Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 345 - Trinity - Shopping Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 345 - Trinity - Shopping Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




I did manage to talk my three guards into letting me drive. They didn't want to give in but they finally gave up. I didn't even have to make it a command.

I mean, I have a license, why not use it. I needed to stay sharp and I didn't often get a chance to drive. Even before I mated with Reece. It was like my family never wanted to let me drive. Oh well, I was driving now and that was all that mattered.

I went to pick up Juniper and she sat in the front seat with me. That left the three guards squished together in the back seat. I felt bad about that but not enough to stop driving.

Apparently I am a maniac behind the wheel though, since Juniped told me she feared for all nine of our lives when I was making my way toward the mall. That was unnecessary. I am a good driver. I have never been in an accident and I have never gotten a ticket, ever.

When we got to the mall the first thing I wanted to do was get a snack. I was hungry but I wanted to save most of my appetite for the lunch we would be having after the shopping trip so I just stopped by a food stall on the way in. Juniper and I both got a large pretzel and cheese that we ate while we were walking.

The first store we went to was a maternity store. It was definitely somewhere that me and Juniper both needed to be. We had been so busy since we got pregnant that neither of us really had the time to buy new clothes for our pregnancies.

It was weird that we were shopping for this when we were only nineteen and twenty years old. I didn't care though, I was happy. The sales ladies behind the counter, not so much. They were looking at the two of us like we were some sort of criminal just because we were young and pregnant.

"Excuse me, do you have this in a smaller size?" I asked one of them as I held up a beautiful blue dress that was cut so that it would accommodate a growing baby belly. The older lady, perhaps in her forties, just scoffed at me when she heard me.

"Maybe she wouldn't need to buy maternity clothes while she was in high school if she wasn't a little tramp." She spoke to the woman next to her.

"I know, then she could continue buying clothes in the kids section." They laughed together, thinking that we hadn't heard them.

"Excuse me?" I kept my voice as level as I could, but there was definitely anger in it. "You have the-."

"We will handle this." Vincent placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at the women behind the counter.

"Step back, Trinity. Vincent and I have this. Gabriel will guard you for the time being." David smiled at me before shifting his face into one of anger for the older women who had been so rude.

I watched the looks on the women's faces. They were clearly lusting after the very good looking men that had stepped toward them. Though, they could see that the men were with me and that gave them pause.

"Ladies, do we have a problem here?" Vincent spoke in his soft voice. This was to lull the women into a false sense of security.

"I wouldn't say that we have a problem, no. There's nothing at all going on." The one who had spoken first answered while she straightened her graying blond hair.

"No, there is absolutely no problem here." The other woman, with light brown hair in a tight bun at the back of her head, spoke next.

"Well, that's not what we observed." David was walking toward the women now, his voice also soft while he spoke. "You see, I heard you speaking ill of the young lady over there."

"Could you blame me? To be pregnant and still in high school, it's despicable." That lady was digging her grave right now.

"And what, if you would, makes you think that she is in high school?" Vincent took a few steps closer now.

"Look at her, she barely looks fifteen."

"Lady, if you think that Trinity is only fifteen then you're blind. She's almost twenty for crying out loud." Juniper snapped at the woman behind the counter.

"That's enough, Juniper, we will handle this." Vincent calmed my friend who was defending me.

"That means she is still a teenager. Shameful. Does she even know who the father is?" The brunette quipped this time.

Oh, I saw red. Their words were making me so mad right now that all I wanted to do was smack someone, hard.

"That was beyond uncalled for." David was pissed now. He was a hard one to make angry, but she had done it. "You need to watch that mouth of yours."

"You all need to watch yourself or we will just kick you out of here." The graying blonde was sounding so much more like a petty bitch.

"Hmm, let me see what your boss has to say about this." Vincent pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

It only took a moment. Vincent called Noah and asked him one specific question.

"Noah, Mr. Gray happens to own Red Waters enterprises, correct. That would be the company that manages many subsidiaries such as clothing stores within the city limits." There was a slight pause while Vincent was waiting for Noah's response. I saw the fear on the faces of the women behind the counter.

Huh, that was news to me. Reece owned this store and many others. That was interesting. And it also made me the boss of these hags as well.

"That's exactly what I thought, thank you for the confirmation." Vincent put the phone away. "So what if you know who owns this store. What does Reece Gray have to do with any of you?"

"I am Trinity Gray. Reece Gray is my husband." I glared at the women who had disrespected me.

All the color drained from their faces and I could see the older of the two sway a little as she took in the news.

"Y-you're Mrs. Gray?"

"Yes, I am." I glared at her.

"I am so sorry. We didn't know who you were." The brunette apologies with tears in her eyes.

"So, you're saying you would have never been so disrespectful if you knew that I was a rich and powerful woman?" I just shook my head. "Completely disgraceful. I don't think that my husband would take too kindly to the way that you've behaved." I saw a few other women walk into the store then and wanted to bring this scene to a close. "I suggest you straighten up, there are others around. I will be telling my husband about this."

"We're so sorry." The graying woman spoke again. "So very sorry."

"Save your apologies, I am not interested in them. Just get me the items that I wanted and we will be good here. And make sure you take care of the other women as well.

Juniper and I got all the items that we wanted, in the proper sizes. I paid for it all with the black elite credit card that Reece had given me earlier. Juniper tried to stop me but I put my foot down, I wanted to pay for them.

After the maternity clothes I wanted to stop and get something super important. Well, it was important to me at least.

I knew that there wasn't much I could buy at a regular store that Reece would want or need, but I knew a few things that would go over well for the anniversary of our first meeting. I wanted to stop in at two or three different places before we went shopping for the baby stuff. I knew a novelty shop would have something that I could use for this occasion. Leave it to them to be prepared for my unique situation. I found a couple different picture frames that I was going to do some arts and crafts with.

The first had a large nose on it and said I loved you from the moment I first smelled you. I was going to take the novelty nose off and attach the decorative wolf head I had found in the same shop. The second one said I couldn't help but fall for you. That frame showed a man literally falling down on top of a woman. I guess that one didn't need to be altered. If only it would have had the woman on a tree like I had been when he fell on top of me.

There was also a novelty dog plush that said Fido, I had to get it.

After the novelty store I went to the custom printing shop so they could make a shirt for me to give to Reece. I chose a dark hunter green, a color that looks good on him. They were printing the words and pictures in white so that they could be seen easier.

The words that were printed on it formed a list with three paw prints as the bullet points. It said HUSBAND, DADDY, PROTECTOR. Inside the paw prints were written three names: Trinity, Reagan, and Rika.

I know it was corny, but it was definitely something he didn't already have.

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