
Chapter 695 Evan Doesn't Like It

"Are you sure this isn't going to draw us in with people?" Manny asked. He tugged on the hoodie and looked at Corina and Raj. "I, uh… Don't feel like I'm blending in… It feels like I'm standing out."

"You'll blend in. Don't worry. Weaving takes long to perfect, and Madam Corina is the best of the best in our generation! You should trust the next leader of the Fauxhold Company!" Raj spoke up. Lee Seng stared at himself in the mirror. The clothes looked exactly like what he would wear. They looked even more expensive than his usual tastes.

"There's a magical stitch that'll make you blend in." Corina translated Raj's boastful words. "I've studied Biohuman fashion for a while and I think you'll do just fine."

"The real reason why you're getting clothes made from the wonderful Seamsters is because they're quite verse in runic stitching." Felicity explained. She stood in the open doorway, taking in the Biohuman boys. Corina nodded, agreeing with Felicity.

"We're trained to stitch runes into clothes. These runes will allow you to pass as human if you're unable to shift." Corina continued her explanation. "Altering one's energy with clothes is a hard task to do. You shouldn't be found so easily, but in case you come across someone you may know, it'll make it hard for them to discern if you're really you."

"It'll give you enough time to escape their view." Felicity nodded. "Along with all that was mentioned, these clothes are high-grade in their quality. Think of it as armor you would wear into a dungeon. Lady Fauxhold and her two Seamsters are really good. You won't have to worry about tears, burns, knicks, et cetera. They are the best of the best."

Felicity turned as if she heard someone walk past her, only to nod and turn back. She unfolded her arms and legs and looked at the group of boys.

"The General's back… Apparently with the Commander. I guess your problem is really big, Senior Lee Seng." Felicity informed them. "Wait here until someone comes to fetch you guys. In the meantime, Lady Corina, Sir Raj, are you ready to go?"

"Yes. We're ready." Lady Corina nodded. She turned her attention to Lee Seng and the others. "If you are in Daros, come see me in the biggest Daros city full of humans and Foxes."

"Thank you so much for your work." Ritsuka bowed. Lady Corina and Sir Raj politely bowed before turning.

"We'll swing by if we're in the neighborhood." Lee Seng nodded.

"Have a good day." Lady Corina waved. "We're off. Raj, get Hayley." Raj nodded and set off for Hayley in the next room. A few seconds later, the girls came out with Hayley and Raj, giggling and chatting away as they said their goodbyes.

"Thanks so much. I didn't think I could rock this." Liz waved.

"Oh, gurl, you look stunning in anything! Be more confident. Adding a couple of colors to your usual color palette will help tons! I'm very happy to see you glow like the water goddess! If you need anything else, come see me, alright? I'll set you up!" Hayley waved.

"Will do!" Liz turned, teeth gleaming as the boys all set eyes on her. She wore a white t-shirt underneath her black dress that went down to her knees. The top portion was netted, easily peering into the white t-shirt. She wore a gold necklace with a purple gem on it.

"Wow." Manny was the first to speak as Liz stepped into the room with Olivia behind her.

"Looks good." Ritsuka gave a thumbs up.

"Looks really good." Lee Seng agreed. He turned to look at Manny, who was shocked. His mouth was open, and Lee Seng could see the ticking time bomb about to go off in his head.

"She said this would be great on me." Liz turned around. Olivia wandered over to the bed. She was in a white sweater and blue jeans. She looked comfortable and satisfied with her outfit choice. Lee Seng elbowed Manny and smiled.

"You should close your mouth before you start drooling." Lee Seng whispered. Manny blinked a couple of times and shook his head. Liz turned to face him, all smiles.

"Does it suit me?" Liz asked Manny.

"Y-yeah." Manny nodded. "It suits you… a lot."

"I wore dresses before, but I've never thought about going this route. Hayley told me I would rock it as something more casual. She told me darker colors suited me more, but I should opt for a couple eye-popping light pieces."

"Everything she wore looked great." Olivia commented.

"Everything you wore looked good and trendy." Liz complimented Olivia. Olivia smiled and leaned back on the bed.

"Where's—" Olivia began to say when a scream erupted. "Evan…" The group rushed over to the next room.

"Oh my god! What the hell?!?" Evan patted himself. He was wearing a polo tucked into some business casual gray pants. Dress shoes set off to the side. "T-this isn't me at all! Did one of you change me?" He whipped his head over and realized they were all changed.

"Calm down, Ev." Ritsuka spoke. "We got new clothes while you were out. You should try the other clothes to see if they're good too."

"Doubt he'll need to do that." Olivia commented. "If Hayley perfectly captured our looks, Evan's is perfect."

"N-no! I look like a preppy rich boy in this! Look! A polo tucked into gray pants with dress shoes? H-how am I supposed to fight in this?" Evan shouted.

"Have you tried moving in it?" Manny asked the obvious question.

"This reminds me of what I wore every day before I joined the Academy! I don't want it!" Evan began to pull the polo shirt off, revealing his slightly formed abs.

"Ev, be decent." Ritsuka grabbed Evan's hands. "There are girls here. If you don't like it, try one of the other outfits. I'm pretty sure Sir Raj made a casual outfit that would suit you better." Evan begrudgingly allowed Ritsuka to pull his shirt down and put the stack of clothes in his arms and moved him towards the bathroom. "Try em and see if you like any of them."

Minutes went by with Evan muttering and grumbling to himself while he tried the outfits on. He eventually came out of the bathroom in a button up and business gray slacks.  Evan really didn't seem too satisfied with it as his friends looked up.

"Doesn't look too bad." Ritsuka commented. "Fits you well."

"Feels too tight." Evan tugged at his neck. He had buttoned the full thing up and found it hard to breathe. "I'm gonna take this off."

"Wait." Lee Seng moved over and removed Evan's hand from his neck.

"What're you doing?" Evan asked as Lee Seng unbuttoned a couple buttons. "It feels too… airy now. I don't like it. I rather be strangled than wear it like this."

"It suits you better." Lee Seng stepped back, revealing Evan to the group.

"Woah." Liz clapped slowly. "Hot nerd."

"I'm… I'm not a nerd!" Evan began to turn as Lee Seng reached out for him.

"C'mon, give it a try." Lee Seng pulled him back. "Liz likes it. I like it."

"I like it." Ritsuka raised his hand.

"Me too." Manny nodded. All eyes went to Olivia who was still studying Evan. She wore her usual blank face. Evan didn't know how she would take it. Olivia moved over and plucked the watch off the dresser and put it on Evan.

"There." Olivia nodded, satisfied. "Complete." She took a step back and gave him a thumbs up.

"I… I don't know." Evan awkwardly looked down. He played with watch as his hand occasionally reached up to button the unbuttoned portion of his shirt.

"Knock, knock!" Valen announced himself. The group turned to look at the doorway, noticing Valen standing there. Valen's eyes landed on Ritsuka and Lee Seng, waving at them. "So you two are here! And with your friends!"

"H-hello." Manny nodded. Valen nodded and stepped into the room.

"Hi hi! I'm Valen. I'm here to take you to the Commander and General." Valen waved. "Nice to see you again, Ritsuka. We should fight sometime. I wanna see if you've improved."

"Sure. Maybe after things settle." Ritsuka nodded.

"You know him?" Evan whispered to Ritsuka. Ritsuka nodded.

"I sparred against him while I was in Daros." Ritsuka answered. Evan reached up to button another button. Ritsuka snatched Evan's hand and pulled it down. "You look fine. You're not indecent."


"Senior Valen, what's the hold—Holy humans!" Shang's head popped from the right side of the doorway. His eyes instantly locked onto Lee Seng and his body came out from behind the doorway and into the room. "Senior Lee Seng! You're here! I didn't know the VVIP was you!" Without hesitation, Shang bearhugged Lee Seng. "I never thought I'd see you so soon! What're you doing here? Wait, I think I know. I was briefed on this. I should recall it if you give me some time."

Lee Seng gently pushed Shang away and allowed the four tail Fox to think. Valen sighed and wrapped his arm around Shang's neck.

"Shang, you must not do that ever again to Lee Seng." Valen scolded him. "It would be weird if you did that to anyone you didn't really know."

"But I know him!" Shang protested. "He's the infamous Lee Seng! The infamous Twins! How could I not—"

"That's not the point, dude." Valen shook his head. He pointed a finger at Shang and looked him in the eyes. "No physical contact with strangers and acquaintances such as Lee Seng unless they're offering to shake your hand or something, okay?"

"Okay…" Shang's chippy demeanor turned sad for a moment. He quickly removed himself from Valen's grasp and spun around. "Hello everybody. I assume you are Senior Lee Seng's friends. I am Shang. I'm Valen's pupil!"

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