Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 362 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 5 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 362 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 5 (VOLUME 3)




"Hey, Reece, I have an idea." It was time to implement this plan so that we could try to instill some peace and calm around here.

"Yeah? And what might that be, Little Bunny?" He sank down onto the sofa next to me and slung his arm around my shoulders.

He just didn't know that I couldn't have him this close to me right now. I needed to have a break from him because I was already finding it difficult to concentrate. Not just with him incessantly fretting about. I needed to have a break from the hot, steamy, sexy thoughts that kept running through my head.

I would be completely honest if I said that every time I saw Reece right now I had to wade through at least fifteen different sexual fantasies just to form a proper, non sex related sentence. I am guessing that that is not exactly normal. UGH! What the hell was the matter with me and these raging hormones and this over active sex drive.

"Well, if memory serves, I went into the hospital the day of the baby shower, right?" I brought up that memory but I didn't want to cause him pain. Unfortunately, the memory of that day must have caused him just that as his eyes clouded over with worry and fear as he must have remembered exactly what happened.

"Yes, but I don't see what your point is."

"Well, I had pulled you out of that little workshop you set up for yourself. I know that the custom building of baby furniture was not going well. How about you start putting everything in the room together or go to purchase something that is already assembled."

"No! Absolutely not. I am not going to leave you alone."

I had a feeling he would balk at the very idea. He didn't want to leave me alone at all. Reece was just an overprotective worry wart with a jealous streak that ran at least a hundred miles wide. This was going to take some convincing.

"I won't be alone, Reece." I smiled at him as sweetly as I possibly could as I worked to show him that there was nothing to worry about. "Gabriel can keep watch over me while I study, Reece. That will give you the time to work on the nursery."

"No, Trinity." He was shaking his head back and forth furiously. "I can't do that. I can't let you out of my sight. I need to be here for you. I took the time off of work to be with you. I had spent so much of my time working on the nursery leading up to the baby shower that I didn't see the signs of what was happening to you. I can't do that again."

It was clearly heartache and pain that he was feeling from what had happened. I could understand that, I truly could. But we couldn't let this rule our lives right now. We needed to be stronger than it and take control of it all back.

"Reece." I cupped his cheek in my hand, luxuriating for a moment in the feel of his skin in the palm of my hand. "I promise I will be fine. Don't let this episode run our lives. We need to be stronger than it is. We need to move on and finish the things that we started. I am going to finish these classes no matter what. And you Reece, you need to finish the room for our babies. Didn't you promise me that you were going to do it all? I want to see what the final product will look like. I want to see where my babies will be sleeping."

I could see the pride swelling behind Reece's eyes as he listened to my words. I was stroking his ego here a bit. I knew that he wanted to do this. He wanted to be the one to say that the nursery was entirely his doing. He wanted to be able to proudly claim that achievement for himself.

Right now I could see a war going on in Reece's eyes. He was silently fighting himself. I could just imagine what he was telling himself. Probably things like 'no don't go, don't leave her side' and then he would counter that with 'but we have to finish the room for our children, it is our duty, our responsibility'. I don't know why I imagined Reece talking to himself in a third person pluralized state but I did. It was kind of funny. Maybe it was his wolf he was arguing with, in that case it would be two versions of the same man so he could be using the pronouns we and our. This whole train of thought running through my head almost made me laugh hysterically, but I managed to stop myself.

I could see Reece was about to say something, my mind instantly thought that it was going to be a refusal. I wanted to step in and stop it before he could deny me my suggestion though, I thought it would be best for us. We needed to see a semblance of normal return in some little ways.

"If I may."

Gabriel butted in right before Reece and I started talking at each other. It effectively stopped any small disagreement we were about to have so that we could both turn to look at the smiling and elegant looking man that was on the other side of the table. I noticed that there was a hint of laughter in Gabriel's eyes, did he truly know why I wanted Reece to leave? Knowing him with his extra senses it was highly possible that he did.

"Yes, Gabriel?" Reece looked at him with a hint of skepticism.

"I will remain by Queen Trinity's side as her ever vigilant assistant. I will make sure that nothing ill befalls her. This will allow you to do what you need to do. Also, since you will only be right across the hall for the majority of the time, you can come back in a hurry if anything were to happen. I encourage you to check back in frequently as well, to quell the unease that will undoubtedly grow within you."

"Do you think it is absolutely necessary that I go, Gabriel?" Reece asked the question in his formal Alpha King tone, it was a voice that scared most people but Gabriel wasn't one of them.

"Yes, Sir. I truly do believe it is in the best interest of you both to do this. I think that if you were to accomplish something apart from each other right now you will find that there are fewer things that the two of you need to worry about."

"You think we're both worrying too much?" Reece didn't seem happy with that assessment.

"It's not that you are worrying too much, Alpha King." Gabriel made sure to show proper respect. "I believe the issue here truly lies with the fact that you are allowing the worry to dominate you at the moment. You are stronger than that, Reece, I truly believe that."

Gabriel was truly insightful at the moment. I think he knew more than he was letting on at the moment. But what I was focusing on more was the fact that Reece seemed to be wavering. He looked like he wanted to say that he didn't want to go, didn't need to go, but there was a part of him that was dying to finish up the nursery for Reagan and Rika.

"Hahh." Reece sighed softly as he hung his head for a moment. "I know you're right. You both are. I don't really want to go but it is important to get it all finished. I don't want to be left with an unfinished nursery when the babies arrive." Reece was smiling when he finally lifted his head. "You are far too convincing, Gabriel. You would be very useful in negotiations."

"Thank you for the wonderful compliment." Gabriel smiled at him. "I will make sure I keep you informed of Queen Trinity's actions for the rest of the day. Please, go about the business that you need to accomplish."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. She wants me out of here because I fret over her too much." Reece laughed then and leaned over toward me, his arm still around my shoulder and his other coming around to rest on the arm of the sofa. "You just don't know how much I love you." He pressed his lips to mine for a heated moment.

When Reece pulled away he sauntered out of the room looking pleased with himself. Clearly he was happy to be working on the nursery and to have gotten his kiss goodbye.

"GAH!" I yelled my frustrations to the ceiling.

"Is there a problem?" Gabriel looked surprised by my outburst.

"Yeah, he goes and kisses me like that when my self control is already at its limits." I responded honestly without thinking and immediately blushed at having basically implied that I wanted to throw Reece down and ravish him.

"Ah, yes, I think I have worked out that particular issue for myself. Please forgive me for having stepped in earlier." Gabriel looked slightly embarrassed himself, as if he didn't want his Queen to know that he knew she was a horny slut when it came to her husband. Well, I am pregnant with Reece's twins, I think it was obvious that I wanted my husband in that way.

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