Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 205 - Trinity - Witch Magic 1 (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 205 - Trinity - Witch Magic 1 (VOLUME 2)




I was getting a little exhausted with all the nonstop excitement of this trip, but I had to keep going. I was going to have a full schedule for a while, training and getting to know the members of the Sentinelle. The morning after the lesson with Sebastian, Hideki, and Gabriel I had a lesson with Crawford and Eldrige.

I knew next to nothing about magic. This was something that they were not able to comprehend since I had used it already. I tried to explain to them that using it and knowing how to actually use it are two different things. They were gonna have to start from the very beginning with me, beginner level stuff.

We started with how to draw my power to me. How to wrap it around myself and feel its presence. Magic wasn't unlimited, we had a set amount we could use before we reached our limit and was exhausted for the day.

Using all our magic in a day would not kill us like I had read in books before, but it would leave you feeling weak and tired for a few days until you recovered. And, it would likely make you pass out from exhaustion if you used everything in one go.

Another thing was that most people were set in their magic level when they were born. It would increase until you reached adulthood and then cap out. But there were a few people over the last several millennia that had managed to increase their levels beyond what anyone had thought possible. Edmond being one of them.

When I successfully managed to wrap my magic around me it felt like a second layer of skin. But this new layer was shining a light that shimmered in a light aquamarine color.

"Can you see the light too?" I asked Crawford as I stared down at my arms and admired the lights as they shimmered in the sun.

"No, my queen, I cannot. You can see it because it is your magic, but unless you were gathering a large amount to cast a spell we would not be able to see it." His words were smooth and proud as he looked at me with happiness. "But I am happy that you are making such progress." Even though he said this I knew that we were only training the basics right now, something a child would learn.

No matter what level of magic it was, having my magic wrapped around me, protecting me, felt comfortable. It made me feel safe and warm, like I was being hugged all over. It was very reassuring.

"Most of our kind will keep themselves wrapped in magic at all times. It is a good way to protect yourself in the event of an emergency." Eldrige told me as he, too, beamed a proud smile my way. I could definitely get on board with that, this comforting feeling was definitely something I wanted to keep.

From there we moved onto little things, small magics. They taught me to first levitate something, holding it in the air for different lengths of time. Then we increased the size and quantity of the objects that I levitated. I even managed to learn how to levitate myself, though that was much harder than floating an object.

We practiced many things, one after another. The good thing about some of my runes was that it made learning and remembering things a lot easier. I would never forget something, apparently, and I would absorb information faster. That's what the memory and wisdom runes helped with. So no matter how much they threw at me, eventually I would learn.

All through the first day, however, we never touched onto combat magic. They wanted me to get used to learning how to control the flow and output of my magic before I worked on something that could prove dangerous for other people. If I put too much into a spell, it could become too strong and hurt those around me.

What I focused on instead, was practicing life hacks with magic. I could do many things once I got a handle on the basics. But we were focusing on transfiguring something to suit my needs, magically changing my clothes, and summoning an item that I wanted. With these things learned and some creativity I would be able to do a lot more things over time.

The ideas and possibilities were endless, really. I could use these new powers of mine all around the house. I would have a lot easier time when we went back home too. If I wanted something and Reece was on another power trip, forcing me to stay in my room, then I could just magic whatever I wanted, even if that was putting his dog collar onto him so everyone knew he was my Fido.

After training I was exhausted, but I wanted to go around and meet everyone. It was still kind of early when I had reached my limits for the day, and consequently I still had a couple hours until dinner. The others were still training with Lucas, so Gabriel and Ghirald were accompanying me around the abbey.

I would eventually meet the others as well, but for now I was going to spend some time with those still in the main building. A lot of people were still out doing their daily work or training, but there were a few people that were inside that I could meet.

First I met the sisters, or so they were called. Izzy and Thoma were as close as sisters and always worked together. They looked nothing alike but got along like they had been with each other their entire lives.

Thoma was shorter, but still taller than me by a few inches, with platinum blonde hair and bright hazel eyes. She had a slight build that made her look almost childlike if it wasn't for the height and ample curves she flaunted.

Izzy was beautiful, just over six feet tall with dark, dark brown hair like mine only full of beautiful curls that she held up in an elaborate looking knot on the back of her head. Her eyes were a warm looking hazelnut brown. And the distinct mediterranean look made her look like a goddess to me.

Thoma seemed to be sweet, but there was a definite warrior look in her eyes. She looked like the kind of woman who would finish off her enemy before you even realized what had happened. Izzy on the other hand looked shy but strong. It seemed that she was most likely one of those people that was just shy until you got to know them, then they would open up and be a great friend.

I spent some time with the two of them and we got along really well. For women who were nearly a hundred years older than me, it was surprisingly easy to get along with them. They also act a lot more modern compared to the others, mostly because they worked together as scouts to search out information on, well, me.

After I got to know the two of them, Gabriel took me to go meet Lana. She looked like she was about my age and she had joined around the same time that Izzy and Thoma did. She was the resident nurse of the Sentinelle and patched up anyone who came back too injured.

Lana had a natural light tan that made her look like she spent a lot of time in the sun. Her hair was a long chestnut brown that reminded me of Mom's. And her eyes were really pretty, they looked like a nearly clear green crystal that was made into a pair of inquisitive eyes.

"It's very nice to meet you Queen Trinity." She smiled and bowed to me when she was introduced.

"It's lovely to meet you as well, Lana."

Lana and I talked for a long time. She told me all about the things she wanted to do with the advancements in medicine, how she wanted to learn how to help people more. Throughout the entire conversation I could feel her sincerity. I kept feeling a pull toward her, something calling my magic forth. I had a feeling she was supposed to be just like Griffin.

I didn't fight the magic, I just let it flow. I didn't need to say anything, just let it move as it wished. And the moment I agreed with my magic's desire there was that telltale light, that sure sign that someone had been granted a new ability.

"Huh.?" Lana gasped, surprised by the light. "What on earth was that?" She asked in her sweet sounding voice.

'Gift granted.' The voice of the goddess filled the room.

"Gift? What gift? Who was granted a gift?" She seemed shocked and a little scared.

"You were, Lana." I told her matter-of-factly.

"Me?" She didn't seem to believe me but I just nodded my head to reassure her. "What kind of gift?"

"A new ability. Just like my guards and some people back home. You now have a magical healing ability. You will need to practice it so that you can learn how to use it."

"Really?" She was finally getting excited with the news.


"Am I the only one with this ability?" Excitement was dripping from her voice as she happily asked me that question.

"No." I shook my head. "Our pack doctor back home has the same ability." I thought she would be a little unhappy to know it wasn't a unique gift, but that only made her more excited.

"A doctor? A real doctor? And he has the same ability as me? Can I meet him?" She asked all these in a rush then seemed to realize she was being a little forward. She clapped her hand over her mouth and blushed before continuing on in an embarrassed tone. "I'm sorry. Forgive me Queen Trinity. I didn't mean to be rude." I just laughed at her lightly.

"No worries Lana, it's fine. And you can most definitely come back with us to meet Griffin. He's a wonderful man and an excellent doctor."

"Really?" She beamed happily. "Thank you so much."

We talked a little more and I moved on to meet a few other people. But I was getting tired and it was getting close to dinner time. It was time for me to call it a day and head back to my room.

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