Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 347 - Trinity - Anniversary (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 347 - Trinity - Anniversary (VOLUME 3)




Following the shopping trip I only had a little over a week before the anniversary of the first day that I met Reece.

We actually had two coming up here. The day we smelled each other in the woods which also happened to be the day that he fell on top of me at the harvest moon gathering. Then there was the day that we actually met when I was attacked by a rogue on the way home from Juniper's apartment.

Reece had actually saved my life that day. That was when he and I officially met for the first time. It also happened to be the day I moved into his house, tried to run away, got thrown over his shoulder and carried back to my room. Oh, and not to mention that was the first day that he called me a little bunny. He hadn't used it as a nickname that day, but it wouldn't be long.

Hmm. Thinking about it, should I get a Fido gift for him? That anniversary was only a few days later than the other two. I could just give him that dog plush as the Fido day present. It would work.

I was working away on his presents, getting them ready. There wasn't a lot that I needed to change about them really, but I was making them a little more personalized.

On the frame with the nose, I obviously took that large schnoz off and replaced it with the wolf head. The wolf head had been painted to look a little different. I had painted it pure black, except for the eyes. The eyes I painted a bright red. It would look like his wolf form now. His current wolf form that is.

The other frame was almost perfect. It was like they expected me to come looking for something like that. It was kind of eerie how easy it was to find a frame that fit that aspect of our mating.

Still, I was having fun. I liked making all these things for Reece. I knew he found them all cute as well. I couldn't wait to see his face when he saw them. Should I plan a dinner as well? Hmm, probably.

Maybe a trip to the same place that we had our first date at. That would be special. Kaleidoscope had been a wonderful date. I called them up and asked them to prepare a table and something special for that night. I knew they would do it when we arrived but advance warning would probably help.

"Thank you for calling Kaleidoscope, this is Lawrence."

"Wow, Lawrence, I didn't expect you to answer your own phone." I giggled.

"I often do." He laughed back. "Who's this, how can I help you?" Lawrence was a great guy, and he was a member of the pack.

"This is Trinity Gray, I-."

"Trinity Gray?" He interrupted me with shock in his voice.

"Yes Lawrence. I want to plan a date for Reece. And since we had our first date at your restaurant I want us to go back there again."

"Oh my Goddess." It sounded like Lawrence was hyperventilating or something. "The Luna Queen wants to come to my place. I am talking to the Luna Queen." I could hear air moving toward the receiver then, I had an image that Lawrence was fanning his face to calm himself down. I almost laughed again but I didn't, I needed to hold my composure.

"It's alright Lawrence. Calm down." I tried to settle him. "I am only calling to give advance warning. I am learning that a lot of people go above and beyond when Reece is involved. I just don't want to leave you all scrambling."

"Don't discount yourself in there, Luna Queen. You're more special in our eyes. You are the Goddess blessed Queen of us all. I am in awe right now." This was going to take a while wasn't it.

After a little bit of freaking out and a lot of thank you's I managed to set up the dinner part of our date. Lawrence was going to see to it personally that we had a special night. I didn't even want to know what that meant but I was going to let him do what he wanted. That was easier anyway.

Now all I had to do was invite my mate out for the date. Since the first of the two dates was on a Sunday I opted for that one to be the dinner date. That way it didn't interfere with Reece's work at all.

When I asked him to have dinner with me that night it led to an interesting conversation about why I didn't want to go now. He agreed though, no hesitation on that. He just wanted to go to dinner tonight too.

We did indeed have dinner out that night but I was still eagerly waiting for that night. When it finally came I wore my new dress that I got from the maternity store. Hmm, I had forgotten to mention that to him. Maybe I would tell him at dinner tonight.

I wanted to wear beautiful heels with the dress but I felt so off balance with the twins taking up so much space in my body already. Instead of the tall thin heels I wore more modest platform sandals. I was just glad that it wasn't further into fall. It was still dry and relatively warm.

Reece looked amazing as well. He was wearing a handsome Armani suit that was all black. His shirt was black and the tie he wore was emerald green. Holding that tie down was a diamond encrusted white gold tie clip. His cufflinks matched the tie clip as well.

My dress was a soft powder blue and it had an empire waist with a decorative silver fastening just below my bust. Below the bust line the dress was just so that it laid perfectly no matter the size my growing baby belly would become. It was simple but elegant and beautiful.

When I was ready Reece looked at me with hungry and heat filled eyes. He took my hand, crossed his body to wrap our hands together, and put his arm around my waist. It was his favorite way to walk with me when we were being formal.

We were going for a formal and fancy look so Reece chose the Mercedes for the night. He drove at a steady pace, not going above the speed limit at all. This was so different than how he used to be and the reason was the babies.

When we got to the restaurant we parked at the curb, a spot waiting for us right by the door. Reece walked around and opened the door of the car for me. When we walked inside the staff was waiting for us.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Gray." The assembled staff spoke in unison. I had managed to convince Lawrence he couldn't have them say anything about kings or queens, or Lunas and Alphas. Humans just wouldn't understand.

We were led to our table immediately. It was secluded from the others and had the best view of the restaurant's lovely decor.

Right after we sat down Lawrence came over to see us. He had with him a menu that listed the wines that were available.

"Would you like to choose a vintage for the evening?" He asked Reece elegantly.

"Not this time, Lawrence. My wife can't partake so I am refraining tonight as well."

"Oh, please forgive me, Sir. It completely slipped my mind. Yes, yes. I need to offer my congratulations on the upcoming additions to your family and the pack is so excited for you as well. Again, I am so sorry for my mistake." Lawrence sounded flustered as he tried to talk his way out of what he perceived as a grave error.

"It's fine, Lawrence. Normally Reece would still be drinking a glass or two, but he is driving and I cannot have any so we would just like some water for now."

"Yes, Luna, yes." He bowed his head repeatedly as he walked away.

We didn't even have to place an order. Lawrence had it all ready in advance. I did tell him what to make when I called ahead so that did help a lot. Not to mention, it only took ten minutes or so to get the food.

"Here you are. A full course for the lovely couple." Lawrence and a group of waiters brought out several plates and set them around our table. I had ordered the full course because it had enough food for not only me but also for Reece. It was also amazing.

The rich, decadent food in front of me was making me want to drool. I couldn't do that though. This was a lovely and romantic date.

It was delicious though. We concentrated on eating for a while before Reece even decided to deviate from the simple conversation we had been having.

"This is a lovely anniversary, isn't it?" He grinned at me.

"You remembered?" I asked him with a smile.

"Did you really think I would forget? I pretended though, so I could see what you came up with. This is amazing, Little Bunny, I couldn't be happier."

"I'm glad you're happy. And you had me fooled for sure. When you asked why I wanted to have the date I thought you didn't know what the date meant." Reece looked so sexy when he gave me that confident look. It was one that said he would never let me down. I believed it too.

"So, can I give you my gift?" He asked me as he reached into his jacket pocket. Be pulled a small box out of it and handed it over.

"I have one for you too." I smiled at him as I pulled the small gift bag out and handed it to him.

"Shall we open them together?" He was excited as he looked at the box. He wanted to give it to me so bad.

"You open yours first, then I will open mine." I told him as I slid the bag toward him.

"Fine." He set the box on the table and took the bag.

Reece was like a kid when he opened presents. He always got excited and went to town on them. He pulled the paper out and tossed it aside. That wasn't nice but a waiter caught it out of the air without even losing a beat while carrying a tray.

When Reece saw the gifts I heard him laugh.

"This is perfect, and so you." He was grinning. "I can't believe you found these."

"To be fair, I had to modify the one with the wolf head. It had a nose on it. But it was fun changing it up so I didn't mind."

"They fit us perfectly. Especially since I really did fall for you when I fell on you. I wanted to eat you up right then and there." I heard the heat in those words.

"You dirty dog." I shook my head.

"You love it." I did, but I wasn't going to confirm it for him. "Here, open yours." He prodded the box and pushed it toward me.


I took the box and opened it. Inside there were charms that would go on my bracelet he got me for Christmas. There were four altogether. They were all paws with a letter emblazoned over them. The paws also had gemstones on them. There was a 'T' with blue topaz stones, an R with a golden colored citrine, an R with a dark blue sapphire, and an R with a bright pink tourmaline.

"You know, I am the only one without an R for my first initial."

"That's because you're special."

"I love these, Reece. They're perfect."

We finished our dinner and decided to head straight home. This night had been perfect. Better than I expected.

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