Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

As autumn deepened, the nation began calculating the collected taxes, leading to a financial review of the Joseon Dynasty’s income and expenses.

“Hmm… We’ve narrowly avoided a crisis.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Upon King Sejong’s evaluation, all the ministers nodded in agreement.


Ever since the tax reform had begun, the expenses of the Joseon government had been steadily increasing. The numbers of officials and professional soldiers had been growing—albeit gradually—and there were large expenditures for mines and steel mills.

The problem was that the rate of increase in tax revenue, the most critical source of income, was lagging behind the rate of increase in expenditures.

Of course, compared to the first year of the tax reform, the Gapjin year, the tax revenue had been continually increasing. However, the rate of expenditure increase had always been a step ahead.

To solve this problem, King Sejong had to implement a series of daring policies.

Firstly, lands granted to the government officials, starting with the meritocratic lands, were continually being reclaimed.

“From now on, ‘the right to collect rent’ from the lands given to the officials will be reclaimed. In return, the monthly salaries will be paid in kind and will be increased.”

According to Sejong’s decision, meritocratic lands and other agricultural lands that were given to the meritocrats and ministers began to be reclaimed in batches. The only people exempted from this action were the royal family.

As promised, Sejong increased the amount of stipends given to his subjects.

As mentioned before, Joseon had significantly reduced the stipends given to the royal family and officials when the country was founded.

For the royal family, it was reduced to 1/6, and for the officials, it was reduced to 1/4, reflecting the initial circumstances of Joseon.

Sejong increased the stipends based on the following criteria:

– Low-ranking officials would receive half compared to those during the Goryeo period, and high-ranking officials would receive a third.

– Instead of hereditary lands like “Sushinjeon” (Dower lands) and “Hyeollyangjeon” (patrimonial lands for minor descendants), they would receive a monthly stipend equivalent to what a minor rank-1 official would get. However, this would be limited to 10 years.

[TL/N: Sushinjeon, also known as dower lands, are meritocratic lands that were once owned by deceased government officials and are subsequently allocated to their widowed spouses, who can either cultivate these lands or collect rent from them. As for Hyeollyangjeon, in the case where both government officials and their spouses have died, these meritocratic lands are transferred to their heirs.]

Through these criteria, Sejong reclaimed the lands as royal property.


In later years, historians assessed this period as Sejong’s first crisis. If there had been opposition during the process of reclaiming the economic foundations of the meritocrats, Sejong could have been ousted from power.

However, this crisis was overcome by three variables.

The first was the purge of senior ministers, including Ryu Jeong-hyeon.

Though the immediate cause was the conflict between Sejong and senior ministers over smallpox vaccination, the deeper issue was a clash between Sejong, who sought royal authority, and senior ministers who wanted shared power with the king.

In later years, even historians thought that the immediate nationwide implementation of smallpox vaccination—which had not yet been proven effective—was risky. Therefore, the senior ministers’ revolt was inevitable.

However, when the effectiveness of smallpox vaccination was proven through an outbreak near Hanyang, the senior ministers were ousted from power.

Their ousting, following the purge of Queen Wongyeong’s Min family during Taejong’s reign and the Shim On faction when Sejong ascended the throne, significantly weakened the power of the senior ministers who had been influential since the founding of Joseon.

[TL/N: Read more on Queen Wongyeong’s Min family’s purge HERE. As for Shim On, he was Sejong’s father-in law and Queen Soheon’s father, and was also the Chief State Councillor before being framed of treason by his political rivals.]

As a result, there was no focal point for forces to gather to oust Sejong, allowing him to overcome the crisis. This was the first variable.

This was the third major purge since the founding of Joseon, significantly diminishing the influence of the senior ministers.

As a result, the focal point for any forces that could oust Sejong was lost, enabling him to overcome the crisis. This was the first key factor.

The second variable was the Crown Prince.

Sejong’s eldest son, Hyang, was made Crown Prince and developed various cultural artifacts and technologies, including metal types.

Because the Crown Prince also excelled in commercialization, this led to the expansion of Joseon’s trade and, consequently, an increase in tax revenue.

As a result, the officials in the government, convinced of their economic security, actively cooperated with Sejong’s policies.

The military was no different, and Sejong was able to secure considerable power.

The third variable was ‘punishment.’

A form of punishment called ‘document sorting punishment’ was the most non-violent yet cruel punishment.

However, there was an unexpected effect of this punishment.

Among the punishments commonly applied to the ruling class of Joseon, exile was the most frequent.

Being ousted from the power circle with the king appeared superficially harsh, but if the person had the will and maintained adequate security, they could maintain or even increase their power while in exile.

However, the document sorting punishment fundamentally blocked such opportunities. The convict had to move within the king’s sight, and the physical and mental fatigue accumulated from organizing the documents almost completely halted the convict’s external activities.


“Due to the Hanseong fire, we had unexpected large expenditures. However, fortunately, this year’s harvest has been good, and we’ve profited greatly from trade with Japan, so it seems we will have some flexibility in next year’s budget.”

Upon hearing the report from the Ministry of Taxation, King Sejong reviewed the documents once again and looked at the government officials.

“What do you think about inviting the tribal chiefs of Yain Jurchens this year?”

The officials pondered Sejong’s question briefly. After a moment, the Right State Councilor, Lee Jik, spoke up.

“Given that things are going well this year, it seems fitting to extend an invitation that we couldn’t last year.”

Following Lee Jik’s statement, Hwang Hui spoke.

“Agreed. There are unusual movements in Geonju, so I think we should expedite our eastward expansion.”

Hwang Hui’s words were followed by reinforcement from Maeng Sa-seong.

“Do you remember the previous event with the Odori tribe? They profit by going back and forth between us and Ming. We should solidify our boundaries on this occasion.”

With everyone in agreement, King Sejong made his decision.

“Very well. Select emissaries and send them to the Jurchens. What date should we choose?”

Hwang Hui responded as if he had been waiting for the question.

Sanggang (the day the first frost falls, around October 24th in the solar calendar) would be suitable.”

“Sanggang, huh… Sounds good.”

Upon settling the date, King Sejong looked at the ministers.

“Advance eastward starting from this year’s Sanggang.”



‘Advancing eastward’ was a significant part of the military strategy that King Sejong created for the growth of Joseon.

Due to Li Manzhu’s southern invasion, the influence of the Ming over the Jurchens increased, and conversely, the influence of Joseon weakened. To counter this situation, Sejong fell into deep contemplation.

[TL/N: Li Manzhu or known as Ni Manju in Korean, was a commander of Jianzhou Guards during Ming dynasty. I don’t know the specifics of his importance during this time but there are mentions of his name multiple times in Sejong’s Veritable Records.]

Witnessing this, Hyang suggested establishing a specialized agency to Sejong.

“Establish a specialized agency?”

“Yes, your Majesty. You don’t need to take responsibility for everything. Like sharing opinions with ministers on administrative matters, wouldn’t it be best to discuss military affairs with military commanders?”

“That makes sense, but the civil officials will oppose it.”

“Neither the military should look down on the civil sector, nor should the civil sector look down on the military.”

Convinced by Hyang’s words, Sejong nodded.

“It sounds reasonable. If there is the Hall of Worthies for scholars, there should be something similar for the military.”

Having made up his mind, Sejong acted swiftly.

“It’s too late to prepare after a war breaks out. Therefore, we need an organization that can research countermeasures in advance. This is in line with our policy to strengthen the nation and the military.”

With the proclamation to establish a new military organization, Sejong and Hyang joined the newly formed group.

The institution that was born out of these efforts was the ‘Joseon Army General Staff.’

In the General Staff, well-known military commanders including Choi Yoon-deok, and young talents like Lee Jing-ok, gathered.

The first task Sejong assigned to the General Staff, consisting of those highly regarded for their wisdom and strategy in the army and navy, was as follows:

‘Based on our ongoing policy of strengthening the country, establish the most basic strategies related to the Jurchen region, Japan, and Ming.’


Upon confirming Sejong’s order, Choi Yoon-deok commanded his subordinates.

“Don’t plan on going home for a while.”

“First, we need information! Gather all the information you can get!”

Following Choi Yoon-deok’s orders, the commanders searched all available archives from palaces to Six Ministries. They scraped together every record that seemed even slightly relevant.

“If necessary, scrape together even the records from the previous dynasties!”

“Yes, sir!”

Following Choi’s orders, the officers of the General Staff gathered all necessary records, even from the Goryeo period.

And it was not only military-related material that the officers gathered.

“One should know oneself before fighting others. Go to the Ministry of Personnel and request all the data!”

“Yes, sir!”

The officers went to the Ministry of Personnel and obtained copies of all data, including household registers and economic indicators like tax revenue.

After obtaining the copies, the General Staff immediately began mass printing.

“It takes too long to circulate just one copy!”

Using the acquired data as a foundation, the General Staff immediately began formulating strategies.

“The part that His Majesty is most interested in is related to the Jurchens. Let’s start planning the strategy around this area.”



Lee Jing-ok, who had been sitting at the far end, raised his hand to object to Choi Yoon-deok’s decision.

“Is that you, military officer Lee Jing-ok? Speak your mind.”

“Strategy is about the big picture. If we focus on just one area without grasping the overall framework, the picture will be a mess.”

“So, what are you suggesting?”

“Considering our current situation in Joseon, we’re troubled by the Japanese pirates in the south and the Jurchens in the north. th. While it’s not wrong to prioritize the Jurchens issue, I believe we should first have at least some basic countermeasures against the Japanese pirates, and then think about policies concerning the Jurchens based on that foundation.”

“Your point is valid. Any differing opinions?”

No one else raised objections to Choi Yoon-deok’s question.

“Then let’s start by considering the distribution of troops to counter the pirates.”

Thus began the study of what the minimal number of troops needed to defend against the Japanese pirates  would be.

During the study, the need for force distribution to protect the fortress stood out, and the research restarted from scratch.

After many trials and errors, the staff at the General Headquarters, having finally decided on an appropriate troop distribution, began their research to establish a strategy concerning the Jurchens.

After more than three months of relentless research, the staff at the headquarters looked grave upon seeing the end product named ‘advancing eastward’.

“We’ve done our best, but we can only reach as far as the Tumen River…”

“Is this the extent of Joseon’s capabilities?”

General Choi Yoon-deok, who reviewed the result, also had a gloomy expression.

“This can’t be…”

He read the report several times, but the conclusion was the same.

With the current capabilities of Joseon, even at the end of their planning phase, crossing the Tumen River would actually be a disadvantage.


“Why only up to the Tumen River?” King Sejong asked, to which Choi Yoon-duk explained.

“The Jurchen’s main force is cavalry. To counter cavalry, we would also need optimal cavalry, but in Joseon, cultivating cavalry takes time and a lot of resources.”

While it was easy for the semi-nomadic Jurchen to supplement their cavalry, it was not the case for Joseon.

Although Joseon also had horse archery as a military skill, acquiring and training horses required economic support.

On the other hand, the Jurchen could easily supplement their forces because horses and archery were a part of their daily life.

“So that’s why we can only go up to the Tumen River?”

“Exactly. If we’re fighting only with bows and spears, using the natural barrier of the Tumen River to block the Jurchen would be the best course of action.”

“I see…”

Sejong couldn’t hide his disappointment. The lands where the Jurchen roamed used to be the territory of Goguryeo, one of the Three Kingdoms of ancient Korea. Not being able to advance beyond the Tumen River, which was so close, was disappointing.


Hyang, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, interrupted.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“If we only fight with bows and spears, the Tumen River would be our limit. What if we had a more powerful weapon, would a more aggressive strategy be possible?”

Upon hearing Hyang’s words, Choi Yoon-deok pondered for a moment before answering.

“It would be possible.”

At Choi Yoon-deok’s answer, Hyang turned to look at King Sejong.

“There is ongoing research in Area 51. If it succeeds, a more aggressive strategy could become possible.”

“Let’s look forward to it.”


In the audit conducted in December, weapons developed by Area 51 were publicly unveiled.

As soon as King Sejong issued an order for their mass production based on the performance of the weapons Area 51 had created, the Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately started revising their strategy, named ‘Grand Strategy of Advancing Eastward.’

By the time the year changed and spring arrived, a new version of this so-called grand plan had been formulated.

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