Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 353 - Reece - Complications Part 2 (Volume 3)

Chapter 353 - Reece - Complications Part 2 (Volume 3)




Vincent was about to pull into the hospital parking lot. He was going to head straight to the emergency doors so I could jump out with my Little Bunny in my arms. I needed to get her to Griffin right away. Noah had even called him to make sure he was waiting for us.

The first thing I saw when we pulled up was Griffin standing next to a gurney. I had thought that he was alone but then I noticed that there was a group of people behind him. There were probably five of them, at least. Well, half a dozen might be enough to help my wife. If not, they can just get more.

Vincent hadn't even fully stopped the car when Griffin was already yanking the door to the backseat open. I could see the worry in his eyes even if he was trying to hold a poker face.

"Has there been any changes?" He asked me as he reached in to grab Trinity's wrist. He must have been checking her pulse.

"She hasn't moved or made a sound, but her lips are turning blue and she looks gray and ashen. She's breathing though, I can tell that she is."

"She's breathing but she's not getting enough oxygen. This can be caused by a few different things. Hopefully we can get her enough oxygen without needing to intubate her." I didn't like the sound of that.

I was already sliding out of the vehicle with Trinity while he spoke. The moment that I was free of the SUV the other doctors and nurses seemed to swarm me. They had taken Trinity from my arms and were getting her on the gurney before I even had a chance to recognize any of their supernatural scents. None of them were human, but I hadn't been able to tell what they were yet.

Griffin was the man that was in charge. That had been clear to see but the others seemed to be good at their jobs as they started to work in tandem.

"Get her inside and up to the maternity ward. I want her in room three oh seven." Griffin was giving out orders while they hurried inside.

I knew where they were going now. If I lost them along the way, which I hoped I wouldn't, I would be able to find them again easily.

I was already walking inside the hospital, following the flurry of excitement that was happening with my mate. Noah was next to me and Vincent, who had sped off to park the SUV once I was out, was running to catch up to us.

By the time that we made it to the elevators, right on the heels of the gurney that my Little Bunny was on, the doors slid shut. I couldn't see my wife anymore. I couldn't see what they were doing. I needed to see what was going on.

"Let's not wait for the next elevator." Noah suggested.

"Yeah, we can move faster than the elevator anyway."

The three of us rushed to the door to the stairs. There was no one else in the stairwell with us so we were able to run all out. We didn't have to hold back to keep anyone from noticing that we weren't quite human.

While I was running I was taking the stairs in leaps. I was moving up them by at least half a flight at a time. I was thankful though that we were only going up to the third floor. We made it up there in no time at all. In fact, by the time that we rushed out of the stairwell I saw that the elevator doors were just sliding open so that Griffin and the others could wheel my Little Bunny out of the car.

The entourage of medical staff was wheeling my wife down the hallway toward a door that was standing open. There was another nurse waiting near the door and I could already tell that she was a wolf as well.

The group made it inside before I did and I watched as they slid the top sheet from that gurney onto the bed that was waiting in the room for them. The nurse from the hallway came in to move it out of the way and looked at me with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, Alpha King. We will do everything we can." I recognized her. She was someone from Riley's pack, I didn't know her name but I knew where she was from at least.

"Thank you." I nodded at her as I walked into the room.

The group of doctors had already hooked up a lot of machines to my Little Bunny. She had an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, a blood pressure cuff on her arm, an IV in her arm that was giving her clear liquids, and heart monitors all over her chest.

I saw that they had cut away all of her clothes and left her in just her bra and panties. I wanted to be upset about that but I couldn't be. I knew they had to do it, this was just part of their job after all.

While I watched I saw them wrap a few different elastic bands around her waist. There were big white circles on the bands that were pressing into Trinity's belly pretty hard. After they were in place someone flipped a switch and I could hear the sound of heartbeats.

"Is that my babies' heartbeats? Are they OK? Is Trinity OK?" I was too worried to keep quiet. I saw the doctors look at me then and it was clear they wanted to tell me to leave. Let them try. I will buy this hospital and fire their asses. I wasn't going anywhere.

Apparently they could tell that I wasn't going to go anywhere too. They looked annoyed at first but they didn't say anything and all my questions were answered by Griffin.

"Yes, that is the sound of their heartbeats. They are doing fine. So whatever is wrong it is only affecting Trinity right now." He didn't sound very happy and that didn't make me very confident either.

"What is going on?" I asked him. "What is happening to her, Griffin?"

"I don't know yet. I have never seen this happen to a shifter during pregnancy before. This is strange."

"Could it be because she is half witch?" Noah asked from his place near the door.

"It's possible. I mean, witches and warlocks are supposed to be nearly as impervious to disease as we wolves are, but that doesn't make any of us immortal. As you all know there are still a number of diseases that can affect our kind. And the weaker the person or the wolf inside of them then the more at risk they are." He was doing his best to explain with an even voice but he was just as worried as I was.

"She's the Luna Queen for crying out loud. How could you say that her wolf is at all weak?" Vincent hadn't liked anyone saying his Luna was not powerful, even if they were a doctor.

"I am not actually saying that her wolf is weak. I am saying that those of us that are usually susceptible to getting sick are weak. I don't know for sure what is going on right now but I will figure it out as soon as I can."

Griffin had sounded upset and defensive when Vincent had yelled at him just as Vincent had sounded offended when someone had insulted his Luna. If we didn't keep this situation calm then everything was going to devolve into chaos.

"Enough." I silenced them with a firm word. "I don't care who said what, just take care of my wife."

I saw that the two men looked apologetic after they realized that they had been on the verge of squabbling. We were here for something very specific and they weren't being very helpful right now.

As Griffin turned back to help my Little Bunny I felt a weight settle in my stomach. It was like I was suddenly too grief stricken to stand. I was too worried about my wife and my babies. Trinity, Reagan, Rika, they were my family and they were all in trouble right now.

I just felt like everything I had, everything there was in my life, was slipping away. If I lost my Little Bunny then I would be lost. She was my rock, my guiding light, my reason for being.

"Please, Goddess, let her be OK. Please, don't take her or my babies away from me."

I felt both Noah and Vincent stiffen next to me. They probably hadn't thought of that as a possibility yet. Be it from not wanting to or just not thinking it was that bad, but the moment they heard those words I felt the worry inside the both of them double.

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