Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 346 - Trinity - Shopping Part 3 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 346 - Trinity - Shopping Part 3 (VOLUME 3)




Now that we had the maternity clothes and the cheesy anniversary gifts for Reece it was time for us to head to the baby store. David was going to be taking our bags to the car so that we could shop without lugging them around.

The first baby store we went to was a small baby boutique. They sold handmade clothes and toys. They also dealt with many things that were custom ordered so if there was something we liked but not the color or pattern we could order something that would suit our needs. We could also order things embroidered and they would do it for us.

Both Juniper and I knew we were having one of each, not to mention we had both come up with names already. I was naming my babies Reagan and Rika, and she was naming hers Rowan and Ilana. When we each found something neutral that we liked we went to the counter to get 'babies' names embroidered on them. It was not going to be ready today, we would have to come back to pick them up in a few weeks.

Aside from the customized jumpers that I was ordering for the babies I bought plenty of other adorable outfits. There were so many cute options that I had to fight not to buy them all. I did, however, end up buying at least ten for each baby at just this store.

I was smart about the purchases though. I bought them in varying sizes so that I had some for when they grew bigger. That was a little better I think.

The next store we went to was a little more big name brand. It was a common place for people to shop for their baby items so it was quite a bit bigger and had more to choose from.

While we browsed David and Gabriel held our bags for us while Vincent watched over us.

At this store Juniper and I picked out carseats, strollers, highchairs, rocking chairs, everything we could think of.

"Ms. Trinity, might I interject here for just a moment?" Vincent was speaking politely but firmly as he got my intention.

"Yes? What is it Vincent?" I raised an eyebrow at the way he had spoken. I guess he was acting like a real bodyguard since there was no denying why he was following me around the way he was.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat and leaned in so that no one but me and Juniper would hear him. "Please don't forget that the pack will most likely be throwing a baby shower for you. Yes you are capable of buying everything for yourself and they all know that, however these are the first children of the Alpha and Luna. Not to mention you're not just the Alpha and Luna, you're the Alpha King and Luna Queen. I imagine that the pack will be making a very big deal about this."

"Really? But that is not necessary at all." I was shocked to hear his words.

"I know that it is not needed but you should expect it."

"Huh, well if you think the pack will want to do that for us, should I make a registry?" I couldn't believe that the pack would want to do this for us even though we could buy everything for ourselves.

"That will be wise. Let's let them know what it is you want and then you can return or donate whatever it is you don't keep."

"You're always so good with this stuff Vincent." I smiled at him. "What would I do without you?" He blushed at that. He was too easy sometimes.

"OK, so Trinity is just picking stuff out for other people to buy her. But I can still shop til I drop." Juniper sounded so excited right then. We were both having so much fun.

"And I can buy it all for you." I smiled at her. "Luna's orders." I winked at her so she wouldn't fight me on it.

We continued to pick everything out that we liked. Juniper's stuff was going into the cart for us to buy while mine was going onto a registry for others to buy for me. This felt wrong to me. I could buy it all for myself.

Still, there was so much that I loved and I couldn't wait to start stocking up the baby room. I wanted to have everything that I both did and did not need. I wanted to be prepared for everything. I wanted to be super prepared even though I knew that I would likely be going overboard.

Juniper was nearly set with everything that she got today. The Jeep was practically stuffed full. It was good I wasn't buying my stuff today, there would be no room.

After we were done shopping I was famished. I was more than hungry for the lunch we had been waiting for. And the babies were telling me to feed them too while they kicked up a storm.

We went to our favorite place. I loved Franny's kitchen and all the wonderful food that we got there. Not to mention Franny and her family were the best.

When we got to the restaurant and went to find a seat we must have caught Franny's eye. She called out and came running over to us.

"Oh, do my eyes deceive me?" Franny was all smiles when she hugged us. "Two of my favorite customers are pregnant, at the same time." She was laughing sweetly as she looked at our bellies. "Did you girls plan this because you're such good friends?" She was giving us a skeptical look already.

"No Franny, it wasn't planned. Though we couldn't be happier since our babies will grow up together."

"Oh, I cannot wait to see these two new little ones with you someday soon." She was rubbing our bellies excitedly as she spoke.

"Four." Juniper and I said at the same time.

"Come again?" Franny looked up with a confused look.

"Four babies. We're each having twins." I explained with a hint of laughter in my voice."

"EEEEEeeeeeeee." Franny squealed long and loud. "I just adore twins. I am so happy for you two. I am going to give you both an extra big dessert today. On the house."

"You don't need to do that, Franny." I tried to stop her.

"Hush now, youngin'. I want to do this." There was no fighting with her on this.

Juniper and I sat in a corner booth alone while the three guards with us sat at a table that was almost right next to ours. We might as well have been sitting together.

When Franny came over with our cups of juice she asked me something that caught me off guard.

"Why don't your bodyguards just sit with you? It would be easier for them, right?"

"How did you know?" I asked her, confused.

"Now Trinity, you don't think that old Franny is that old yet do you? I see you in here with a variety of guards. For most of the time you've been coming here you've had people with you. First it was just Juniper here and her man and twin brother. The four of you were always together. Then you added that tall one over there. After that there was always one or more men with you that seemed to be watching the room more than he ate."

"That is true." I hung my head, hating that we had been so obvious.

"There is nothing wrong with it. I am honored that you would come here to my humble little diner when you could probably go anywhere in the world, literally. I am just saying, wouldn't they be more comfortable sitting with you?"

"Well, they're trying to give us a bit of privacy for a girl's day out." I smiled sheepishly while she laughed.

"Ah, I see. That makes sense. That is good of them then. Every woman needs to have her alone time with her friends. I will give them something extra for being such great guys." She winked at me and walked away.

When franny brought out our lunch all the plates were heaping with good. Franny's food was the best and it was so nice of her to do this for us. I could also tell that the guys were happy with their meal today. It was quite the portion but being wolves they ate it no problem.

True to her word, Franny brought out special desserts. Giant chocolate fudge brownies with caramel and walnuts topped with ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry. The brownies were still warm and melting the ice cream. That was fine, the brownies just absorbed the sugary goodness.

Lunch was amazing, dessert was amazing, and like always Franny was amazing. Since she had always been so nice and gone above and beyond I decided to do something a little extra special for her.

Since I was going to save a fortune on all this baby stuff I needed to spend the money somehow. When I paid for lunch I left a tip that was so big it went beyond obscene. We were already out of the building when Franny looked at the receipt and saw the total.

"Oh my lord, have mercy, is this real?" I guess I surprised her a bit. I just hope it doesn't shock her into a heart attack. "Honey, come look at this. Look, look, look, look." She sounded just fine, that was good. And I felt like I had done my good deeds for the day.

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