Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 204 - Trinity - Training Wolf Magic 2 (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 204 - Trinity - Training Wolf Magic 2 (VOLUME 2)




The history of the Warlocks didn't take too long to learn, surprisingly. So, after we all finished cramming that knowledge into our heads we readied ourselves for some physical lessons.

Reece and the others went to train with Lucas, the resident warrior guide. I went with Gabriel as well as Sebastian and Hideki. We were going to focus my primary training on what my runes appeared to be. They had identified a few of them, and knowing what they are meant for they would attempt to give me guidance in how to handle those powers.

This training was all purely theory for them, as none of them had ever been able to perform magic before. But they had researched everything they could over the years. I just wish they knew that practical lessons and researching were not the same thing.

Gabriel had at least seen me perform some of my magic before, so he knew a little of how to guide me. The problem is, that aside from the small things I had learned to do during training before the wedding, I had only used my powers while in the middle of fights.

Before everything went to hell I had learned to control my wolf's ice form and could move in and out of it at will now. I had, on two occasions, successfully performed what I call a sonic howl. This was essentially a howl with the power to push back anything in front of me.

During the night that I had shifted I had used powers of fire, ice, and lightning. But I was nowhere near being able to control those elements at will. Also, my speed and strength had increased and I was able to handle myself a little better but I still was no match for Reece or my guards when fighting in wolf form.

"Show us what you can do with little or no time to prepare." Gabriel instructed me when we were outside, standing near the rocky edge of the cliff.

"Alright." I nodded to him.

I instantly shifted into my wolf form, something that Gabriel had seen, but not the other two. Based on their awed gasped and shocked faces they didn't expect my appearance. Especially all the marks that were visible on me.

I started by turning my wolf into ice. The shift for this form used to require me to touch the ice or snow but now I could do it whenever I wanted. I felt the ice spread across my body, my fur literally turning into ice not just freezing over.

When I was covered in ice I never felt cold, no matter what the temperature was outside. Also, I never felt hot. It was basically like I was locked in at the perfect body temperature. When I knew that I was standing there glowing in front of them, my many marks glowing on my pure white icy body, I opened my eyes to look at them with a sense of pride.

"This is one thing I learned." I didn't use the mind link but I still spoke in my voice and not a wolf's.

"That is simply amazing." Hideki spoke with awe filling his voice and his face momentarily showing the most emotion I had seen from him thus far.

"And that is a form you can take at will?" Sebastian asked me.

"Yes, the first time was quite the shock, but I can do it any time I want to now."

"Have you done anything with this form yet?" Gabriel asked me. "Or do you just transform?"

"So far, it's just the transformation. I don't know how to do anything else with it."

"That is somewhere for us to focus your attention and efforts. What else have you managed?" Hideki asked with genuine curiosity.

"I have used my arrows." As I said these words I summoned both an ice arrow and a wind arrow.

"How good are you at managing those?" Sebastian inquired of me, a smirk on his face as he saw all the new things.

"Pick a target." I was a little smug when I said these words, but I knew that I had this task in the bag.

"See that?" Hideki said, pointing to a sign some eighty feet away and behind me. The sign was written in French but it essentially was a notification for the docks with a picture of the abbey below the words. "Aim for the arched entryway, if you can hit it from here that is." I heard the clear ring of the challenge in his voice. He didn't think I could do it.

"And for my second shot?" I looked at him with determined eyes, signalling that I was more than happy to accept his challenge.

"If you manage that, then aim for the little flag flying above the abbey for your second shot."

"Done." I nodded. I couldn't smirk in this form but I could still tell him how confident I was about it all.

I had seen the sign and locked my targets in my mind when he pointed to them initially. So, without even turning around I launched the arrows. I concentrated on the spots I wanted to hit, the picture clear in my mind.

I heard the clear thwack of the arrows hitting the wooden sign. The three men standing in front of me looked at the sign with awe. We all had the eyes of wolves and could see the sign clear as day, the distance didn't pose an issue right now. So, we were all able to look at the sign and see that the arrows hit their intended targets at the same time.

"Well?" I asked Hideki for his opinion of my arrows.

"Wonderful. Now you need to work on getting more types of arrows." He didn't look surprised at all. I guess he knew I would hit the targets all along, or at least hoped I would.

"What else?" Sebastian wanted to move on, excitement was brimming in his eyes.

"Well, when I first transformed, I killed four people using elemental magic. But I haven't managed to use it since. And I have used a sonic howl a couple times but it's not reliable."

"Try." Sebastian demanded.

"Which one?" I asked him, perplexed.

"All of it." He looked at me pointedly.

"Alright." I didn't even sound confident to my own ears, I know they could hear it as well.

I looked at the sign, figuring it would work well as a continued target. I concentrated on what type of element to use but nothing brought it out at all. I couldn't do it. And when I attempted my howl I barely managed to produce any sonic waves, it was too weak and ineffectual.

My head drooped and my shoulders slumped. I knew that I had these powers, but most of the time they were useless to me. I couldn't make it happen.

"The power resides in you, Queen Trinity, there is no reason to be so saddened." Hideki encouraged me.

"What he says is correct. Is it not the entire purpose of your visit to learn how to do the things you cannot do yet?"

"You're right. That is exactly why I am here. So I can learn how to protect my people." I gave them a firm look of determination.

"Then let us work on just that."

We set to work immediately. It was a long, exhausting day, but I worked extremely hard to accomplish something new. There was little progress in the beginning, but by the end of the day I had managed a slight improvement. I could form arrows of lightning and fire now. And on top of that, I was able to slightly produce the other elements, but nothing compared to how they were when I first shifted.

That night I was tired beyond belief. I could feel the exhaustion spreading through my body, weighing me down like a brick. I guess this is how I was going to feel for a good majority of the trip.

Using these new powers of mine was going to be like working muscles that were close to atrophy. Something that was not used to being worked out and stretched. And in the long run it was going to be like I was out of shape for a while. I might as well get used to it.

When I collapsed onto the bed, ready to skip dinner, it was Reece who took care of me. He drew me a bath and soaked with me in the large tub. He rubbed small circles over my shoulders, across my back, down my arms, and over every other part of my body he could reach. The massage felt like heaven as I laid there, melting in his arms.

After he was done I was no better than putty. He had to scoop me out of the water and dry me off. He laid me in the bed after I was dry, pulling the sheets up around me. Afterwards he climbed in with me and pulled me close to his chest, running his hand up and down my back causing a light tickling sensation. However, I was too exhausted to make him stop and soon, I fell asleep listening to his heart beating steadily and his deep, sexy voice telling me all about the day he had with the other as they trained.

Needless to say, I slept soundly and woke up feeling quite rested.

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