Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Five days later, King Sejong asked the ministers.

So, have you devised a plan to resolve the situation surrounding our Joseon, especially Japan?

At King Sejongs question, Chief State Councillor Lee Jik stepped forward.

The high-ranking officials have gathered and deliberated, and we have come up with a plan to some extent.

Is that so? Please explain it.

At King Sejongs words, Lee Jik gestured to an official seated behind him. The official brought forward a large map depicting parts of Joseon and Japan on a scroll.

In our opinion, forcefully annexing Japan is an overreach. However, it is also evident that leaving Japan alone will become a source of constant concern for our Joseon. Therefore, we must tame Japan.

Why is the prologue so long?

Hyang, who was grumbling inwardly at Lee Jiks words, glanced at King Sejongs face.

Oh no! His blood pressure is rising!

At Lee Jiks presentation, which followed the lengthy classical style, King Sejongs expression was gradually turning fierce. Finally, King Sejong interrupted Lee Jik.

Thats true So?

Realizing that King Sejongs tone was unusual, Lee Jik hurriedly got to the main point.

Therefore, we believe the most appropriate course of action is to first establish Tsushima Island under our Joseons effective control and support the lords in Japan who are favorable to us to expand our influence!

At Lee Jiks answer, King Sejong softened his expression and stroked his beard.

After briefly reflecting on Lee Jiks statement, King Sejong asked Lee Jik.

I know Tsushima Island is subservient to us, but it is also subservient to Japan. If we exert effective control, will Japan remain silent?

The issue of Tsushima Islands dual subservience was known to all three countries in Northeast Asia. Therefore, if mishandled, it could escalate into an international problem.

At King Sejongs point, Lee Jik promptly replied.

Of course, if we claim it as Joseons territory right now, there will be a conflict. However, we can rule it without making it our territory.

At Lee Jiks frank answer, King Sejong briefly asked.


Lee Jik gestured to the official standing next to the map. As the official turned the page, a large map depicting Tsushima Island appeared.

Lee Jik pointed at the map with a pointer and continued his explanation.

We will demand the cession of Asama Bay, where our Joseon army first set up camp during the last conquest of Tsushima, and the Ofunakoshi area on the opposite side as naval ports.

Whats the justification?

The Asama Bay area is for patrolling and protecting the route from Dongnae to Japan, and the Ofunakoshi area is for patrolling and protecting the route from Japan, especially Kyushu, to Dongnae.

Not bad.

King Sejong, who was nodding at Lee Jiks answer, immediately found a problem.

But will the Lord of Tsushima agree?

Given the current situation in Tsushima, the Lord will surely agree.


At Lee Jiks answer, King Sejong tried to recall.


Although the conquest of Tsushima had dampened the momentum of the Japanese pirates, Joseon did not stop being vigilant towards Tsushima.

This intensified as the reforms progressed, as the composition of Japanese merchants residing in the Japanese settlement had changed.

Over time, merchants from Kyushu began to dominate, while most of the merchants were originally from Tsushima.

This was not a natural change. Joseon sought out even the slightest flaw to expel merchants from Tsushima and give their positions to Japanese merchants from other regions.

As a result, Tsushima had no choice but to rely on the intermediary trade conducted by the few remaining merchants and the grain provided by Joseon.


Hmm It might be possible

King Sejong muttered while nodding his head.

Hyang, who was watching this from the side, had the same reaction.

Amazing! These gentlemen thought of such a move! I was thinking of a policy of starvation through economic blockade and isolation


Hyang also knew that Tsushima was a thorn in the side. As a method to solve this problem, Hyang was assuming the use of force.

The problem is finding a justification

To accumulate justification for the use of force, Hyang had thought of a method that the United States had frequently employed in the 21st century economic sanctions.

Noticing that the area controlled by the Ouchi clan was the northern part of Kyushu and the Chugoku region of Japan, Hyang had considered a complete economic blockade of Tsushima.

  • Make the Ouchi clan the main trading partner and thoroughly exclude Tsushima. This will corner Tsushima.
  • The moment the threshold is crossed, Tsushima will try to use force the Japanese pirates. The moment they use force, it becomes a good justification for the conquest of Tsushima.
  • Complement the parts missed in the last conquest of Tsushima and firmly make Tsushima Joseons territory.
  • Profit!

This was Hyangs plan.

However, the method devised by the ministers, led by Lee Jik, was less economically burdensome than Hyangs method and more fatal.

As Lee Jik had mentioned, Tsushimas current situation was at its worst.

Its as serious as when the boycott movement occurred in the 21st century.

With most of the island being mountainous, Tsushima could not survive independently.

Therefore, Tsushima had to rely on intermediary trade. However, as both Goryeo and Japan fell into turmoil, intermediary trade became impossible, and they began to engage in piracy, symbolized by the Japanese pirates.

However, as mentioned earlier, with the conquest of Tsushima and the progress of the reforms, the Japanese pirates were suppressed, and Tsushima was gradually declining as it was pushed out of the trading market.


It seems like a good method, but is it feasible? If I were the Lord of Tsushima, I wouldnt easily accept it no matter how dire the situation.

There is a way to make them accept.

Theres a way?

Lee Jik answered with a confident expression.

Yes. We can use two things. One is the port usage fee, and the other is the monopoly office.

I understand the port usage fee, but using the monopoly office? How?

Tsushima is subservient to Joseon. Therefore, legally speaking, the Japanese of Tsushima are our Joseons people. Consequently, there is no problem in establishing and using a monopoly office.

King Sejong nodded at Lee Jiks explanation.

Not bad. So, what amount are you considering for the port usage fee?

50 nyang of silver per month for the two locations combined.

50 nyang of silver?

The white rice bestowed upon the Lord of Tsushima is 100 seom per year.(Note 1) The Lord of Tsushima will surely agree.

At Lee Jiks explanation, King Sejong recalled the information he had received regarding prices. Although there were fluctuations depending on the harvest and prices were gradually rising recently, the price of one seom of white rice was roughly between 1 and 1.5 nyang of silver.

As King Sejong showed a positive response, Lee Jik spoke with emphasis.

However, the usage fee paid to the Lord of Tsushima will not be in actual silver but in paper money, and the transactions at the monopoly office will also be conducted only in currency.

At Lee Jiks words, King Sejong burst into laughter.

Hahaha! If that happens, Tsushima will have no choice but to obey our Joseon without using force. Excellent! Regarding Tsushima, implement that plan!

At King Sejongs decision, all the ministers bowed and replied.

We shall obey your command!


With the matter of Tsushima settled, King Sejong moved on to the next topic.

Now that Tsushima is taken care of What are your thoughts on dealing with the Japanese mainland?

As I mentioned earlier, we have decided to move in the direction of encroaching on Japans economy (gyeongse)(Note 2) based on the lords who are favorable to our Joseon. We are still deliberating on the means to achieve this.

At Lee Jiks honest answer, King Sejong nodded.

It is indeed not an easy task. Taking control of a countrys livelihood.

As King Sejong gently moved on, the ministers all bowed their heads.

We will do our utmost!

After the ministers response, Hyang spoke up.

I have also deliberated on something. May I speak of it?

At Hyangs words, King Sejongs face lit up.

Oh? I permit it! Speak quickly.

With King Sejongs permission, Hyang moved to the scroll where the map was hanging.

Lets see

Hyang found the complete map of Japan after flipping through a few pages and began his explanation.

I also had similar thoughts to the ministers. So I came up with a few ideas. First, the method that can be implemented the soonest is here.

Pointing to Nagato on the map, Hyang continued.

Establishing a trading post in Nagato.

A trading post?

Yes. Looking at Nagato, it can be directly reached from Dongnae without going through Tsushima. And its the territory of the Ouchi clan, who are friendly with us.

I see.

As King Sejong nodded, Kim Jeom raised a question.

If a trading post is opened in Nagato, wont the number of Japanese merchants visiting Joseon decrease? The tax revenue will decrease. On the contrary, we will have to pay trading post taxes to the Ouchi clan, so expenditures will increase.

Of course, that aspect exists. However, if we look at the Japanese merchants entering our Joseon, half of them are indeed merchants, but shouldnt we consider the other half as spies? And arent the problems caused by the warriors who entered under the pretext of escorting the merchants also significant? If the number of Japanese merchants decreases, the number of warriors will also decrease, reducing the burden on public order. And conversely, cant we also send merchants to learn about the situation in Japan more quickly?

Thats true.

While Kim Jeom was nodding, Jo Mal-saeng exclaimed in admiration.

That is indeed true! Its a brilliant move!

If this gentleman gets too excited, he might even clap like a seal!

Hyang, who responded to Jo Mal-saengs flattery with a slight bow, continued.

The number of Japanese merchants visiting Joseon may decrease, but it wont completely disappear. Not all of our Joseons products are available at the trading post. Japanese merchants will continue to visit the Japanese settlement to find products they need that are not available at the trading post.

The ministers nodded at those words. It was a situation they had already become accustomed to through the trading post established in Shandong. Although the scale of the trading post established in Shandong was enormous, not all of Joseons products were available there. Therefore, a considerable number of merchants from Ming consistently visited Jemulpo.

This is the first proposal. The second proposal is right here.

Hyang pointed to Iwami and continued.

A place called Iwami. According to the records, there is a silver mine here. As if the gods and spirits are aiding us, this place is also under the control of the Ouchi clan. Therefore, we will develop the silver mine together with the Ouchi clan.

As soon as the words silver mine were mentioned, the eyes of King Sejong and the ministers began to sparkle fiercely.

Goodness! Look at those eyes! Theyre piercing!

Observing the eyes that seemed to emit lasers rather than just sparkle, Hyang continued.

We will provide the mining tools, and in return, we will directly employ the Japanese to develop the mine. The ore extracted in this way will be divided between the Ouchi clan and us in an appropriate ratio.

What is the reason for directly employing the Japanese?

To pay wages to the employed Japanese. Once they have wealth in their hands, they will naturally spend it.

At Hyangs answer, Kim Jeom showed a regretful expression.

If we could establish a monopoly office there, we could make a significant profit

We will establish a monopoly office.

What do you mean? Its possible with Tsushima since they are subservient to us, but that place is the Japanese mainland. Although the Ouchi clan is friendly with us, claiming their roots are in Baekje, is that even possible?

We will send Joseon mining technicians. Around 100 people. Of course, this includes their families and the troops to protect them.

At Hyangs answer, King Sejong and the ministers collectively exclaimed in admiration.


The justification was sufficient. What could they say about establishing a monopoly office for Joseon people? Of course, they could find fault and prevent the Japanese from using that monopoly office, but there was always a backdoor everywhere.


Note 1) According to the Gyehae Treaty signed with the Lord of Tsushima in the 25th year of King Sejongs reign (1443), 200 seok of annual tribute rice and beans were given to the Lord of Tsushima. This is the authors imagination based on that information.

Note 2) The word gyeongje is known to be a shortened form of gyeongsejemin (governing the world and saving the people). It is said that the word gyeongje acquired the meaning of economy as we know it in the late 19th century, originating from Japan. Therefore, in the text, the word gyeongse is continuously used instead of gyeongje.

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