Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 344 - Trinity - Shopping Part 1 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 344 - Trinity - Shopping Part 1 (VOLUME 3)




A few days after we got home from our visit to the Fae I wanted to start preparing in any way that I could. I knew that I wasn't the only woman needing to prepare for multiple babies, let alone the few expecting multiples. Me, Juniper, Acacia, Emmalee, Ella, and Rawlynne were all due between November, December, and January. And combined the six of us would be having eleven babies. That was a lot to prepare for.

I needed to get everyone a gift. I needed to buy stuff for my babies. And now that I am looking at the calendar I see that it is almost the anniversary of the first day that Reece and I met. Well, there is the day we scented each other for the first time and then the day we met which are two days apart from each other. It was still an anniversary though, and I wanted to celebrate it.

I was a little more than half of the way through my pregnancy and I was getting big. Acacia was bigger and a little more than two weeks further along. Juniper was about two weeks behind me and catching up to me in size. Ella was our other one having multiples, twins that were due near the end of November.

I really wanted to go out shopping. I wanted to buy stuff for my babies and not just others. I remembered when I was still in the beginning of my pregnancy and bought all that baby stuff for Elias. He was such a cute baby by the way. I love him so much and I love it when Nikki brings him over for me to see.

It was going to be different though. I was going to have my own baby. Two of them in fact. And I wouldn't just visit with them. No, with my babies I was going to take care of them all day every day. I couldn't wait for them to get here.

I called Juniper to ask her something very important. I knew that she was doing classes remotely now, same as I was. It would be easier for us with all the important things we had to do all of the time. Not to mention when the babies were here.

"Hey Trin, what's up?" Juniper answered right away. She was probably as bored of the lesson as I was.

"Hey Ju, do you want to go shopping with me?" I could hear the excitement in my own voice as I spoke.

"What for?"

"Oh, I don't know. I need an anniversary gift for Reece, I need to get a new pair of shoes. I want to buy a bunch of baby stuff."

"Baby stuff?" That had her excited. "You read my mind girl. I have been meaning to go shopping soon too. I haven't bought a single thing for the babies just yet.

"Well, then let's go." I laughed at her. "I will be there to pick you up soon."

"Don't keep me waiting."

I got ready to go and made my way downstairs. I was running out of clothes that would fit me properly. This was going to be a problem. Maybe I should buy some maternity clothes as well. I guess I was going to be doing a lot more shopping today than I thought.

Reece was in the office so I made my way to see him before leaving. Noah was in the room but other than that we were alone.

"Reece." I called out in a happy and sweet voice when I went into the room.

"Hey Little Bunny." Reece smiled at me the same way as he always did.

I watched him as he watched me. It was weird but true. He was watching me walk toward him and I was watching him as I walked toward him. I didn't miss the happy look or the heat in his eyes that he had just from watching me.

"Good morning, Trinity." Noah seemed a little perturbed by my interruption.

"Good morning Noah." I finally stopped watching Reece and turned back to look at my cousin turned brother.

"Did you need something?" Noah really didn't like it when I interrupted them because Reece got all lovey dovey and that apparently made Noah think about hitting his best friend and Alpha. I knew that Noah still thought of me as a little girl. I don't know why but he did.

"Well." I was acting a little sheepish since I needed to get something from Reece that he had hidden from me. "I want my keys to the Jeep." I watched as Reece raised a suspicious eyebrow. Judging by the hole that was now in my back, Noah was glaring at me with a similar look.

"Why?" Reece didn't have an angry voice but I could tell that he was not happy to hear what I wanted.

"I want to go shopping with Juniper." I gave my best innocent smile I could muster. "I want to buy some stuff for the baby and some more maternity clothes. Everything I have is too small now."

"Can't you wait until I am off of work?" He always looked like a little puppy when he was sad about something, I loved that about him.

"No, I can't wait. I am making this into a girls day out with my best friend. It won't be long before we have little babies and we can't go out all the time for a while."

""Fine, then take a few of the guards with you."

"Reece?" I was glaring at him now. "I am basically an all powerful wolf queen and witch queen. Do you really think that I need a guard with me at all times?"

"I don't care if you were in fact the strongest being that ever lived. You're a queen and my wife, you will not leave unguarded."

"You're really stubborn, you know that?" I smiled at him. I knew he wasn't going to let me go alone anyway. I just wanted to try it anyway.

"It takes one to know one." He laughed and leaned in to where I was standing next to him so he could kiss me on the cheek. "Go, enjoy your day, buy anything that you want. I will see you tonight at dinner. And tell Juniper that I said hi." When Reece pulled away he had handed me a black card and the keys to my Jeep.

"You know, I could just leave without telling the others. You gave me the keys, who would know until it was too late." That led to a dark flash in the eyes of my husband.

"And you know that the moment you did that I would tear this city apart looking for you."

"I know." I giggled at him. "I'm going to go get Vincent. Love you." I was already walking away so I just waved at him.

"Love you Devil Bunny."

When I went down to the second floor I found that Vincent, Gabriel, and David were discussing things about an event I was as of yet unaware of. They heard me coming and quieted their voices right away. By the time that I made it to the room they were in, they were all standing and waiting for me.

Well, I guess they could have been standing the whole time. I had no way of truly knowing.

"Good morning Trinity." Vincent always looked so sweet and innocent that it was instantly obvious when he was hiding something. Like he was doing right now. Oh well, I would get it out of him later I guess.

"Hey Vincent. I want to go shopping with Juniper, and you know how the warden is. He says I can't go without you."

"Did he just say me or a few guards?" Vincent knew Reece very well.

"Hahh. You know what that worrywart said, but we will be fine with just you."

"Not going to happen, Luna Queen." Vincent knew I hated it when he used a title when he spoke with me. "The three of us can go with you. We've finished our work here anyway." He started to walk toward the door and spoke again. "Come on, let's not keep Juniper waiting. We all know how impatient she can get."

With a hand at the small of my back Vincent guided me out of the room. My little girl's trip now had more men than women. Even if we counted the babies since me and Juniper we both having one boy and one girl.

"So much for some girl talk." I sighed as I let him guide me out of the room.

"You can have your girl talk, Luna Queen, we will keep our distance and watch you from afar."

"Thank you, Gabriel. I know it's not your fault, but this is still something that I am trying to get used to."

"You should be used to it by now, Trinity. It has been nearly a year."

"That it has." I smiled at David and his smiling response. At least I was getting the three nicest guards available to me. The only ones that might be nicer were currently in Germany.

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