
Chapter 694 The Fauxhold Seamsters

"Who knew we'd be dressing the infamous Lee Seng." A Fox Spirit woman spoke. She didn't have any tails and looked clearly like a human. She and the other two Seamsters wore similar outfits. They were dressed in navy blue outfits. This woman seemed to wear a dress while the other woman wore more of a button-up outfit mirroring the man behind them.

"These are the Seamsters. Thankfully, we caught them before they headed back to Daros." Felicity informed the group.

"Ah," the man squeezed himself past the two ladies. He motioned at Lee Seng. "I understand you clearly are fine with your body but have some decency in front of women."

"Raj, it's fine." The second woman elbowed him. She stepped up next to Raj and smiled at the group. "They were in a dangerous situation. Who would have time to change?"

"Fashionably late is a wondrous thing everyone needs more of!" Raj exclaimed. "Am I wrong, dear?"

"Raj, Hayley, let's just handle our new clients." The woman in the navy dress spoke. She squeezed herself past Raj and stood in between the two groups. "My name is Corina. I'm the second generation of the Fauxhold family. My grandfather is a Seamster, and my family has learned the trade from him just like my father did. We're a part of the Fauxhold Seam Company. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Corina stuck her hand out and Lee Seng shook it.

"You're a hybrid?" Lee Seng asked.

"I see you are familiar with the term." Corina nodded. She gently pulled her hand away as Raj seemed to burst a vein from Lee Seng's indecent question.

"Raj." Hayley whispered. "He doesn't mean it like that." Raj's face grew red and Olivia and Ritsuka were looking at Lee Seng, confused. Lee Seng waved his hands in front of him and shook his head.

"Oh, I meant no disrespect in using that derogatory term." Lee Seng spoke. "I know some people who are okay with it. I didn't know others wouldn't like it. Sorry." He bowed as Hayley tugged Raj's arm, stopping him from doing anything stupid.

"It's alright, Mr. Chang." Corina smiled. "I know you mean no disrespect. You are the closest to what we would be, so please excuse Raj. He hasn't had the best experiences with those who use Hybrid. Forgive him."

"I-it's fine." Lee Seng bowed. Corina and Hayley bowed in return as Hayley tugged on Raj to do the same. Raj muttered something indistinguishable to Lee Seng and bowed.

"I am sorry. Forgive my behavior, sir." Raj begrudgingly apologized.

"There are five of you? I was told there's six." Corina looked around. "Where is the sixth one?"

"Oh, he's resting in the room to the right." Ritsuka answered, motioning.

"Raj, why don't you handle the gentlemen in that room, then?" Hayley offered. "We can handle the five in here."

"Leave you to help Miss Corina? Ha, you have decades before you're as good as me." Raj rolled his eyes. Hayley's cheeks puffed as she glared at Raj.

"Enough, you two. Raj, handle the gentlemen sleeping next door and then come and help. Hayley, you can work with the ladies since you're more comfortable with them. I'll handle the gentlemen in here." Corina ordered.

"Yes, madam." Raj and Hayley both nodded in unison. Raj excused himself and was led by Felicity to the room next door.

"Alright, ladies, which one wants to go first?" Hayley politely asked.

"I'll go first." Olivia raised her hand.

"Alright, let's head to another empty room." Hayley motioned.

"Will you be alright?" Liz asked.

"I'm fine." Manny nodded. "Go. Don't let them wait." Liz nodded and followed Hayley and Olivia out.

"Alright, that leaves me with you three." Corina smiled. "Seeing as Mr. Chang is the most impacted, I'll handle him first, if that's alright with you two?"

"That's fine." Ritsuka nodded.

"Cover him up. He likes the attention." Manny grinned. Lee Seng rolled his eyes and mouthed something to Manny. Manny snickered as Corina turned her attention onto Lee Seng. Lee Seng was used to his body being shown off but felt a bit awkward around Corina.

"Let me do a quick circle around you." Corina told him. Lee Seng moved away from the wall, giving Corina enough room to study him. She nodded, muttering numbers to herself as her eyes lit up in a blue light. "You have very nice proportions. You ever thought of modeling, Mr. Chang?"

"Uhhh… If you knew my reputation around here, you wouldn't want me." Lee Seng awkwardly answered. Manny snickered as Lee Seng stared daggers at him. He watched as Ritsuka sat next to Manny and couldn't help but smile.

"She likes you." Manny mouthed.

"Fuck off." Lee Seng mouthed. Corina waved her hand, pulling his attention away from his friends.

"Do you mind if I get some more accurate measurements first?" Corina asked.

"Uh, I don't mind." Lee Seng replied.

"Do you mind taking off your clothes? You can leave your undergarments on if you wish. It won't stop me from getting an accurate measurement."

"S-sure." Lee Seng pulled the burnt t-shirt off and let it drop to the ground. "Are you fine if I just… keep it like this?"

"We don't necessarily need to have you naked. You could've kept the shirt on, but I thought since you were practically naked on top, you might as well take it off." Corina smiled. "I will start my process, alright?"

"Su-sure." Lee Seng nodded. Corina quickly made her work of her measurements, scribbling them in air as she moved about. She lifted Lee Seng's arms and took their measurements. "Nice arms. You must stay in shape with all of the running around I've heard."

"Yeah, thanks." Lee Seng smiled.

"Alright, I think I got everything. Give me a second…" Corina turned and formed an energy needle from thin air. She began to furiously weave in the air as she muttered in Fox tongue to herself. Before Ritsuka and Manny's very eyes, they watched as threads began to form as she weaved clothes. A T-shirt, jacket, pants, socks and even shoes formed out of thin air, floating in the air as Corina finished up.

Corina set the needle off to the side and grabbed the clothes and handed it over to Lee Seng.

"Based on your skin tone, hair color, eye colors and body type, I think this will do for you." Corina motioned at the clothes.

"Wow, you got him down to a tee." Manny clapped. "He literally only wears that every day. I always wonder if he'll wear something else other than that, but if the Seamstress says you look good in it, I can't argue."

"I'll make a couple more outfits for travel. It'll be based on everything I've said. You can go ahead and change while I'm working. After I'm done, we'll move onto the next one." Corina motioned at Manny and Ritsuka. Corina turned around and began to weave again, leaving Lee Seng to change. Lee Seng pulled off his shorts and quickly pulled the clothes on.

Lee Seng couldn't believe the clothes fit exactly the way he wanted it to. The pants and shoes even felt comfortable like they've been worn before.

"Wow, I didn't think clothes could fit and feel so perfect." Lee Seng commented.

"I'm glad you find it satisfactory." Corina smiled. She handed him a couple more outfits along with two more pairs of shoes. They were city casual with a single outfit for more of that 'dressed up nightlife casual' look.  "Alright, who wants to go next?" Manny and Ritsuka raised their hands in unison, immediately looking at each other.

"I wanna go first." Ritsuka told Manny.

"I raised my hand first. I'll go first." Manny commented.

"Shouldn't you be modeling a healthy space, leader and let your subordinates go first?"

"I'm leader so I should obviously go next as Lee Seng went first." The two began to bicker as Lee Seng rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, they're always like this." Lee Seng apologized to Corina.

"It's alright. I'm used to this." Corina smiled. The door opened and Raj stepped into view.

"You both can go now." Lee Seng spoke loudly. He hushed both of his friends as he motioned to Raj. "Don't need to fight."

"I want Corina!" Ritsuka shouted. Manny and Ritsuka hopped on their feet and shoved Lee Seng aside as they rushed to the pretty woman. Corina smiled as the Biohuman boys fought against who would get tailored by the woman.

"Madam, do you need help?" Raj asked as a vein bulged on his head.

"I'm fine. I find it flattering they want me to help them." Corina chuckled. Lee Seng's clothes fell from his arms as he turned around. A dark energy grew, alerting Manny and Ritsuka.

"Don't act like wild dogs…" Lee Seng growled. Screams erupted from the room as Olivia and Liz looked at each other.

"What's happening over there?" Hayley asked as she carefully weaved.

"Cat and mouse." Liz chuckled.

"What?" Hayley looked over at Liz and Olivia. They were both nodding as they stifled their laughs. A loud bang was heard followed by Manny and Ritsuka's screams going quiet.

"Nothing." Liz shook her head.

"Those two are a handful. It's good to know Lee Seng can handle them." Olivia laughed.

"The boys must be a handful, huh?"

"Lee Seng and Evan aren't a handful at all. They're sweet. Manny and Ritsuka are always fighting. I don't understand why. What's there to prove?" Liz shrugged.

"Ah, it's like that." Hayley pulled the last thread and set the floating energy needle to the side. "I guess the men on Earth are like the men on Daros." She pulled the clothes together and handed them off to Liz. "A handful."

"Yup." Olivia smiled.

"Alright, let's do yours, Miss Olivia." Hayley motioned.

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