Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 363 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 6 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 363 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 6 (VOLUME 3)




While I was sitting there thinking about what was going on and the fact that the very intuitive Gabriel was gaining this intimate insight into my personal life I was struck by an idea. Gabriel was very knowledgeable. There were things that he knew that no other person on the planet might know or remember. I could ask him something that had been bothering me since I woke up in the hospital the other night.

There had been a few things nagging at the back of my mind. Some ideas and thoughts that I didn't want to contemplate more than I had to. And Griffin's words to Reece about my condition had not made things easier for me to deal with or understand. So, why not take the opportunity that I was given to ask this very well informed man all of my nagging and burning questions while we were alone.

I figured it was best to ask Gabriel when no one else was around. If Reece was here when I brought up my fears and suspicions then he would most likely become ten times worse with his fretting worry.

"Gabriel?" I called out to him, my head tilted back and to the side so that I was both looking up at him and showing him that I was curious about something.

"Yes, my Queen?" He placed a fist over the left side of his chest and bowed slightly, a show of deference and respect that the Sentinelle was known to give only for the Luna Queen and Alpha King.

"I have some things I would like to discuss with you, now that we are not burdened by prying ears." I made it clear that this was a private discussion that I did not want to be shared with anyone else.

"I will promise to keep any and all secrets for you my Queen, unless it is detrimental to your health. That I must immediately share with the King." Gabriel bowed further forward at that. I could tell that he was apologizing for not being able to hide everything that might be discussed in this room. In truth, I could always demand that he keep every word I say a secret but I didn't mind if he discussed my health with Reece, that was something that was necessary.

"That is fine, Gabriel. I will not command you to do otherwise. I know that would just cause you undue distress." I nodded at him and he finally straightened up, understanding that I was not going to force him to do something that he would not be comfortable with.

"Thank you, my lady."

The way that Gabriel spoke to me often made me think of some period drama that was set in the sixteen hundreds, or sooner. It was funny but I kind of liked it, but only when it came from Gabriel. I had a feeling that was because speech patterns with this sort of inflection came naturally to him. He was almost seven hundred years old after all. I wondered for a moment if he would ever be capable of finding himself a mate. Would anyone want to marry the oldest living werewolf? That would make for an interesting story to tell their children one day.

While I pushed those thoughts away I moved on to what it was that I really wanted to talk about. The true reason for opening this discussion between us.

"Please Gabriel, have a seat so that we may talk. I do not want to look up so high just so that I can look you in the eye."

"Yes, my lady." He smiled softly before he sat smoothly in the soft armchair that was sitting across from me. "Now, Queen Trinity, what is it that you wish to discuss with me?" He knew that I was going to ask him something very important.

"I wanted to know, Gabriel, if you knew about any instances in the past where a pregnancy might not have been fully compatible with a shifter. Specifically with a werewolf."

"That is a very loaded question, my Queen." He looked a little like he didn't want to answer that question completely.

"Loaded in what way, Gabriel?" I needed to hear what he knew. I needed to know if there was something wrong with the babies because they weren't meant to be.

"Queen Trinity, my lady, you need to understand that a lot of the stories that we know of are of course from history. That makes them from different periods in time. There were times when war ravaged the land and it wasn't just human women who had to fear the loss of their children. Shifters, magic users, even the Fae needed to be on guard for when a child was conceived. There were times of great unrest that caused many of the unborn children from the supernatural world to not survive."

Just listening to Gabriel's words sent shivers through my spine. I knew that war had run rampant through our world for a long time. It was still ravaging the lands in many countries. There has never truly been a time of peace in any moment of human history.

These wars have dragged shifters into their ranks. Of course there are men and women who join the armed forces because they want to, but during times of drafts we have not been left out of them, not in any country. I know for a fact that my great grandfather, Gordon, was drafted and deployed before my grandmother had even met him. He never came home to meet her either. Just his dog tags.

"Alright. I understand that. But you know that isn't what I was asking about. I want to know if there has ever been a time when the baby was not compatible with the mother because of conflicting genetics. Has there ever been a time that a mother could not carry her baby to term because the mother was not a wolf and the baby was?"

"I am confused, Queen Trinity, you are indeed a wolf. Why are you concerned about this now?"

"I am a wolf, yes, but I am also a witch Gabriel. And I don't know what part of my genetics that my eggs and my womb are using. I know that a warlock can get a wolf pregnant and a child can result, but what would happen if a wolf was to get a hybrid pregnant? Would the same outcome be expected? Or are we looking at something a little more complex."

"That I do not know, my Queen." I could tell that I was confusing him slightly so I shifted to another one of my worries.

"Alright, let's try this one. Do you think that my condition might be the result of the fact that one of my babies is a wolf and the other might possibly be a witch? Could the babies themselves be incompatible within my womb and are causing the issues?"

"I..I..I truly do not know." Gabriel seemed at a loss. "I can do some more research, my Queen. I will check to see if there is anything that I might have overlooked in my studies."

"I would appreciate that, Gabriel." It looked like he had recovered quickly, not at all letting this issue get the best of him.

"The pleasure is all mine, my lady." He bowed his head as he spoke. "Would you mind terribly if I were to do some investigation on your lineage as well? I would like to know if there is anything that we might have missed along the way."

"I think that might actually be beneficial. There is much I do not know about my ancestry because of a lack of knowledge. I would like those holes and gaps to be filled in so that I am not left wondering forever."

"Thank you, Queen Trinity. I will treat this matter with the utmost respect and dignity. And when I have found something to bring to you I will make sure that I come to see you at once."

Gabriel looked proud at the moment. He loved learning, I knew that about him if nothing else, but he also loved puzzling out an answer. I had just given Gabriel an assignment that would bring him an immense amount of joy.

I really couldn't wait to find out what it was that Gabriel found for me. What was he going to find when he investigated the origins of Edmond? What would he find hidden in that forest full of nuts? It would be an interesting discovery, I am sure. Not to mention that I truly would like to learn who my grandparents had been. I would like to know what Edmond's parents had been like,what kind of people they were to create a son like him. It was going to be like a giant 'who dun it' game for Gabriel to solve. The mystery of Edmond's origins. I think it could make a decent movie, a horror movie that is.

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