Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 227 - Both -Dietrich’s News (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 227 - Both -Dietrich’s News (VOLUME 2)




After Dietrich bit Shawn things began to happen quickly, it was like time was making up for all the slowing down it did earlier. Things seemed to be moving at hyperspeed now instead of a snail's pace.

I watched as Dietrich pulled his wrist away from Shawn's mouth and Shawn immediately began to spasm. His body jerked with a sudden violent motion. But there was a bright side too, Shawn took a deep, shuddering gasp as he drew in a breath and his eyes fluttered.

"Liebling." Shawn seemed to whisper as he looked into Dietrich's eyes.

"Wolfsliebe." Dietrich's voice was relieved when he saw his mate wake up. "How do you feel?"

"I think I'm fi-." That was as far as Shawn got before he was hit with a sudden spasm of pain and he jerked violently in Dietrich's arms. "Ahhhh!" He screamed in pain, his head thrown back with the long, loud cry.

"Shawn?" I ran forward, my voice cracking.

"Shawn, my darling, what is wrong?" Dietrich looked scared.

"It hurts, it all hurts." Shawn was shaking uncontrollably.

"It's the changing." I said looking into Dietrich's conflicted eyes.

"I did not know it would be this painful." Shawn seemed too far gone, wracked with too much pain to even hear what we were saying.

"Selene told me it would be hard, but that he had you there to help him."

"Selene?" He looked shocked. "You spoke with the Goddess Selene, the mother of vampires?"

"Yes, while you were giving Shawn your blood she came to me and spoke to me. And she told me something else."

"What? Will it help Shawn?"

"Yes, Dietrich, I think it will. She told me you are her chosen one, you are the Vampire King."

"I didn't know we had such a thing." It looked like Dietrich wanted to laugh but couldn't bring himself to do it while Shawn was hurt.

"But this means you are Goddess blessed the same as I am, you will have new abilities now. And you can use them to help Shawn."

"I hope you're right."

From there we all quickly moved back to the estate. Dietrich went quicker as he shadow walked with Shawn in his arms. Reece and I hurried back as quick as we could in more traditional methods. I must admit that?I wished we could have gone faster, but as long as we got home and found out that everything was actually ok I would be fine.

When we got back to the estate we found that Dietrich was already in his room with Shawn resting on the bed. Shawn was still wracked with pain and would likely be like that for a while. I would go visit him when it was all over. For the time being, however, I had to explain a few things to more than a few people.

The rest of the guards met us all in the usual conference room. They all wanted details on what happened during my time with Edmond. Reece seemed to want those details more than anyone else.

"What happened?" Carter started the bombardment of questions as soon as Reece and I were in the room.

"Are you alright?" Vincent, ever the caring one added.

"How did you kill him?" Shane asked in true laid back fashion.

"Is it all over?" David asked hesitantly.

All those around me were worried about me. Reece and Noah knew that I was safe, Dietrich and Shawn weren't here, but the others had nothing to stop them from asking their questions. I would answer them all and ease everyone's worries.

Slowly, methodically, and with as much accuracy as I could manage I told them all what had happened when I was taken from this world to another one entirely. They all seemed to be curious about the other plane of existence I was taken to, but above that and all else, they were just happy that I managed to kill the man who had caused us all so many problems.

They asked their questions. They wanted to know about the ghosts, the things Edmond told me. They were all quite angered when they learned that Edmond was the one who started the Witch trials. No one could quite understand how one man became so twisted. How did people like him even exist?

Once my report was given it was time to receive one of my own. The list of those lost. I didn't want to hear that report, but I needed to. The bad parts are part of the job too, after all. I needed to sit there and take this news responsibly, I was their leader and I would sure as hell act like it.

When all the casualties were counted, there were less dead than I expected. Three dozen total. With all the carnage I had seen, with all the monsters that had attacked us all, with everything that had happened it was only thirty-six people lost. On the flip side of that coin was the sorrow that I felt at the loss of so many lives.

Among that list of dead, there were only a few names I recognized, Zeek from the gate who was always ready with a smile for me even before I became the Luna, Kenny from Riley's pack, one of his omegas but he was a good guy even though I only met him once. The names of the others all blended together in my head. Wolf, wolf, bear, lynx, lion, tiger, tiger, warlock, vampire, vampire, warlock, bear, the list continued on in that fashion with names and species like they were some sort of supply order.

I was happy it wasn't more but I was still aching inside because there were so many. There were many people who had been hurt, those who nearly lost their lives but were saved when Lana showed up with Reece and the others during their check.

I had regretted sending Lana away earlier but now I was so happy that I did. Lana did amazing work saving the lives of so many people who were gravely injured. She helped to heal and save shifters, wolves, bears and others, she saved warlocks that were nearly lost in the chaos and distraction caused by the fight, she saved vampires who were unable to heal on their own due to too much blood loss. She did a great job, and I was so happy she had come back with us.

This day started out horribly, and it didn't go completely our way, but I was glad that no one I was close to lost their lives. We would all live to see another day, and we would never forget the sacrifice made by those who had died today.

I wanted to do something special for them all. They deserved a special place of recognition, somewhere they could continue to protect us all with their strong spirits. So, I began to plan a group funeral that would end with their sacred burials in key points around the city. They would receive places of honor like they deserved.




Once we had concluded the meeting there was only one thing on my Little Bunny's mind. She wanted to see Shawn. I should have felt jealous that she was so focused on another man, but I knew that she was just feeling guilty. She cared about all her guards and almost losing one in that fight had nearly broken her. It was like she didn't grasp that he was there to protect her more than anyone or anything else. Well, aside from Dietrich.

I have seen my mate in a life threatening situation on more occasions than I care to think about so I knew exactly what Dietrich was feeling. He came close to losing his mate and had ended up doing whatever it took to save his life. I would have done the same thing.

It was with these thoughts that I followed behind my wife as she walked to the bedside of another man, though my hand was still placed protectively and possessively on her hip. I didn't want her out of my sight after what had happened today. I nearly died when she disappeared from the clearing in front of me, my heart literally felt like it had stopped.

"Thank you for coming to check on him." Dietrich smiled as he stood up from his chair next to the bed. He looked ready to stand guard for eternity if that was what it took.

"I'm so sorry for what happened." Little Bunny's voice trembled as she spoke, guilt lacing through every word.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Trinity. We had so much to deal with. We all did." He was trying to soothe her guilty conscience, knowing that only Shawn waking up and accepting what he has become would make her feel less guilty.

"Will he be ok?" She was looking at Shawn as she asked this question.

"I believe so. While I was waiting at his side I had a conversation with Selene. You must be powerful, Trinity." He grinned at her.

"What do you mean?" She sounded and looked as confused as I felt.

"That conversation felt like it drained every drop of my energy. If it weren't for my love for Shawn I would already be asleep. Yet, you spoke with her and other gods several times. The power you must possess to be able to survive so many and such lengthy talks, it's simply amazing and so enviable."

"I don't know about that." She blushed and turned her head to the side with embarrassment.

"I do." He smiled at her, true awe in his eyes.

Just then, Trinity swooned on her feet. It only lasted a second but she nearly fell to the floor in that moment.

"Whoa." I cried out as I caught her and held her against my chest for balance.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really tired." And as she spoke her stomach growled loudly causing a blush to stain her cheeks a deep red color. "And hungry I guess." She was laughing now. "Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten anything today."

"You need to make sure you're eating properly, it's not good for the babies."

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed.

"What did you say?" Trinity seemed just as shocked as I was to hear his words. Dietrich looked embarrassed now, like he thought he had done something wrong.

"I'm sorry, I assumed you knew. I didn't say anything this morning because of the impending battle but I noticed the change in you immediately. Did you not already know?"

"No, the day started with bang, so to speak. We were literally awoken by the call that the enemies were coming. I admit that I didn't pay as much attention." It was my turn to take the embarrassed helm I guess.

"Wait, Dietrich, did you say babies?" My Little Bunny was still stunned as she asked that.

"Weren't you paying attention. He said he's noticed you're pregnant again." I felt the grin spread across my face, it felt like my face was going to split in two already.

"I heard and I know what he said. But he said babies, Reece, not baby."

"Wait, you're right, he did." In unison we both turned to look at Dietrich who was grinning at us.

"I was asked recently if I could tell the difference between single and multiple pregnancies and I said I didn't know." He just smiled for a second while we stared at him. "Well, I guess I can."

"Twins?" I asked with a shocked look before I grinned again, wider than before. I ignored the pain that smile caused in my overly stretched cheeks.

"Twins?" Trinity echoed my question.

"Yes, twins. Congratulations." He clapped us both on the shoulder at the same time, squeezing gently as he finished driving home the news he had just shared with us.

Well, that was one hell of a way to find out that my wife was pregnant. But I would never regret sharing that moment with a close personal friend. I was going to be a father, and this time I would make sure nothing happened to them.

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