Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 328 - Trinity - Honeymoon Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 328 - Trinity - Honeymoon Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




So I didn't know where I was going with my adorably annoying husband, but I knew it was just going to be a trip with just the two of us. I think that is what I wanted the most. I am hardly ever alone unless I am in our room. I have staff, guards, family, and friends around me at all times. So much so that it can be a bit overwhelming at times.

I honestly think that Reece and the others were treating me like I was extremely fragile. I couldn't really blame them though, considering what had happened last time. I am pretty sure that Reece would do anything to keep me out of harm's way this time.

He was sweet, doting, and caring that was for sure. But that could also turn into overprotective, annoying, and a worrywart. It was going to be hard to have it balanced properly for us.

Still, not having overly protective guards or overly protective friends and family watching me like a hawk for two weeks was going to be nice. I was truly looking forward to all of this, I really was.

I went back to the room that I shared with Reece, the one that he just up and decided to move into right after we got back from the Black Canyons. I didn't mind that he did that though, I like sleeping with him. In more ways than one.

I pulled two large suitcases from the closet and set them on the bed. Once they were open and ready I started to gather clothes from my side of the room first. I gathered the essentials first of course: bras, panties, socks, bathing suits and bikinis, and I couldn't forget the lingerie I had bought to surprise Reece. I had wanted to use it before I got too big from the babies growing so fast. Now was my chance.

I did the same to Reece's suitcase next. I packed his boxers, socks, and undershirts along with his swim trunks. His was a lot easier to pack since I didn't have to make sure I got things that matched. Men have it a lot easier than we women do, sometimes it's so unfair.

I started on clothes next. Reece's was easy. I got him a variety of t-shirts, shorts, a few button up shirts both casual and dressy. I made sure to include some things that would look good for us to go to a nice place for dinner but most of it was comfortable and suitable for a beach. I hoped there was a beach and that I wasn't getting ahead of myself. This was actually quite fun.

I wanted to get my bag packed properly as well. I know Reece had told me to bring the lingerie and swimsuits, which I did, but I also needed other clothes too. I packed lots of shorts and shirts. There were also several dresses both casual sun dresses and two nicer ones that would be appropriate for going out. I made sure that all my outfits for the trip looked nice and would make me look as sexy as possible.

One thing that would take more time to figure out for me was shoes. Reece was easy on that aspect as well. I just grabbed a couple pairs of tennis shoes, some dressy shoes, sandals for the beach, if there was one. I really hope that there is a beach.

For me, I needed to pack casual shoes, dress shoes, sandals, and tennis shoes. I needed to make sure that the shoes I packed went with the clothes I packed so that I wasn't left with nothing to match the look.

You know, I never used to put this much effort into getting ready. I used to just throw something together and not even care what I was wearing. And I knew exactly when all that changed.

I had started to dress differently when I got with Reece. I had subconsciously started putting more effort into what I wore even before our relationship had actually gotten to the point where we were actually a couple. After we were officially together like that I started to put in even more effort. Why did I do that?

I don't know why I changed the way that I was but I think I might go back to the old me, at least during the pregnancy. I was not going to make myself look like some beauty when I was busy growing as big as a whale. I was going to be comfortable, and hidden from the world so no one saw how huge I was going to be.

Once I had all the clothes and shoes packed I started on the toiletries. We would need all of our stuff for showering, brushing teeth, doing hair and make-up (OK that last part was for me only).

All in all I would say that the packing process didn't take that long at all. Maybe an hour or so. I was just zipping the suitcases closed and grabbing the handle when the door to the room burst open.

Reece came running into the room like he was in a hurry. I could tell he had run all the way here as he was partially out of breath. There was a look of pure horror on his face. I could tell that he was afraid of something but I didn't know what it was. This was starting to make me worry.

"What the matter Reece? Did something happen?" I put a hand over my stomach protectively like there was a visible threat in the room that I needed to protect my babies from. I was instantly alert and I even reached out with my magic to try and sense what it was that had made him run all the way here.

"Good, I made it here in time." He looked relieved about something that just didn't occur to me.

"What happened Reece? Why did you run here all of a sudden?" I was still being serious but the look of relief on Reece's face made it clear that he was no longer worried about anything.

"I needed to get here before you lifted those things." He indicated the bed and the suitcases sitting on top of it.

"Huh?" I was confused for a second as I thought about it. "You ran all the way here to stop me from doing what now?"

"When I realized that you packing the suitcases meant that you were then going to lift said suitcases I needed to stop you. I'm glad I made it here in time." There was a smile on his face now, like there was nothing at all odd about what he had said and done.

"You seriously ran here to stop me from picking up a suitcase?" I finally let the reality of this situation hit me. "Are you a fucking idiot?" I yelled at him. "Do you seriously think I can't lift a suitcase right now?"

"You shouldn't though. You're pregnant. Pregnant women aren't supposed to lift heavy objects."

"Yeah, human women aren't. If you haven't noticed Dogbert, I am not human so I am not limited and bound by the same rules." I just rolled my eyes at him like I thought he was being obnoxious, which I did.

"You are too limited by them. Who said that shifter women aren't supposed to lift heavy things?" He looked so sincere and worried that for a moment I nearly believed him, almost.

"Reece, I will be fine." I tried to brush him off.

"No, you won't. I need to protect you from yourself. I need to make sure that you don't do something that you're not supposed to do." He wasn't getting angry with me but it was clear that he thought I was being unreasonable.

"Fine, you move them then. I just finished packing everything for us to leave tomorrow."

"Good, I will move them down to the car right now. Then we can have dinner and go to bed. We have an early day tomorrow. Maybe you should call everyone and let them know that we're leaving." He chuckled like he never thought about that until just now. In all honesty I hadn't either so what does that say about me?

I called my parents, Noah, Juniper, and Vincent by the time that Reece came back. He had to have made another stop somewhere besides just the car and back. Still, I managed to tell everyone important that we were leaving. I sent text messages to the others, letting them know that the Alpha and the Luna were going to be gone for a while as well.

I got the replies I expected from everyone. The guards and my friends all wished me luck. Noah grumbled about having to take on more work while Elias was only a month old. He was a doting daddy that liked to spend extra time with his wife and son. Mom was happy for me and told me to have fun. And of course Juniper was almost as excited as I was. She told me I better come back with some juicy stories for her to hear. Not that I would actually be telling them to her.

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