Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 351 - Trinity - Surprise (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 351 - Trinity - Surprise (VOLUME 3)




Reece had been working on the nursery every day for about two weeks. He had been coming to eat with me for every meal but aside from that he hadn't done anything. Noah had been grumbling because he was having to step up and handle things while Reece was otherwise occupied.

On the tenth day of his little decorating spree he was at the point where he was trying to make homemade cradles for the babies. I appreciated the effort but I thought he was going a little too far. He wasn't a carpenter or anything like that. He was an Alpha, a businessman, and a King. Not to mention my mate. He needed to face the facts that he had to give up on this.

Just before noon I was in the library reading when I was surprised by Juniper showing up unannounced. She popped her head into the room and grinned.

"Hey you." She opened the door the rest of the way. "I was looking for you."

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her with a grin to match hers.

"Well, I figured that we will not be able to hang out that much once the babies are here so I wanted to have a couple's night. You, me, Paul, and Reece. We can have lunch, hang out, have dinner, and play some board games. Whatever it is we decide to do. What do you say?"

"I say that sounds like fun." I was already getting up so that I could leave the room with her.

It was mid October now, I was now four months pregnant but for a wolf like me that meant that the babies were as developed as someone who was six months along. My belly was definitely huge compared to how it used to be and I was finding it hard to get up sometimes. Juniper was in the same boat as me but she always seemed to chipper that it was hard to imagine that she was having any problems whatsoever.

As soon as we were out of the library Juniper sent me to go get Reece. I knew right where he was so I didn't need to actually find him. The issue with Reece was that he needed to shower and get cleaned up. I wouldn't say no to changing either, I hadn't exactly put any effort into my wardrobe this morning.

I let Juniper know that I was heading up the stairs to change while Reece took a quick shower. I was moving slow when we got to the room but Reece was moving fast. He was in the shower and cleaning himself up by the time that I got to my closet.

I didn't plan on dressing too fancy but I was going to treat this like it was a casual date with my husband. It would be fun to look nice. It would be one of the last times that I actually put that effort in.

I was changed into a cute little sundress, something that I got from the maternity store. It was simple, nothing elaborate, but it was comfortable. I liked the color as well, it was just the same shade of rich golden honey that Reece's eyes were. I loved it because it made me think of him.

I was brushing my hair and doing some light makeup while Reece got dressed. By the time that I was ready he had already been waiting for me for a few minutes. I couldn't help it that I was moving slow, it was difficult to carry around so much extra belly.

Reece offered to carry me down the stairs when we left the room. He didn't want us keeping our guests any longer.

"Come on, Little Bunny, let me carry you. It would be so much quicker."

"If I am moving too slow for you Reece, you can feel free to go on ahead of me. I am not some China doll that you need to save from the raging bull in the shop. Let me move at my own pace." He looked hurt when I had finished scolding him.

"If it's already this difficult for you to move, I can only imagine how things will be when you're full term." The nervous look in his eyes didn't give me much confidence right now.

"When I am that big I will just roll everywhere, it will be even quicker than you carrying me." We laughed together as I made my way slowly down the stairs.

By the time that we reached the dining room I was getting tired. I might just be taking the elevator from now on. This was getting to be tiresome.

The door to the dining room was opened and I could smell the food. I guessed that Abigail had gotten right to work when Juniper got here. I was ready for lunch right now, my stomach was growling and the babies were turning ravenous.

As soon as I went to walk into the room there was a loud shout as several dozen people called out:


I think I almost had a heart attack. It definitely scared the babies too since they started kicking a lot more. I don't know why I didn't pick up on all the people in the house. I think my nose was too focused on all the food that was here.

There were two dozen large tables in this dining room. It was the largest one in the entire house. And out of those two dozen tables two of them were completely covered with food. That made for a lot of food.

There was a huge banner running across the back of the room. In brightly colored letters it read: CONGRATULATIONS TRINITY, JUNIPER, EMMALEE, RAWLYNNE, ELLA, AND ACACIA.

There were mountains of gifts stacked all over the room and what looked like almost every adult female pack member. This must have been that babyshower that Vincent had mentioned. Now that I think about it, I never did ask him what he was hiding from me.

I played right into their hands when I wanted to go shopping. That was convenient for them then, huh. And I was glad that I was having a joint babyshower with everyone that was close to me. Juniper was like a sister to me and Cedar was like my brother so that made Acacia like my sister in-law. Carter was my cousin but he was more like a brother and that made Emmalee my sister in-law as well. Rawlynne had been a good friend ever since she got here and Ella was just amazing. They all deserved this babyshower more than I did. I could buy everything I needed several times over and not make Reece angry about my spending, I didn't want to take money and gifts from others.

However, one of the things that I talked to Gloriana about was the fact that as a member of a royal family, you will undoubtedly get unsolicited gifts from people. These gifts could mean different things and would warrant different responses. At least right now, I know that these people just wanted to celebrate the birth of the Alpha and Luna's babies.

I was still stunned silent when Reece reached over and touched my arm.

"Are you alright, Trinity? You look a little pale."

"I just got the shit scared out of me Reece, of course I'm pale." I laughed at him. "I was too focused on the food that I didn't smell anyone in here. Some Luna Queen I am." I was trying to turn my flub into a joke but I was still very embarrassed.

Following that I was led to the front of the room. I needed to greet everyone that was here as part of my duties as Luna Queen but thankfully I managed to get them to come up in groups. That would make the whole process that much quicker.

After the greetings were done we ate the food. It was delicious and made my heart sing. Ahh, yummy food always makes me happy.

Following lunch there were some babyshower games. One of which included how many sheets of toilet paper would it take to wrap around the expectant mother's belly. Poor Acacia, her belly was so big. I don't know how she managed it.

Following the games there were the gifts. Given how many there were I thought I would be opening them later. Nope, I had to open them now. I enlisted the help of the others when they ran out of their own gifts. Combined there were probably a thousand gifts if not more. And most of them were for me.

The baby shower was great, and everyone had a wonderful time, myself included. It's just that I was so tired by the time it was all over. When the guests left and it was just me, Reece, my family, and the other expectant mommies I decided to share the wealth.

Acacia, Emmalee, Elle, Rawlynne, and Juniper were all going to take what they wanted from the mountain of baby supplies. There was more here than I could use for a dozen babies. But sharing it was a good option. When I was fully prepared and they didn't need anything more I would donate whatever is leftover to the women's shelter.

I was happy though. Everyone here took the time to show me just how much they love and care about me. My family, my friends, my pack, they were all wonderful people.

I was walking up the stairs with Reece, really wishing that I had taken the elevator like I joked about earlier and just contemplating having him carry me when everything went dark. I even felt like all the muscles in my body went slack and I couldn't stand.

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