Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Dietrich had just about given me a heart attack this morning when he screamed. But then it got even worse. He had said that I was pregnant, which was impossible. Wasn't it?

There was no possible way that I was pregnant. That was only something that women could do and I was most definitely not a woman.

It wasn't long after we had woken up that the others arrived. Trinity, Reece, and Gabriel came in just before noon. I was so glad Shane wasn't with them. I definitely didn't need to deal with his jokes right now.

I was sitting on the edge of the couch, curled in onto myself, trying to keep myself from hyperventilating as the others sat on the couch opposite me.

"So, Dietrich, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Reece asked with curiosity in his voice. Trinity must have seen the look on my face because she spoke to me instead.

"Shawn, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Well, Trinity, we seem to have woken up to a bit of a surprise on our hands." Dietrich was still smiling happily. He didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with what was happening.

"And what is that?" She looked curious and happy as she looked at the happy look on Dietrich's face."

"We're going to have a family." His smile got even bigger. I had seen Reece smiling like that when he had found out that Trinity was pregnant. It was definitely the look of a man who was happy to be starting a family with his mate.

"I didn't know you were already looking for a surrogate." Trinity exclaimed happily.

"We weren't." My voice was flat, still filled with shock.

"I don't understand. What is it then?"

"We will be having a family that is born from both Shawn and myself." Dietrich proclaimed with pride.

""Huh?" Reece and Trinity had matching looks of confusion, but Gabriel seemed to have a knowing look in his eyes.

"Which one of you?" Gabriel asked that and nothing else.

"Me." My voice was still flat.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy to be having a family, but did I have to be the one to carry them? I was a man dammit.

"What's going on here?" Trinity turned to look at Gabriel as the man smiled at where Dietrich and I were sitting together.

"Shawn is the one who will be carrying our children." Dietrich blurted it out. "I do not know how it is possible, but he is pregnant now, with twins."


"WHAT?!" Trinity and Reece both looked like they had just had their brains exploded, at least they looked how I felt.

"I have only heard legends of this." Gabriel spoke as if he was not even phase. "You are far from the first same sex couple from shifter history. And legends tells of a magical form of pregnancy between these same sex couples. Be it from a male and male or a female and female relationship. The point of the matter is that someone in the pair would then bear the responsibility of carrying a pregnancy to term for that couple so they may have a child that will carry on their bloodlines. You may rest assured that the legends state that it will only happen once, but it is almost always twins."

"Yes, yes, Shawn is pregnant with twins. I see them, a boy and a girl."

"That is how the legends have always explained it. But it has not happened in so long that I thought it was just a story. Perhaps it was waiting for the new Goddess Incarnate to return that power to the world.

Great, I was going to suffer through being a pregnant man because my Luna was the reincarnated Goddess, thanks a lot Trinity. I love her and all, she's the best Luna ever and a great person, but I would have liked to have had a choice in this matter.

We discussed things for a bit more, wanting to work things out between us. I was not going to go through the pregnancy where anyone besides Dietrich could see me. So it was for that matter that we had decided that Dietrich and I would take an extended trip to Germany until I had the babies. We would call Griffin over to deliver them for us, about a week or so before I was due. Him, Trinity, Reece, and the two of us would be the only ones who knew what was happening.

After our guests left I could feel a little bit of anger coursing through me. It wasn't really anger I guess. It was more like a desire to prove myself.

"Isn't this wonderful my love. We will have children that are ours and ours alone." Dietrich was happier than I would have expected.

"You're just this happy because it's not you that has to go through it." I grumbled.

"I would have happily been the one to bear this responsibility, my love. I am just happy to be starting a family with you. Are you not happy to have children of our joint lineage?" He looked hurt now. Upset about my anger.

"No, I am happy about that." I answered honestly.

"Then what is wrong." Dietrich sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders as I sulked.

"I am a man, Dietrich. I am not a fucking woman but a man. This shouldn't be possible."

"But it is possible, my love, and I am beyond happy about it."

"Really. You wouldn't be so if it were you."

"What is really bothering you?" Dietrich looked hurt then.

"I feel the need to prove myself." I once again answered honestly.

"Prove yourself how."

With that question from him my control snapped. I needed to prove that I was a man. That I was masculine, and strong, and not at all a woman. I needed to prove to him he had a husband and not a wife. I needed to take him then and there.

I lunged at Dietrich, grabbing his shirt in both of my hands and pulling it violently away from him. The material shredding easily in my strong grip. I had already pressed my lips against his, kissing him fiercely and passionately as I pushed him against the back of the couch.

I broke the kiss only long enough to pull my own shirt over my head. My lips were then on his once more as I removed first his pants then my own. It seemed like we were both naked in less than a minute and I was already hard and needy.

I didn't have the patience to be gentle and caring. This was a need that went beyond the desire for physical contact. I needed to take him, to dominate him, and prove that I was a man as much as he was.

All of our love making up to this point had been gentle and passionate and most of all extremely intimate. But today I was rough and hungry for him. I flipped him over, placing him on his hands and knees as I fitted myself against his entrance.

"Shawn." His voice shook with need and desire as he seemed to be begging me to enter him, to keep going.

"Dietrich." I growled his name hungrily as I thrusted forward.

I rammed into him hard and fast, hilt deep in a mere second causing Dietrich to cry out incoherently just from my brutal invasion. But he still seemed to be enjoying himself.

I didn't stop there though. I set about creating a hard, fast, brutal rhythm as I pounded into him over and over. Dietrich was panting and moaning louder and faster than I had ever heard him before.

While I ravaged him, ravaged his body, I thought about the future we were about to have, the family we were creating. And I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, if I had been the one to take him last night maybe he would be the one who was pregnant instead of me. Maybe he would be the one to feel that mind blowing sensation of realizing your whole life is going to be crazy for a while.

And while I thought about that I had a vision of Dietrich's stomach growing and rounding. Of him being pregnant with our babies and that thought made me smile. I now understood what it was that he had been feeling when he found out this morning.

The heat was growing inside me and inside Dietrich. The way his body felt when he welcomed me inside of him was nearly burning now but I couldn't stop it. I just started crying out his name repeatedly as I drove in and out of him.

We both reached and leapt over that edge of glory together, coming apart at the same time. I roared with my pleasure as he seemed to scream out at the same time. I emptied myself inside of him before collapsing against him.

The whole thing had been so needy and hungry that it drained us completely. We barely separated ourselves before we passed out together, right there on the couch.

I once again woke to an exclamation from Dietrich, this time it was laughter. I sat up, blinking the sleep from my eyes and looking around the room. It was late afternoon, we had slept for a good few hours.

"What is it this time?" I heard a note of laughter in my voice.

"Do you notice anything different about me?" Dietrich asked, beaming.

"Should I?"

"Smell me my love."

His request sounded strange but I complied.

"Ok." I leaned forward and smelled him. I put my nose against his neck and inhaled deeply. I smelled his cognac, musk, and leather. I took another deep breath though, drawing his scent in again because there was something else. I could smell strawberries, vanilla, and something else I couldn't quite place.

"Why do you smell different?" I asked him, pulling away in a hurry which only made Dietrich smile even more.

"We're pregnant together, Shawn."


"We will go through this together now, my love."

"Are you t-telling m-me th-that, that, that-. I was stuttering and stammering too much that Dietrich finished for me.

"I am pregnant Shawn. See, you proved you are a man as well. I am pregnant just the same as you. One boy and one girl." Dietrich seemed to giggle.

"F-f-f-four? F-f-f-four b-b-b-babies?" I was like a scratched CD, skipping at the same spot over and over again. "F-f-f-four b-b-b-babies?"

"Yes, Shawn, we are having two sets of twins. We will have such a big family. Isn't this wonderful?"

"F-f-f-four b-b-b-babies?" I think my brain was broken.

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