Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 329 - Reece - Honeymoon Part 3 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 329 - Reece - Honeymoon Part 3 (VOLUME 3)




I set the alarm early. I woke my Little Bunny at four in the morning and got us up and ready to go. I knew that she wasn't fully prepared for this trip but that was fine. This was going to be an amazing trip with just the two of us, and I do mean just the two of us.

I had notified Abigail the night before that we were getting up early to leave so a light breakfast was ready for us when we got downstairs. I had also told mom that we were leaving so she had gotten up early as well to see us off.

I had everything set and ready. Noah was in charge again. Not that he was happy about it but he was used to it by now. The good thing this time was that Gabriel would be there to help him this time. Mom and Samuel were going to take over the community development which was coming along nicely. Several of my Little Bunny's guards even moved into the area with their new mates.

Everything would be fine without us for the next two weeks.

After we ate I ushered Little Bunny out the door and into the car that was waiting for us. Gabriel, the ever capable assistant that he was for my mate, was acting as the chauffeur for this morning.

Little Bunny was definitely surprised to see how much I had managed to accomplish in such a short amount of time. All I could think was just wait, baby, just wait. She hasn't seen anything yet.

We made it to the airport just after five in the morning. There weren't many people there and none of them were heading to a private terminal like we were. Nothing makes the TSA move faster than the rich and famous. Sometimes, my status in this world was a really good thing.

Still, I took care of checking us in and handling the information for the flight manifest without my mate seeing any of it. I didn't want to ruin the surprise after all. I wanted to see her face when we got to our final destination.

We were on the plane and waiting to take off before six in the morning. By a quarter after we had taken off and were heading to the first stop on our journey.

"Feel free to sleep if you want, sweetheart, I know I woke you up early." Little Bunny was definitely looking a little sleepy already. I knew that she was already feeling tired from time to time because of the babies. That's why I was glad she suggested we go on our honeymoon now. We wouldn't have time once the babies were here.

"I think I just might." She smiled at me and snuggled into my side while she rested her head on my shoulder. I thought again, for probably the millionth time, that I am the luckiest man in the world.

I rested my head against hers, feeling the softness of her hair along with the slight dampness since I didn't let her dry her hair properly before we rushed out of the house. The gentle rhythm of her breathing and the calming effect her scent had on me, made me feel drowsy as well. Soon we were both sleeping as we flew out of the country.

We landed in Cabo San Lucas and headed toward the customs desks. Just like with the TSA, nothing helps the process more than being very wealthy. The more famous you are or the more money you have the more people want to go out of their way for you.

It didn't take us long before we were through the checkpoint and onto the next leg of the journey.

"I've never been to Cabo." Little Bunny was smiling happily as she looked around the airport at the pictures of different resorts and scenery that could be seen.

"Neither have I, we will have to come here sometime to check it out." She must have been surprised by my words because she stopped walking and just stared at me.

"What are you talking about? We're in Cabo right now."

"Not to stay." I grinned at her. "We just needed to stop here to catch another flight."

"Really?" She was still surprised but she looked at me with a grin. I could tell she was still excited and eager to find out where we were going. Where's our next flight at? She was looking all around. "What plane do we need to catch?"

"You will see." I gave her an answer that was not a lie but was ambiguous.

We left the terminal we were in and caught the airport taxi that would take us to the location of our other flight. Since there was no terminal for our flight it was hard to get to it from inside the airport.

After several minutes the taxi stopped outside a large building that had a helicopter waiting for us. It was a smallish helicopter with enough room for our luggage, us, and the pilot.

"So we're taking this to the next location?" My adorably sweet Little Bunny asked me with a smile. "Does that mean we're almost to our destination?"

"Yes, it does." I pulled her close to me as I walked her toward the next aircraft for our journey.

The helicopter took off almost immediately after we boarded it and our luggage was stowed. The view of the beaches and the beautiful turquoise water as we flew above it was a spectacular sight. I watched as my beautiful wife stared in amazement at the beautiful scenery all around us.

Little Bunny gasped a little when we flew over the water, out toward the open ocean. We were flying over the Pacific Ocean right now and it was nothing but pure beauty.

The flight didn't last long though. I soon saw the island that we were heading to. I had seen it's picture more times than I could count, but this was the first time I was seeing it in person.

"You see that?" I pointed at the island and pulled my mate up onto my lap so she could see better. "That's where we're going."

"That tiny island?" She was smiling happily. It looks like it only has one or two buildings on it. We're going to have so much privacy."

"It's our own personal island. It's completely private and it will be just the two of us there. No one else."

"Really." She looked even happier than I had imagined. "How did you pull this off so soon?"

"I bought it for you for our wedding. I was planning on surprising you when we went on our honeymoon."

"Reece?!" She yelled my name with shock oozing out of her. "You bought an island?"

"It was worth it, to see that happy look you had." I kissed the tip of her nose. "Do you want to know what I renamed it?"

"Yes." She was still smiling, despite her shock.

"It's called Isla de la Luna."

"The island of the moon?"

"The island of the Luna would work just as well, since you are my Luna."

"I love you Reece." She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me then. It was quick and over way too soon for my liking, but we had two whole weeks of just the two of us. I would get lots of kisses and lots of yummy dessert over that time.

The helicopter landed on the pad that was on the back of the house. We exited the craft and had the pilot bring our luggage out for us. The man who had flown us here assured me he would return in two weeks, in the late morning.

Finally, we made it. It was around noon, local time which was the same time back home. At least we didn't have to worry about time changes.

I pulled Trinity toward me then and scooped her into my arms. As I carried her into the large white house she squealed.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Doing what every man wants to do on his honeymoon. I am carrying my wife over the threshold."

"That is so cliché." She was smiling. She may say it was cliché, but she still loved it.

"Maybe, but I am still doing it."

I had seen plenty of photos of the house, not to mention the blueprints. I knew exactly what the place looked like. It was a spacious house that some would call a mansion. It was around three thousand eight hundred square feet and it had six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, living rooms, a small and a formal dining room, a chef quality kitchen, a theater room, and lots more. I started upstairs and ended the tour in the kitchen where I showed my mate that I had indeed thought of everything. The fridge, freezer, and pantry were all perfectly stocked.

When I took her back outside I showed her the boat house that had the private yacht I requested for this time. I still needed to buy one for future visits. There was also a speed boat that we could use for recreation along with jet skis, though I probably wouldn't be letting her on those during this trip. Maybe when the kids are older we can come back and she can be slightly more reckless. Just a little. But for now, she was too delicate to let that happen.

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