Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

The military finally completed the new “Advancing Eastward” plan and presented it before King Sejong and his ministers.

The person who stepped forward to announce the plan was Lee Jing-ok.

Dressed in a red iron helmet, Lee Jing-ok formally saluted and began speaking.

“I am military officerLee Jing-ok, honored to present this plan. I will now brief you on the grand strategy called ‘Advancing Eastward’ that has been devised by the General Staff of the Joseon Army.”

Although the audience was filled with the king, the crown prince, high-ranking officials, and ministers, Lee Jing-ok commenced his announcement with a composed voice.

“Firstly, the plan for advancing eastward is divided into two major phases. The first phase will begin with securing Baekdu Mountain and the Tumen River as starting points.”

According to Lee Jing-ok, the strategy would start with securing areas south of Baekdu Mountain and the Tumen River.

The objective was to assimilate or eliminate the residing Jurchens tribe in these regions, and to solidify control by relocating Joseon citizens there.

Next, they would annex the entirety of the Orangkhai tribes and advance further eastward.

“Why continue advancing eastward?” asked King Sejong.

Lee Jing-ok immediately replied, “First, the goal is to avoid provoking Ming. Second, according to records, if we advance a bit more eastward from the Tumen River, we would encounter the Great Forest region. We plan to secure essential resources like timber from this area. Also, the connected coasts and nearby islands are abundant in valuable animals like seals. These would be utilized for trade.”

“The Great Forest region, huh…”

As Sejong mulled over this, Hyang quickly interjected.

“Your Majesty, we may have trees standing tall in the forests of Joseon, but not in abundance.”

“True,” nodded Sejong. Wood was the most commonly used material in almost every aspect of life for the citizens.

“But the Great Forest region has ancient trees that have grown for hundreds of years. These are ideal for construction, naval ships for the military, and trade vessels, all requiring straight and dense timber.”

‘Of course, afforestation will also be essential,’ thought Sejong as he nodded.

“I see, I understand why we’re advancing eastward then. What’s next?”

“Once we assimilate the Orangkhai region and the Great Forest area east of the Tumen River into our territory, we will enter the second phase,” said Lee Jing-ok, pointing at the map.

“Using the Great Forest as a base, we’ll start encroaching upon the Udiha tribal lands from the east.”

Pausing briefly, Lee Jing-ok signaled to an aide who flipped the map. The newly revealed map showed some Jurchen areas and all of Joseon colored in green.

“Slowly but steadily, we aim to annex at least half, if not all, of the Udiha tribal lands into our territory. This concludes the brief overview.”


Sejong contemplated while stroking his beard and staring at the map.

During this time, Lee Jik asked, “The military should know that Orangkhai lives both to the east and west of the Tumen River and Baekdu Mountain. There’s also the Odoli tribe in between. How do you plan to deal with them? Will you only target eastern Orangkhai?”

“We will target both sides. This will exert pressure on the Odoli tribe, forcing them to make a choice: either pledge allegiance to Joseon or leave for either the sea or Jianzhou Jurchen areas. It’s one or the other.”

Lee Jing-ok’s answer left Lee Jik with a regretful expression.

“It’s a shame, the Odoli tribe was once loyal to us…”

* * *

The Odoli tribe, which controlled the upper regions of Baekdu Mountain and the Tumen River, was once a steadfast Jurchen tribe that had sworn allegiance to Lee Seong-gye (King Taejo, Founder of Joseon) and had acted as a strong defense for Joseon.

When Lee Seong-gye was alive, the Odoli tribe was a powerful ally that protected the northern border of Joseon.

However, the relationship between Joseon and the Odoli changed as the Emperor ascended to the throne of the Ming Empire, and Taejong (Sejong’s father) seized power in Joseon.

Ahachu, who was a high-ranking official in the Guanzhou Guard Command and also Emperor’s father-in-law, introduced Odoli’s chieftain, Dong Menngetemur1, as his relative.

Consequently, Emperor sent emissaries to Dong Menngetemur, insisting he join the Ming court.

In response, Taejong attempted various measures to win over Dong Menngetemur, leading to disputes with the Emperor.

Caught between Ming and Joseon, Dong Menngetemur chose the Ming.

It was at this point that issues arose between Taejong and him.

* * *

“It has been over 20 years since we served King Taejo. We will continue to follow Joseon.”

Although he said this to Taejong, Menngetemur had joined Ming and taken an official position.

In addition, through the imperial decree of the Emperor, he had his relatives, who were hostages in Joseon, returned.

Upon this, Taejong mobilized his military forces and massacred tribes near Menngetemur’s tribe.

Feeling threatened by Taejong’s retaliatory measures, Menngetemur led his clan and moved their base from the Tumen River region to the Yalu River (Amnok River) region.

Afterwards, when Taejong died and the power of the Mongols rose again, Menngetemur led his people back to their original base.

Upon his return, Menngetemur suggested sending his son, Dong Guntu (Battalion Commander of Jianzhou Guard), as a hostage to Sejong’s court, but Sejong refused.

He was perceived as someone who might defect again by relying on the power of Ming.

* * *

While Lee Jik was complaining about Odori, Sejong quietly muttered, “There must be inevitable casualties among the neighboring tribes as we attack Orangkhai…”

Sejong was determined to eliminate the Odori tribe.

When planning to pioneer the land with four armies and six towns before returning to history, Sejong gave one more order to Choi Yoon-deok while ordering him to subjugate Dong Guntu, the grandson of Ahachu and the commander of Jianzhou Guard:

“Kill Menngetemur.”

In subsequent history, not only Menngetemur’s children but also Sejo, who seized power through a coup, pursued and killed Dong Guntu, the descendant of Ahachu.

In the Joseon royal family, Ahachu, Menngetemur, and their descendants were traitors and children of traitors who had betrayed Lee Seong-gye, and they must be eliminated.

* * *

Meanwhile, the Minister of Rites was concerned about Ming’s intervention.

“Invading the Orangkhai region may provoke Ming. We need a clear justification.”

Before Lee Jing-ok could respond, Sejong spoke, “We have a reason. A very clear reason. The region where Odori is settled and the Tumen River region are the origins of our royal family. How can we just leave them to their descendants?”

Hwang Hui added, “That’s right! How can we, as descendants, leave our ancestors’ land in others’ hands? We must reclaim it!”

“Good point. Ming won’t be able to say anything.”

At Sejong and Hwang Hui’s words, the Minister of Rites backed off. It was a valid reason, even in his opinion.

However, Minister of Rites pointed out another issue, “We can block Ming through diplomacy up to the invasion of the Orangkhai region. Advancing eastward from there is fine too. But wouldn’t it provoke Ming if we invade the Yain-Jurchens region from there?”

Lee Jing-ok promptly answered, “The areas secured through the two-stage plan are tribes that were under the shadow of King Taejo. If we emphasize this and promise not to covet Haixi Jurchens and Jianzhou Jurchens’ regions, Ming won’t be able to say anything. Their influence doesn’t extend all the way to the eastern end, does it?”

[TL/N: Haixi, Jianzhou and Yeren Jurchens are three major Jurchen tribes.]

Everyone nodded. Joseon and Ming were both suffering from the Jurchens’ raids.

Lee Jing-ok continued, “The military is fully aware that we must avoid a clash with Ming. As stated in various military manuals, and as King Taejo said, a small country waging war against a big country is something to be avoided. That’s why we’ve excluded Haixi and Jianzhou Jurchens. This is the best strategy of the military. The rest is the work of diplomacy.”

Maeng Sae-seong then spoke, “I understand that it is the job of diplomacy. But the most difficult part is when the other side is on high alert. How long does the military anticipate this strategy will take?”

To which Lee Jing-ok replied, “We anticipate a minimum of 10 years for the completion of the first phase and a total of 30 years when the second phase is included.”

“30 years in total…”

“That’s why we call it a grand strategy.”

At Lee Jing-ok’s answer, Sejong and the ministers showed a perplexed expression.

The number ’30 years’ was a generation-changing period. Both Sejong and the ministers who were evaluated as excellent talents could not easily imagine this number.

“Father, may I say a word?”


“I believe the military’s judgment is appropriate. Although 30 years is long, as the saying goes, ’emptying a mountain is work of patience.’ Please consider the time it takes to expand the territory of our Joseon and to assimilate the new Jurchens as our citizens.”


“Also, it’s good to think long-term for the Ming Dynasty. If such a situation is created in just a few years, Ming will, just as the Left State Councilor just said, will refuse to talk to us with heightened tensions.”

“That’s true.”

Sejong nodded.

Hyang continued his statement. “Comparing the Ming Dynasty and our Joseon, it’s like an adult and a child. When an adult and a child start running together, the child can’t catch up with the adult. Even if we don’t provoke a war with Ming, an arms race would be fatal for us.”


Sejong nodded his head at Hyang’s words. Not just Sejong, the ministers also nodded in agreement. The Minister of Taxation especially nodded quite strongly.

Hyang continued, “Looking at our Eastern history, and even the history of the Central Plains, and even further, the history of the West, they all have the same result. If an arms race occurs, the small country will reach its limit first. In such a situation, small countries easily make extreme choices. They trust in the strength they have accumulated, but if they wage war relying solely on hope, ignoring the absolute difference in capabilities, they’ll meet defeat in despair.”

“That’s true.”

“So, even though 30 years seems long, it is better than hastily proceeding.”


Hearing Hyang’s words, Sejong stroked his beard and became lost in thought.

’30 years, huh… Will I be able to see it before I die?’

Looking up at Hyang who was looking down at him, Sejong chuckled to himself.

‘Yes! I have a child who worries so much about my health! I’m going to live a long life! Even if I can’t live long, that child will make Joseon stronger than it is now!’

Firm in his resolve, Sejong looked at the ministers.

“I command my ministers.”

“We are all ears!”

“We will proceed with the grand strategy ‘Eastward Advancement’ for the growth of Joseon. However, do not act hastily and move cautiously.”

“We accept your command!”


Sejong’s determination led to the implementation of the grand strategy of Advancing Eastward, and the topic shifted to the finer details of the policy.

“What is most needed to succeed in this strategy?”

Choi Yoon-deok answered Sejong’s question.

“People and budget.”


As soon as the word ‘budget’ came out, Kim Jeom, the Minister of Taxation, reflexively gagged and received glares from the other ministers.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… The Minister of Taxation seems quite weak. I will inform the royal physician.”

“Your grace is boundless!”

Although Kim Jeom expressed gratitude, his expression was the opposite; he looked unhappy.

‘Tsk, tsk, tsk… To save on medicine, he’s putting in more energy at work.’

‘He has to be healthy… It’s dangerous if the Minister of Taxation’s position becomes vacant.’

‘We have to send some medicine to the Minister’s house.’

The ministers around him had the same thought.


While the reform was progressing, all the ministers worked hard. However, the ones suffering the most were the people working in the Ministry of Taxation.

Ironically, the strongest supporters of Sejong’s reform were the officials of the Ministry of Taxation. Their thoughts were simple.

‘If the reform goes as planned, the Ministry of Taxation will be divided into several departments! That means promotions are certain! Just wait and see! You’re all dead!’

If the officials endured thinking of the future, the higher-ups relied on ‘medicine’ to get by.

It’s not a metaphor; it was real.

The houses of the senior officials in the Ministry of Taxation were filled with medicines, not only from the king but also from other ministers.

“Dear, not only the King but also other ministers seem to care about you.”

At his wife’s words, Kim Jeom chuckled dryly.

‘The medicine from the King is to save on medicine costs, and the medicine from other ministers is saying, endure and don’t transfer the workload to us!’


[TL/N: Locations of Tumen River, Yalu River (Amnok River), and Baekdu Mountains] 

  1. Left Guard of Jianzhou Guard[↩]

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