Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 354 - Reece - Complications Part 3 (Volume 3)

Chapter 354 - Reece - Complications Part 3 (Volume 3)




As I sat there in the chair in the corner of the room I watched on as the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with my wife. I was watching the monitors as Trinity was hooked up to all of them. They had the babies and her both being monitored so they could check everything. There were wires going just about everywhere.

The monitors for the babies were fine. One of them had a heart rate of one hundred and forty beats per minute and the other had one hundred and thirty-five beats per minute. They were doing just fine.

Trinity's monitors were sounding alarm after alarm. Her heart rate was way too fast. I could see the lines spiking by myself so I didn't even need to see that the numbers said it was beating at one hundred and forty-five beats per minute. That was not normal for her.

Her blood pressure was way too high as well. Instead of the usual one hundred and ten over eighty it was now one hundred and ninety over one hundred and twenty. What was going on with her? What was causing all of this?

Despite not being a medical professional I knew that this was wrong. I knew that there was something majorly wrong with my Little Bunny.

Another thing I could see that was wrong on the monitor was the oxygen levels. They were way too low. We may be stronger, faster, and a lot harder to kill than humans but we still needed a beating heart and oxygen to live.

A grim looking nurse came over toward us then, I knew exactly what she was going to say to me. She wasn't the same one who had spoken to me earlier and I didn't know who she was.

"We're going to need you gentlemen to wait outside." She tried to usher us all toward the door.

"They will wait outside but I will wait right here." She didn't look happy at my rebuttal.

"I am sorry, Mr. Gray, but hospital policy states-."

"You can shove your fucking hospital policy up your fucking ass. That's my wife and I am the Alpha King. I would like to fucking see you make me leave this goddamn room." She stiffened in fear at my words. She knew who I was and what I was capable of, that was clear to see by the fear in her eyes.

"Very well then, you may stay, but the rest of you need to leave immediately." She did her job by forcing Noah and Vincent from the room but I stayed put in my seat in the corner. No one was going to get me to leave my wife's side. That was never going to happen, ever.

I heard snippets of the conversation between the doctors. I heard them talking about Trinity's heart rate, blood pressure, something about incompatibility, and then there was something about her needing oxygen. They had put a mask on her to help her breath more easily but I didn't know what else they were doing just yet.

There was a lot of panic and hushed talking going on. I knew they were limited to very few people in the hospital since Trinity and the babies weren't human. I didn't know how different we were on the inside but it might be enough for a doctor to figure out if they were doing tests.

After what felt like forever but was in reality probably only thirty minutes or so, Griffin came over to me. I watched as he lowered the mask he had around his face and walked slowly toward me. There was such a grim look on his face that it immediately made my heart stop and my stomach drop. I felt like I was already dying by the time that he knelt in front of me. I could tell that I was looking at him with fear filled eyes.

"Reece." He sighed my name and I could tell that it was bad news.

"Is Trinity dead? Is she gone? Are my babies gone?" I felt the tears already stinging the backs of my eyes. The panic was setting in.

"No!" He said the word so quickly it was like he was trying to diffuse the timebomb I was becoming. "No, she's fine." I felt a rush of relief start to wash over me. "Trinity is alive and fine and so are the babies."

"What happened Griffin? What was all of this?" The panic had lessened but it wasn't gone.

"I am not sure what caused it yet but she seems to have developed gestational hypertension. It is not that uncommon for most women but it is almost unheard of for a shifter." I knew this was bad, it was beyond bad.

"What does this mean? What exactly happened to her?" I felt like the world was still spinning around me and I couldn't stop myself from spiraling.

"Basically it means that her blood pressure got too high. It was so high that her heart had to work extra hard to keep up and that made her body get less oxygen. Thankfully she and the babies were fine when you got here. There is no lasting damage. They will all make it through this just fine." I wanted to be relieved and believe that it was all over but it couldn't be that easy, I just knew it couldn't.

"What do we do from here? What happens next?" That was the major thing right? What did we need to do to make sure that she and the babies continued to be OK through all of this.

"Well, I will give her something that will help with her blood pressure. It will only be during the pregnancy so it will only last a little while. I don't know how much she is going to need just yet so I will be coming to see her at the house a lot to check her blood pressure."

"Alright. So she needs to take that medicine and you will see her a lot, what else? That can't be it." I was not ready to believe that the worst was past. I was too afraid to hope for something positive.

"She needs to try not to get too excited, she needs to stay off her feet. I want her on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. I want someone there to help her around the clock so that she isn't doing too much by herself. I mean it. She needs to stay off her feet and keep her blood pressure down." That was a lot to ask for. I knew how my headstrong Little Bunny was likely to respond to that. Then again, if it was for the babies she just might do it.

"Alright. I will make sure she is off her feet. What about her appointments in your office?" I needed to get all of these details ironed out as soon as I could.

"I will take care of those when I come to see her at your place. I will not make her come back to my office unless there is something that I am concerned about."

"That's good." I finally sighed in relief, I might finally be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. "What about when she goes into labor? Do I bring her here or your office?" I could just imagine that day, I was going to panic beyond belief.

"Here, I will need the extra equipment to monitor her. I want to make sure they are all safe and sound."

"They are though, aren't they? They're safe. Nothing is wrong right?" I had to ask even though he already told me this.

"Yes, Reece." He put a hand on my shoulder then, steadying my nerves. "They're fine. I promise."

As Griffin stood up I finally felt the relief fully wash over me. It was like he had taken the last of my doubts with him as he left the room. That was also when I noticed that all the other doctors and nurses had left us as well. It was just me and the sleeping Trinity in the room.

I stood from the chair and hurried to her side. I needed to touch her, to make sure that she was still there and not an illusion. I needed to feel her heart beating under my hand even though I could hear it from across the room.

When I was at her side I sat on the side of her bed and took her hand. As soon as I lifted it high enough I was kissing the back of her knuckles. I needed to show her that I was here and that I loved her. I needed to prove myself to her.

"I'm here for you baby. I always will be." She was still unconscious. I didn't know when she was going to wake up, but I saw that her color was returning to normal and her monitors were a little more normal. It was all such a relief.

Next I pressed both of my hands to my Little Bunny's growing belly. I wanted to feel the babies that were in there. I needed to know they were safe as well. When I felt one of them stretch and press against the bounds of their tiny womb room, which caused their sibling to kick in retaliation, I knew that they were indeed safe.

"Thank you, Goddess. Thank you for saving my family."

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