
Chapter 693 Rest Stop

Chrono's eyes scanned the entire group. They were all defensive of her as Felicity studied her supposed 'senior.' Lee Seng wasn't dressed for the cold Spring Day.

'He still has bed hair.' Felicity noticed. 'He's still in shorts so that means he didn't have any intention of going out.' The young cub was eager to prove her worth. Felicity's eyes flicked to Chrono. 'Senior doesn't know these people, does she?'

'We were attacked.' Lee Seng told Chrono.

'By who?' Chrono asked, intrigued. Her eyes settled onto Ritsuka, nodding at him in familiarity. Ritsuka waved, getting attention from his friends.

"You know her?" Olivia whispered.

"Yeah. Like I told you, I've met some of them. I know Chrono." Ritsuka answered, quietly.

'You know anything about Deimons?' Lee Seng asked Chrono. She raised her eyebrow, curious as to what Lee Seng meant.

'Of course. Demos come from the Hell Realms.' Chrono nodded. Lee Seng shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Not those." Lee Seng replied, verbally. All eyes drew on him in confusion. It seemed like the group was missing out on something. "Deimon. D-E-I-M-O-N."

"No, I don't know anything about that." Chrono shook her head. "Who is that?"

"Her subordinates call her Captain Childs. Apparently, she works under the Creator?" Lee Seng shrugged. "I'm not sure if this rings any bells for you, but she's hellbent on getting me to work for her."

"Did you say Captain Childs?" Chrono asked. Lee Seng nodded. Chrono simply nodded and motioned at the group. "I feel like I know that name… For now, let's get you into a more spacious place."

"What about Evan?" Ritsuka asked. "He's… knocked out."

"Why'd you knock him out if you were gonna use the portal?" Olivia asked. "You could've told him you weren't going to yeet us off the building this time."

"I panicked." Lee Seng shrugged.

"Felicity, there's vacant rooms, right?" Chrono asked the three tailed Fox. Felicity quickly pulled her phone out and began to type.

"Yes, there is." Felicity looked up at her senior.

"Let's block off an area for Lee Seng and his friends. In the meantime, we'll have to figure out next steps and I think we'll need to get the General involved."

"Sure thing – er, Yes, Senior Chrono." Felicity nodded.

"Lead our friends to their rooms." Chrono ordered Felicity. She turned and looked at Lee Seng. "In the meantime, make yourselves at home. No one will find you here. There's jamming runes that hide this place from sight." Chrono scanned the group, noticing some of their clothes had gotten burnt off. Lee Seng seemed to be the worst out of the entire group. "Felicity, have someone contact the Seamsters for some clothes for our guests, too."

"Yes, ma'am." Felicity nodded.

"I'll get in contact with you when I have something." Chrono told Lee Seng.

"Thanks, Chrono." Lee Seng nodded. Chrono waved goodbye and headed off to handle her work. Felicity turned and studied the large group as they shuffled out. Lee Seng lifted Evan off the bed and slowly maneuvered himself out, closing the door with his gravity.

"Alright, follow me." Felicity turned and led the way.

Felicity led down a couple flights. The place was deserted but smelled of lavender. Felicity turned and waited for the entire group to fill the hall before addressing them all.

"You'll be staying in this hall. The rooms in this hall are yours. There's one room for each person, so feel free to divvy it up however you want." Felicity told them. "Other than that, I'll be back shortly with the Seamsters for those who need clothes. We'll probably want you to blend in as much as possible, so keep that in mind with the clothes they offer you. Any questions?" Felicity scanned the crowd of Biohumans, eventually settling on her Senior Lee Seng. He didn't seem to have any sort of Fox Spirit qualities like the rumors said.

'If any of the rumors were right, it would probably be how much of a model he looks.' Felicity thought.

"No, I think we're good." Lee Seng shook his head as he looked at his friends. They all shook their heads and Felicity nodded.

"If you'll excuse me then, Senior Lee Seng and friends." Felicity bowed. "I'll be back." Lee Seng nodded, and the group watched Felicity leave. After they were sure she was gone, they huddled in the middle of the hallway and looked at each other.

"She had three tails!" Manny whispered. He looked over at Lee Seng. "That's not a lot compared to what we saw with Keng!"

"Do all Foxes have multiple tails?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah." Lee Seng nodded. "Each tail is sort of a milestone in one's journey. The more souls you harvest, you're able to evolve and progress onto the next tail."

"How many tails can you get? Nine? Ten?" Manny asked. Lee Seng adjusted Evan in his arms and glanced at his unconscious friend. He was sleeping way too peacefully.

"Nine." Lee Seng answered. "Can we ask questions after I put Evan down? I know I got all the strength in the world, but I don't want to wake him up."

"Fine." Manny grumbled. The group parted, allowing Lee Seng through. Lee Seng turned to the first room he saw and opened it telepathically. The door swung open, coming to a gentle stop near the wall as the light switch flicked on. Lee Seng moved over to the bed and pulled the blankets off and set Evan down. With a single motion, the covers moved on top of Evan as his shoes came off and set themselves next to his bed.

"We're just gonna stay here with people we don't know?" Manny asked after Lee Seng closed the door. Lee Seng sighed and moved to the next room, opening it and ushering everyone inside.

"I don't know what we're going to do." Lee Seng sighed. He left the door half-opened as he leaned against the wall. "All I know is I need to disappear for a while."

"What about us? We didn't necessarily die." Manny motioned at the rest of them. "Do we have a choice in this?"

"We could go back to our lives as students, right?" Liz asked the others. They were all unsure what was going to happen.

"And be found?" Olivia asked. She shook her head. "I don't want to be caught accidentally. Even if they assume we're dead and they were to somehow say we're officially dead, wouldn't that scare people if we just… showed back up to school?"

"I gotta agree with Olivia on this one." Ritsuka nodded. "We were in the middle of an assassination attempt. If we go back to school, we could be targeted." Liz let out a frustrating sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. Her hands found their way to her hair tie and pulled it off. She fixed her hair as she thought of what she should do.

"I can't just… Up and leave. My folks would be scared for their lives." Liz told them. "I… I can't do that to them. I know our situations are different, but what about our loved ones? Wouldn't they worry about us?"

"Well, I tried to kill mine so…" Lee Seng smacked his lips.

"You what?" Manny glanced over at him.

"The day after the 'murder' I went into this weird floaty state. I injured Dad and Akio. Akali had to use force to put me down… And literally recently, I fought against Akio and he went mad, so I…" Lee Seng looked away.

"What did you do?" Manny stood up. "Did you hurt him? Did you get hurt? Y'know Akio says a lot of crazy things when he's Mad."

"I know." Lee Seng sighed. "It's just… If you heard what he said to me, you'd be just as confused as I was… am… I am still confused by it." There was a long pause. Each person in this room was thinking of the situation and what would happen to them, leaving Lee Seng to think about what Akio had said.

"Akio said a lot of things to me… But calling me bad luck… hurts." Lee Seng quietly spoke. Manny and the others looked up. Manny was distraught over what Lee Seng just said. He rubbed his knuckles as he tried to hide the grief on him. What Akio had said was right in a way, but who would ever dare say that to anyone's face?

The guilt inside of Manny grew. 'Why do I feel guilty? Is it because what Akio said is true?'

"If I'm bad luck then the good luck Akali mentioned must be Keng or someone here." Lee Seng looked up. His eyes shook with tears as he rubbed them away. A knock came to the door as Liz checked to see if Manny was alright. They quietly chatted as Ritsuka and Olivia moved over to the door and settled their attention onto Felicity and three more strangers.

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