virgil freezes with his head over a dusky nipple and looks up to stare at the love of his life with concerned eyes. 

Hayden colors to a violent red at this but it doesn't stop the next sneeze from popping out, the quiet sound deafening to his mortified ears.

He doesn't think he's ever seen a heated scene get diffused so fast, filling cock growing flaccid when Virgil immediately bundles him up in one of his sweaters and shorts which were because of his protests or he would have been stuck with woolen pants and similar socks.

He let Virgil tuck him in with unhappiness, nothing was changing his mind even though Hayden insisted that he was just fine.

"I'll make hot chocolate for you, okay." Virgil says seriously, brushing a hand over his cheek

Hayden just let his stare drop to the tent in his jeans, unabashedly staring at it although Virgil looks like he might like to hit himself over the head for exposing his fragile boyfriend to the cold air.

He just sprawls on the bed when Virgil bustles out to their kitchen, no doubt to prepare the promised drink, seriously considering if he could live without his nose.

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