Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 228 - Trinity - And So It Begins (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 228 - Trinity - And So It Begins (VOLUME 2)




My head was still reeling. This information was hard to process. Dietrich just told me that I was pregnant, again. And that I was having twins. I didn't know that I was pregnant until he told me. Last time it was Reece who had told me after I was sick for that whole day. But now it was Dietrich who informed me of this. Why hadn't we noticed? We were really paying that little attention to ourselves today to not notice something like that?

Now that Dietrich told me though, it made a lot of sense. I mean, I am not normally a squeamish person and the things I saw today made me want to vomit. Hell, I actually did vomit once.

Well, I guess I was just getting started with that whole nausea thing. I wasn't looking forward to that. But I was looking forward to being a mother and having my little family with Reece.This time, I would make sure that nothing bad happened to my babies.

"Come on sweetheart, let's leave them alone. Dietrich looks tired." I could feel Reece tugging on my arm as he started pulling me toward the door. The problem was, I didn't seem able to respond. I was too busy thinking. "I'm ordering out for dinner, I'll send some your way when it arrives." I heard the words Reece was saying but I didn't process them.

"Thank you bruder."

I didn't know how, but the next thing I knew I was sitting in my room and Reece was standing in front of me, pizza boxes in hand.

"Come on, snap out of it already, you need to eat." His tone was filled with laughter, and when I shook my head and looked at him I saw that he was smiling. "You're tired, hungry, and spacing out way too much. I can only help with two of those things so that's what I am going to do." He was grinning happily, like he was floating on cloud nine and it was saturated with happy juice.

"When did you get those?" I asked him as I heard my stomach rumble greedily when the smell finally hit me.

"I ordered them after we got to the room."

"Wow, what was it, warp delivery." I laughed at him. "It's only been a couple minutes right.

"No, you've been sitting there like a zombie for almost an hour. Same delivery time as usual."

"What?" I was shocked to hear his words. "You're joking right?"

"I'm afraid not. But I wish we could have gotten warp delivery, that shit would be awesome."

"Stop joking around. You ordered those before we went to Dietrich's room, right?"

"No, I didn't. I didn't order them until after I carried you back here."

"You carried me?" That was news to me.

"Well, you weren't cooperating very much with the whole walking thing, so I had no choice."

"Well, what do you expect, Odie? I've kind of had my fucking mind blown today, in several ways really. But only one thing has rendered me speechless and nearly catatonic."

"Is the idea of having babies with me that bad?" His mood dropped and a sheet of depression settled onto his face, the light in his eye diminished and his features were dark and brooding.

"Where the hell did you get that idea, Fido? Seriously, what's the matter with you? I'm overjoyed."


"Yes, really. I was so upset when we lost our jelly bean before. I still miss that little glow of life that was inside me and I'm reluctant to feel that same joy just yet but I can't help myself. I am so happy and excited at the thought of us becoming a family." I had grabbed his left hand in mine, the one not holding the boxes at the moment, and cradled it to my chest.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." His smile was back and the light was returning to his eyes. "I love you Little Bunny, more than life itself. And I will love any part of you I get to have in my life, these babies and any more we might have."

"Slow your roll there, Benji. I don't know what you're thinking, but I need to see how this pregnancy thing goes before I even decide to let you touch me again."

"So I better get all the touching that I can in before you have them." He grinned mischievously.

"You're a perv." I laughed at him.

"But you love me anyway."

"For reasons even I don't know sometimes. But you're sexy as hell, so it's an even trade off."

"Uhh!" Reece fake scoffed in a high pitched voice. "You only want me for my body, you monster."

"Not just your body." I laughed as I jumped to my feet.

"Really?" He smiled happily as I came closer, he even leaned down anticipating a kiss.

"That's right, I also want your pizza." I chuckled as I stole the boxes from his hand and twisted out of his way to head to the table.

"You're so mean." He pouted before turning to follow me.

"But you love me anyway." I used his words from before as I set the boxes on the table.? "You know it." He kissed the top of my head.

We ate our dinner in the room together, talking the whole time. We talked about the battle. We walked about Shawn's condition and Dietrich's revelation. And we talked about the future.

We talked about how it was going to be when the babies were born and how happy we would all be together. We talked about how Nikki's baby was due in just a month and our babies would be less than six months apart in age, they would grow up together and could play together.

We talked about the things that could go wrong, and what we would do to prevent them. We talked about how happy our families were going to be then they heard the news. We talked about how we wanted to tell everyone.

But, we decided that we didn't want to tell anyone until after the group funeral. We wanted to have a big celebration after the funeral to commemorate us all being alive and well. And, conveniently, Reece's birthday was coming up in just over two weeks on the fourth of July. That explained his little mister independent attitude he always had when I first met him.

Our plan now was to hold a massive party for his birthday and the independence day celebration all at once. And it was there that we would let everyone know about the babies. The pack had not been fully informed last time, but there were still a lot who had known because of word of mouth. We would lift their spirits following this difficult time with joyous news for the entire pack.

Also, we had to gag the only other person who knew about the babies. But when Dietrich answered his phone and heard what we wanted, he had no problem agreeing to the secret.

"It's not my news to share, Mein Freunde. Do not worry, your secret is safe with me, even from Shawn. I will tell no one."

"Tell no one what?" I heard Shawn's voice in the background.

"Liebling, you're awake." Dietrich's voice was full of happiness in that moment.

"What happened, Dietrich?"

"I will tell you. I will tell you all of it, but not the Luna's news, that you must wait for." Dietrich giggled happily. "Excuse me, Trinity, I must go now."

"I know Dietrich, take care of him. We will come see him in the morning."

"Yes, yes." He agreed as he rushed to get off the phone. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." The words were barely out of my mouth before Dietrich ended the call. "Well, he was in a hurry." I joked as I put my phone down.

After all that was settled and I set my phone aside, Reece stood up looming above me.

"What?" I asked him curiously.

"Now that you've been fed, it's time for a bath." He didn't wait for a response, he just scooped me into his arms and started walking toward the bathroom door.

"I can walk on my own Reece, you don't have to carry me." I squealed as I felt myself become weightless.

"Well, I feel like doting on you, so deal with it." He said it as if that ended the conversation.

"Reece." I smacked his shoulder as I said his name, just for emphasis. "I am not a china doll, I will not break. Put me down."

"Nope. You'll be lucky if I let you out of my sight until the babies are born. If I have to wrap you in bubble wrap and put you in a padded room for the next six months, then so be it. I will do whatever I have to do, whatever it takes to keep you and our babies safe."

"God, you're so over the top." I sighed with resignation as I slumped back into his arms.

"Oh, so you want me on top of you." He said the words suggestively.

"OH MY GODDESS!" I growled. "You're such a horny slut dog. I swear." I was only pretending to be angry while I laughed at him.

The bath was lovely. Reece cradled me to him until he was able to set me on the edge of the sink. He stepped away only for a minute to set the temperature of the water. Soon, all the faucets were going at one and a pleasant fruit scent was coming from the water, it held notes of apples, oranges, and lemons.

After the water was ready he came back to, slowly, help me out of my clothes. I didn't know if he was treating me like a child or trying to turn me on with his slow sensual movements. With his crazy ass way of thinking it was probably a bit of both.

After we were both stripped of all our clothes, Reece gathered me in his arms again and carried me into the tub. He set me on his lap, like he had done before. Slowly, methodically, and with meticulous care Reece started to wash me.

Slow strong hands massaged the soap over my back, across my shoulders, and down my arms. Then it was time to get more private. He washed across my chest, up and down my legs. He cupped my core in his hands as he gently cleaned me, but he didn't go any further, bathing was all he had planned apparently.

Next, he massaged my scalp gently with shampoo, his strong fingers working out even more tension from my body. Then he massaged my head again, this time with conditioner. He seemed intent on making me feel relaxed.

While I sat there, conditioner doing it's magic with my hair, he grabbed my hands and started massaging them with slow circles. His fingers were working a magic on me I never knew he possessed. It was like heaven as I sat there on his lap.

A girl could really get used to this.

Once the hand massage was finished and he washed himself and rinsed us both he pulled the plug on the water and stood with me in his arms again. After grabbing a few extra large towels he wrapped us up and carried me to the bed.

I sat on the edge of the mattress, where he had set me down, as he began to towel the water from my hair and body. He wasn't saying anything, he was just working with determination.

After I was thoroughly dried Reece stepped over to my vanity. He came back with the bottle of lightly scented vanilla lotion that I had gotten as a gift. Reece rubbed the lotion onto my skin starting from my shoulder and down my back. Next, he moved slowly down my arms to my hands for another quick massage there. Then he rubbed it across my chest, cupping each breast for just a moment as he applied the lotion. When he reached my hips he gently pushed me down so he could wrap around and apply a thin layer of the creamy substance to my bottom.

He continued his massaging application of the lotion down each of my legs. Once he got to my feet he gave me the most relaxing foot massage I could ever imagine. His hands seemed to know exactly where to move so that I wouldn't be tickled by his touch. The gentle movements of his hands and his skilled, masterful fingers were mind blowing.

By the time he was done I felt like nothing more than a pile of goo that had melted onto the bed.

"Mhmm." I moaned from the pleasure of it all. "That was amazing Reece. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you knew exactly what you were doing."

"Baby, I always know what I'm doing." He chuckled confidently. "But when it comes to your body, no one knows it better than I do. So, of course I would be able to make you happy like this."

"You can do that anytime you want, I won't object." My words were sounding like moans as I talked.

"Anytime you want me to, just ask."

I felt spent, and unable to move, after that massage. I just laid there on the bed until Reece leaned forward. He pressed his lips against the flat of my stomach, his hands cupped along my hips as he held me.

"Hello you two." He cooed at my belly. "I'm your daddy."

"Reece, they can't hear you yet." I giggled at him.

"You don't know that for sure." He laughed right back. "I'm going to talk to them every day so they know my voice by the time they're born, and so they know how much I love them, and their mommy."

"I love you, Reece." I couldn't help it, I had to say it at that moment. Reece was being so sweet and caring that I just felt overwhelmed.

"I love you more, Little Bunny." He crawled up into the bed and carried me to the pillows. We just laid together, spooning, until we fell asleep. It was still one of the best nights I had ever had. And I woke the next morning with Reece's hands wrapped protectively around my stomach. He was going to be unbearable, wasn't he?

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