Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha






Shawn and I spent about a month in our new home before we left for Germany. He wanted to leave before either of us started showing. He was still quite distressed about the idea of people seeing him while we were pregnant, but I didn't think it was that big of a problem.

I mean, who cares if people knew we had carried our own children. There was magic at work here, magic that was making our dreams of a family come true. And we had gotten pregnant the same day, just hours away from each other. This was splendid, really.

We had gotten pregnant together on Shawn's birthday at the end of August. Both pregnancies seemed to be following shifter rules, according to Griffin who came to check on us from time to time. And with that fact in mind, it meant that we were due at the end of February. Possibly a little earlier since we were carrying twins and they usually went early as it was.

We had moved into my castle in Germany, using my subjects to do our shopping and other important things so neither of us would have to be seen. I guess Shawn was right, to see two men, obviously tall, fit, and strong men, walking around pregnant would arouse some sort of suspicion about us. So, it was for that matter that we stayed secluded in my former home for the nearly five months that we had to wait.

Things were going great though. Shawn was a little hormonal at times, but who wasn't when they were pregnant?

"Dietrich! I want some ice cream!" Shawn was yelling at me from the bedroom where he was looking over things on the computer. He had been taking remote online classes, learning more German, and shopping for baby items. That was how he had spent his days.

My servants here had mostly accepted him immediately. I had told them about my ascension into royalty and about my partner, who was the Hybrid King. There were only a few bad eggs that needed to be disciplined. Ever since then, things had been smooth sailing.

"What kind of ice cream do you want, Geliebte?" I asked him as I set my book aside.

"I want chocolate ice cream with jalapenos and blood." That was another thing, my mate had been craving blood ever since getting pregnant. We both needed it to survive, and we both needed more of it since we had gotten pregnant, but he seemed to want it more frequently than I did.

"Donor blood?" I asked him even though I knew what his response was going to be.

"No, your blood. It tastes so much sweeter than the donor blood."

"Whatever you want, Liebling." I rose to my feet and walked to the kitchen. We were both quite large now, needing to walk differently as the babies grew inside of us. But I would do anything for my love, and I could not stop spoiling him.

I scooped the ice cream into a large bowl and topped it with the freshly chopped peppers he wanted. The last thing I did was bite into my wrist gently and drizzle the blood onto the ice cream for him.

I walked back up to the room, neither of us felt comfortable shadow walking while pregnant, not knowing how it would affect the babies, so I just waddled as quickly as I could.

When I got back to the room I found Shawn looking at yet another site for baby clothes and other things we would need. All of the stuff he was ordering was going straight to our house back home, we had the essentials here but we would be flying home within a week of the deliveries and would therefore need to have everything there instead.

"Here you are my love." I handed my husband his bowl and kissed his head.

"What do you think of this set?" He asked me as he took the dessert from me.

The image on the screen showed a double set of baby clothes, one blue one purple. They were meant for fraternal twins of opposite genders and they had little paw prints all over them.

"Aren't they adorable?" He asked me with the sweetest looking smile on his face. He didn't realize how much he was getting into this whole idea of parenthood. How, dare I say, motherly he was becoming. But I couldn't get enough of seeing him like this.

It was valentines day now, and we were having a special dinner, just the two of us alone in our room sitting before a roaring fireplace. Griffin and Lana were down stairs in their room and our staff was elsewhere. I just wanted to spend a night where my mate and I could have some romantic time together.

We hadn't been intimate in a long time, not since our growing bellies had gotten past a certain size. Though in the beginning the raging hormones had made us want each other so much more than we had before the pregnancies. That had been some fun times.

We still wanted each other now, the need and desire was still there for the both of us, but we wouldn't be able to be together that way until there were no obstructions in the way. Still though, we wanted to do something together.

Following dessert, I sat Shawn down on the couch and knelt before him.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked me with skepticism in his voice. "You know we can't do this right now."

"I just want a lollipop." I joked with him. "Is that so bad?"

"Dietrich." He laughed as he said my name while he shook his head. Then he took a deep, sharp breath and said my name again, but this time with pain. "Dietrich!"

I felt the surprise and pain that had come over him then, not understanding what it meant.

"What is wrong, my love?"

"Something's wrong. It hurts, it hurts so bad." His face was already going pale and beads of sweat were forming on his brow.

"I will go call for Griffin." I said as I went to stand up. However, before I could get to my feet a sharp, whole body pain overtook me and I fell to the floor, gasping. "Ahh!"

"W-what's wrong?" He asked me through pained breaths.

"Pain, so much pain."

"What is happening?" Shawn looked scared as he asked me that.

"D-do, do you think it's time?" I wondered, not knowing what else it could be.

I linked to my staff then, demanding they go to fetch Griffin and Lana immediately.

Things happened quickly then. Griffin came in and said we were indeed having the babies tonight. The delivery room had been set up for a week now, ever since Griffin and Lana came to stay until the babies were born. We were being moved there immediately. However, neither of us were able to walk so we were instead carried there by members of the staff.

Shawn in one bed, me in the other, we laid there side by side as Griffin and Lana moved between us. There were various monitors being connected to us, laying across our large bellies. And someone was setting out a lot of metal instruments.

We didn't know how the men of the past, of the legends, had delivered their babies, but we were opting for cesarean sections. No way were we going to try and figure this out some other way.

Griffin did his work quickly and efficiently, as did Lana. Between the two of them they delivered the babies and set them into their corresponding bassinets. We had indeed each had two babies, one boy and one girl. And with us being vampires, we healed very quickly. Not even ten minutes after the surgery we would have healed even if Griffin and Lana hadn't used their magic on us.

But, as it was, Griffin and Lana both did have powers and as soon as they had gotten the babies out they had us closed up and back to normal in seconds. There was no evidence on our bellies at all that we had been pregnant. No stretch marks, no scars, no loose skin. It was amazing really.

The only evidence of the whole ordeal were the four squirming squealing babies.

The babies were cleaned up and handed to us, one by one. Shawn had had fraternal twins, as did I. But then, why was it that we had two sets of identical twins?

The thing about our babies was that both the boys looked just like Shawn and both the girls looked just like me. They looked like one set of identical girls and one set of identical boys, but we had birthed them separately. That was quite unique. Aside from that, the babies were perfect and beautiful, and ours.

The two girls were born with full heads of black hair and eyes that were so light they looked white. I'm sure the blue would come into them later. The boys were born with Shawn's silver hair, full heads of it. And their eyes were gray. They were as handsome as could be.

We spent a few minutes then just looking over them. We did notice one slight difference in the babies. They seemed to be born with birthmarks. All the marks were in the same place on all four of them, the right shoulder. All four of the marks were of a crescent moon as well. It's just that with the two babies Shawn had birthed the moons faced out, toward the right side of the body. The two that I had birthed had the moon facing inward, toward the left side of the body. It made it easy to tell them apart at least.

We chose the names for them as we sat together in the giant bed in our room. We had wanted to see the babies before we chose their names. We wanted to know what they looked like first. The girls were named Alyssa and Alexandria. The boys were named Levi and Luka.

We spent the first week with the babies in Germany, getting used to our new lives as parents. But we had sent word that we were coming home with surprises very soon.

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