Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 350 - Reece - Preparing For The Babies Part 3 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 350 - Reece - Preparing For The Babies Part 3 (VOLUME 3)




My Little Bunny may have thought that I stunk but I knew that I had made a lot of progress with the nursery. I wasn't nearly done though. I needed to get the rest of the painting done then I could start on the customization.

The next day after breakfast I went straight to work on the nursery. I wanted to work on this nonstop until I was finished. Noah wasn't happy but I forced him to accept it. He would just have to take care of business until I was done.

The yellow and blue in the room was going to be simple. I painted three of the walls with the soft pastel yellow color. I made certain to take my time and pay extra attention to the detail that was around the room.

It took me all day since it wasn't a very small room. I also made certain that I was careful enough not to get any of the paint on the pristine white ceiling. When I was finally done with the yellow I called it a day. I would be back the next day to work on the trim and borders.

My adorably sexy little wife thought I was being funny. She laughed and giggled at me when she saw me coming back from the nursery.

"Can I see the masterpiece yet, Michaelangelo?"

"Of course not. An artist does not show his work before it is finished." I played along with her joke with me.

"I bet it will be lovely. It's going to have to be with how you've been." That was the cute, musical little laugh that I loved so much. "I think you might just switch professions and move onto designing nurseries professionally."

"The only nurseries I am interested in are for my own children. Everyone else can hire someone to design and decorate theirs. After this I am retired."

"And if we have another baby?" She arched an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Then I will come out of retirement to update this nursery for the next baby. However, I planned this design so that it would work for all of our future children." I was broadly boasting my genius is the design of the room behind me. "No peeking though. I will show you when it's all done." I warned her off with a wiggle of my finger when she tried to sneak a look around my arm.

"Spoil sport." She pouted for a second. "Well come on then. Go clean up and we can head down to dinner. Your mom is waiting for us."

Mom had indeed been waiting for us. We ate dinner together and chatted about baby related things. Mom was asking Trinity if she had looked at anything for the babies yet and if there was anything she just absolutely wanted or had to have. It was an excellent conversation and I knew that once these times were over I was going to miss them. I didn't want to mourn a missed opportunity by not being a part of the whole process.

On day three of doing the nursery I started first thing in the morning again. Right after breakfast I headed to the room across the hall from the one I shared with my mate and mother of my children.

I was going to be focusing on the pastel green today. The green was going to cover the trim, crown moulding, the interior side of the door, and window frames. I would also have the outlet covers and switch plates painted to match the color. It was coming along nicely. I just knew that my Little Bunny was going to love it.

That night and the next morning followed the same pattern as before. Trinity pretended to try and get a sneak peek outside the room. Then I showered and went to dinner with my wife and mother.

The only difference that night was that Eve and Wesley, my Little Bunny's parents, had come to have dinner with us. It was a little more lively this evening as we talked about who would be the primary babysitter, Eve or Mom. Eventually they agreed that since there were two babies there needed to be two grandmothers.

However, Mom did make a valid point in her favor. Eve had one grand baby already and had another one on the way. Mom, however, would only have grandchildren that came from Trinity and me.

On day four I started painting the forest mural that would be adorning the last of the walls. I started with the trees that would be in the back, those would be darker and less detailed. I was fashioning the trees after the type we had around our home so they were mainly tall thin trees with most of the vegetation up high or tall thin fir trees.

It was slow going on the mural. I knew that it was going to take me a long time. The background of the mural was what was going to take the longest. I was focusing on getting the line of the trees just right. When I was done with the darker colored background trees and the outline for the sky it was already the end of the day.

I continued this process all through the next day and the weekend. Day after day I worked tirelessly on the mural. Once Monday came around again, on the eighth day of working on the nursery and the fifth day of working on the mural, I was just about done. The trees were done. The mountains in the background were perfect. The blue sky and the clouds were painted on. There was even the perfect blending of colors where the sun was supposed to be.

What I needed to do now was start on the glow in the dark paintings. On the wall with the mural I was going to paint a full moon that would only be visible in the dark. There would also be stars and an outline for the trees. On the ceiling I was going to paint different constellations and groupings of stars. I was using an astrology book to make sure that I got it just right. This part took me another two days. I needed to use a very small brush for all of the fine little detail.

I worked all day every day for a week and a half. Ten days of solid work on the room and I could finally say that the painting was done. After that I started with the clean up. Clearing away all my tools and the drop cloths.

With everything out of the way I cleaned the room. I am not as good at cleaning as the maid in the house were so I did allow them to help. I wanted the whole room sterilized as best as they could.

Now it was time for the furniture. I wanted to take this responsibility on as well. I went back to the home improvement store and bought various types of wood. I was going to try and make a pair of cradles for the babies.

I was a skilled man, I could handle this.

Apparently I couldn't. After three days of trying to cut, shape, sand, and assemble the pieces I was ready to give up. It was a lot harder to make these cradles than it was for me to paint the room.

On day four of working on the cradles my Little Bunny came to see me in the workshop that was off of the garage. She had arrived just in time to watch me explode at the piece in front of me.

"Son of a bitch." I threw the hammer on the floor and kicked a piece of scrap wood that was lying on the floor. "Ugh!"

"Not going so well?" She giggled and asked me when I was done with my tantrum.

"I think I need to admit that this is beyond me. I don't think that I can build these." I hung my head in shame from my failure.

"No one said you had to be a carpenter. We can buy the furniture and you can assemble it. That part will be much easier. Come on Fido, you're a wolf not a woodworker."

"Yeah, I think you're right Little Bunny. This is beyond me, but I can put together anything that we get."

"Yup, now come on. We can donate the leftover wood. By the way, I am proud of you for trying."

"Yeah? How proud of me are you?" I asked her while grabbing her bottom.

"Keep it in your pants, Cujo, we've got company coming over. Go get a shower and get ready."

"Damn, and I was so hopeful too."

"If you're good I will reward you when they have all gone home."

"Now that's what I am talking about." I growled out a low laugh and headed to my room. I could be patient and wait. My Little Bunny was worth the wait.

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