Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

As the situation surrounding our Joseon is like this, we need a solution to resolve it. I will give you five days. I hope that you, my ministers, will deliberate repeatedly and present good opinions.

At King Sejongs command, all the ministers bowed their heads and replied.

We shall obey your order!

After issuing the order to the ministers, King Sejong turned to Hyang.

Crown Prince, the same goes for you.

I shall obey your command.


Having received the order, Hyang returned to his office at the research institute and grumbled with pouted lips.

Oh, goodness I should just make a steam locomotive and be done with it

In Hyangs mind, the issues related to Japan were the most difficult of challenges.

Even the name of this country is problematic

The part Hyang mentioned was Japans official name.

Japans formal country name was Nippon. Therefore, when looking at the records of official documents regarding envoys sent by the Bakufus shogun, it was always recorded as Envoy of the King of Nippon.

It was the same for Ming. When Ming sent envoys to Japan, the diplomatic letters they sent along always addressed the recipient as the King of Nippon.

However, both Ming and Joseon referred to them as Wae, dwarfs () internally.

But this derogatory term was not only applied to Japan. Both Ming and Joseon had their own derogatory names.

Therefore, Hyang had no choice but to conclude by clicking his tongue.

Tsk! This issue probably wont be resolved until humanity goes extinct Since Waeguk rolls off the tongue better than Ilbon, lets keep calling it Waeguk and Lets get to the main point, the main point


Hyang gathered his thoughts and immediately summarized the situation.

First, the question is whether Japans current political system is truly beneficial to our Joseon.

  • Currently, Japans political system is the Bakufu system. The current Bakufus shogun, Ashikaga Yoshinori, has a firm grip on power. Rumor has it that he is carrying out quite a reign of terror, which is worrisome.

This was where Hyangs prediction was correct. Looking at the history before Hyangs intervention, this shogun eventually met his end through assassination.

  • Even if we were to empower the Japanese Emperor, putting aside the feasibility, it would not benefit our Joseon at all.

If the central government of Japan became a mess, the Japanese pirates would immediately start rampaging.

  • The parts our Joseon should be most concerned about are the safety of the coastal regions and the security of maritime trade routes.
  • Relying solely on Joseons side is inefficient in securing this safety. Our Joseon must secure naval supremacy at least up to the northern regions of Kyushu.

Having summarized the situation thus far, Hyang sighed.

All of this has been repeatedly mentioned before. Its like beating a dead horse.

To find a brilliant solution to the difficult problem, Hyang continued to ponder deeply.

  • For Kyushus safety to be secured, the Kyushu Provincial Governor and the Ouchi clan must have control over Kyushu.

The second problem arises here. The Kyushu Provincial Governor is known to be loyal to the Bakufu, but the Ouchi clan is the issue.

  • Looking at the records of Ouchi Moriharu, who currently rules the Ouchi clan, he rose to the position of ruler through internal strife. This suggests he is an ambitious individual.
  • If we support him and the Ouchi clan becomes powerful, they may challenge the Bakufus authority.
  • However, if we dont support him, it becomes difficult to pursue our interests in the Kyushu region.


Having organized the situation up to this point, Hyang pondered his next move with his arms crossed, looking at the documents and maps.

Should I mobilize the warships and wreak havoc on every single port?

Hyang, who had considered an extreme method, immediately shook his head.

Theres no justification. And if we do such a thing, it immediately leads to an all-out war with Japan. Joseon still lacks the capacity to handle an all-out war. Moreover, the number of warships is too small, so gaps will inevitably form.

According to the records Hyang had read, the Japanese pirates who invaded Goryeo and Joseon mobilized large numbers of small and medium-sized ships rather than large ships. If the Japanese pirates started rampaging again and flocked with such small and medium-sized vessels as before, a complete blockade would be impossible.

The same applied to blockading Japans ports. The ports of this era were not like the ports of the 21st century, which required massive time and costs to rebuild if destroyed. As long as it was a place that could avoid waves and had a suitable depth for ships to dock, it could be used as a port anywhere.

Japanese ships were the same. Of course, it wasnt that they didnt require any cost at all, but compared to iron ships, they consumed less cost and time.

Hyang, who had been calculating the option of using force, shook his head.

So, to resolve this situation, the army would eventually have to go in and occupy Anyway, the army is a numbers game, and thats our Joseons weakness.

The population of Joseon during this period was slightly below 6 million. (Note 1)

However, Japan had a larger territory than Joseon and a larger population. And this situation had never been reversed.

Moreover, Hyang, who was accustomed to international news in the 21st century, had a negative view of military annexation.

Even if they fight to the death among themselves inside, the ones invading from the outside are more hateful. If were not careful, we might exhaust ourselves trying to maintain the occupied territories, and the foundation might crumble.

Hyang let out a long sigh.

Phew~. The problem is that Japan is not Africa. England was lucky.

This was Hyangs misunderstanding.


Until the era of imperialism, most of the African continent operated on a tribal level. Therefore, England easily expanded its colonies by employing the tactic of using barbarians to control barbarians. However, in places where national identity had already begun to emerge to some extent, they had to struggle quite a bit.

A prime example was the Anglo-Zulu War.

And entering the 20th century, they had to endure continuous resistance.


If our Joseon wants to pursue military expansion, its an issue to consider after the population exceeds 10 million. 10 million At least one generation (about 30 years) must pass.

During this period in Joseon, it was not surprising to see grandchildren even in ones 30s.

To put it bluntly, there were hardly any contraceptives, and childbirth occurred during the most fertile age. And until then, high birth rate, high death rate was common due to hygiene issues, but it was steadily improving through Hyangs intervention.

Therefore, Hyang had reached a conclusion through his own calculations.

In the end, no matter what, we need to increase the population first. Only with a sufficient headcount can we do anything.


In conclusion, economic invasion is the best option after all. Although it is also risky, its still better than other methods.

Having reached a conclusion, Hyang sighed again.

Damn samurai They always make things difficult!

Having decided on the strategy, Hyang rummaged through the reports to find a suitable tactic an economic tool.

What would be appropriate What

As Hyang was sifting through information related to Japan, he shook his head.

Theyre all rumors, and their freshness has deteriorated The most recent one is from half a year ago

Hyang, who was complaining about the quality of information, took out a sheet of paper and grabbed a gold pen.

The first thing to do is to establish a trading post on the Japanese mainland. Even if we overlook the reliability, the freshness deteriorates too much when it comes from across the sea.

Hyang wrote Establish Trading Post on the paper and unfolded a map. It was a map created by compiling information obtained through envoys sent by Joseon and merchants coming from Japan.

The map depicted the rough shapes of the three main islands of Japan, and the names of the clans governing those regions and the names of major areas were marked.

Hmm Where would be good?

Hyang examined the map as if he were selecting an item from a display case.

Hyangs behavior seemed to suggest that a trading post could be established anywhere in Japan.

However, this was not Hyangs arrogance.

As the reforms progressed, the level of Joseons commerce and industry, especially the craftsmen, had improved by leaps and bounds. The products they made, from high-end items with five golden plum blossoms attached to straw shoes made by a neighborhood craftsman, were rapidly improving in quality.

As a result, merchants from Ming and Japan were eagerly buying Joseons goods. While Mings merchants mainly purchased high-end products, Japans merchants bought low- to mid-priced products in large quantities.

Although they were low- to mid-priced goods, considering Japans technological level, they could reap significant profits beyond sufficiency.

Therefore, Hyang was confident about establishing a trading post. There would be no foolish Japanese lords who would miss out on the benefits of having a trading post in their territory.

No, considering the temperament of the Japanese, there might be such people.

Hyang examined the map with a more serious expression.

After scouring the map for a while, Hyang focused on one location.

Nagato would be good. Its under the control of the Ouchi clan, so its convenient to observe the situation

As Hyang was examining the map, he snapped his fingers upon seeing the region east of Nagato.

I forgot about this region! If we play our cards right, we can control the Ouchi clan!

The place Hyang pointed to was labeled as Iwami on the map. In Japanese, it was called Iwami.

It was the location of a mine known as Japans largest silver mine from the Sengoku period to the Edo period.

Having confirmed Iwami, Hyang rummaged through the relevant reports to assess the situation.

There are rumors of a silver mine, but no rumors of full-scale development.

Reading the record, Hyang showed a puzzled expression.

Huh? In the novels I read in the 21st century, this was the place that had to be seized no matter what. Because of the immense silver mine. But why not yet?

The Iwami silver mine began full-scale development in 1526, nearly 100 years from now.

However, unaware of that fact, Hyang came up with the most plausible reason.

With Japans current metal smelting level, it must have been difficult to dig deep

This was somewhat true.

Japans technological level did not surpass Joseons until they brought a large number of Joseons craftsmen during the Japanese invasions of Korea.


Hyang, who had written down the location for establishing a trading post and the Iwami silver mine on the paper, muttered with his arms crossed.

This is a bit lacking Is there any good card?

While Hyang was pondering for a suitable card to persuade the Japanese lords, a eunuchs voice was heard from outside.

Your Highness, someone has come from Area 51.

Let them in.

After a brief moment, an official entered and bowed to Hyang.

What is the matter?

Your Highness, the cotton gin you had ordered has finally been completed.

At the officials report, Hyangs face lit up brightly.

Thats truly great news! Please give me the report!

Here it is, Your Highness.

Hyang quickly received the report from the official and swiftly examined its contents.

After reviewing the report, Hyang issued an order to the official.

Tell those involved that they have done a great job, and prepare rewards according to the internal regulations.

Yes, Your Highness!

As the official left, Hyang clenched his fist.

A fantastic card has arrived! The race begins!

With a confident smile, Hyang added a sentence to the paper.

  • Cotton cultivation commission.

Having written the sentence, Hyang showed a self-assured expression.

With the completion of the cotton gin and the success of large-scale cotton cultivation, cotton fabric will become cost-effective! And

Pausing for a moment, Hyang glared at the map of Japan.

The first button will be fastened to make Japans economy dependent on our Joseon!


Note 1) Koreas History from an Economists Perspective (13), The Korea Economic Daily. /news/article/2014051670741

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