Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 371 - Reece - Labor Part 4 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 371 - Reece - Labor Part 4 (VOLUME 3)




I wasn't happy about leaving my Little Bunny's side but I figured that a minute away was better than being sent away for the entire delivery. It was getting closer to the time that the babies were going to be here, and I knew it. It was already a little after ten thirty, and her water had broken just over an hour ago.

I didn't know how long these things took, but I knew that I was going to be by her side the entire time. I wasn't about to let her go through a single second of it alone if I could. Well, aside for the sixty or so seconds that I was changing from my clothes into the scrubs. They were horribly uncomfortable but I would put up with anything so that I could be at my wife's side. She needed me.

I changed in record time. If there was an olympic sport for it I would have qualified for it easily because I was out of my clothes and changed into the scrubs in less than fifteen seconds. I know this because I counted and checked the clock on the wall above my Little Bunny's bed. I was determined to see everything from start to finish. I didn't want to miss any of it.

"You don't need to rush, Reece." Griffin laughed at me as I sped out of the bathroom and toward the bed. "We're still getting her hooked up to all the monitors. It's going to take a little while longer still. There is no rush."

"There is a rush for me. I don't want to be away from her at all. She needs me Griffin, this is important." I watched as the doctor just rolled his eyes at me and turned back to look at my wife.

"Fine, whatever Reece. Just stand next to Trinity and hold her hand. That is all that you can do for now."

Griffin looked a little exasperated at the moment. I didn't care one bit; if holding my wife's hand was all that I could do at the moment then that's what I would do.

"Oh, just calm down Fido. This next part is my job, not yours." My Little Bunny laughed at me when I took her hand in mine. Together we were watching as the nurses hooked the monitors to her so that we could hear the babies' heart beats. The soft and steady rhythm was calming and exciting at the same time.

While I was holding her hand she must have been gripped by another contraction. I felt her squeeze my hand, and I watched as her face contorted in pain.

"That looks like a big one." One of the other women in the room was saying as she looked at a monitor that Trinity was hooked up to. "If they keep up like that then it won't be long until these babies are in your arms." There was a smile on the woman's lips and a slight laugh in her voice. "Just hold in there for a little while longer, Trinity."

Once all the machines were hooked up almost all of the hospital staff left the room. The only one that stayed behind was Griffin. He was standing at the foot of the bed and smiling at me and Trinity with a corny grin.

"Well, this is it. I can't believe you made it this far, all things considered. It has been an exciting journey though, hasn't it?" I know that he had been just as nervous as we had for the last several weeks.

"It has, definitely. Thank you so much for helping me out with everything Griffin." My Little Bunny was always so polite. "I am so sorry that I missed your wedding. I would have loved to have been there."

"We know, Trinity. Don't worry about it one bit. Lana and I know that without you, we wouldn't have met each other. We're forever grateful to you, and we hope to one day have our children play and interact with yours, if that is alright."

"Oh my Goddess, Griffin, yes. Of course that would be fine. When you and Lana have children we will be there for you as well." She was beaming at him with an excited look that made me think she had almost forgotten that she was in labor at the moment.

"That's good. We hope you will come to see them in April." I watched as Griffin smirked, slyly dropping his news.

"Congrats Griff." I held out a hand to shake his right away but Trinity seemed to be a little dazed so she was confused for a moment. It wasn't until Griffin smiled sheepishly that she finally got it.

"Oh Goddess, Griffin, congratulations. I am so happy for you."

He stayed and talked for a while about what was going on with him and his new wife before he went to take care of business elsewhere for a moment. He wasn't here for any other patients tonight so he was dedicated to us completely. That was a relief, honestly. If something were to go wrong, he would be here to make sure that it was taken care of immediately.

Now that we were at the hospital, and Trinity was settled in, we were able to sit and talk with each other until it was time for the next stage of this adventure. While we chit chatted about random things, including who the babies might look like, our family came in to see us. They wanted to visit before they were banned from the room due to excitement.

"Trinity!" Eve practically squealed when she reached the door. We were in the same room we had been in last time when we were in the hospital, but at least this time it was a happy occasion.

"Mom." My Little Bunny's smile lit up the room when everyone she loved came through the door. Well, everyone aside from me since I was already there.

"Our little girl." Wesley looked like he was ready to cry. "All three of you. You know that. All three of you turned us into grandparents this year. This is quite a handful, you know that." His words sounded like he wasn't happy, but the look on his face couldn't have been more different. He was clearly happy.? "I can't wait to see them though. And you're the only one giving us a granddaughter. The other two only gave us boys."

"Don't blame me." Noah smiled at him. "I was the first to start a family, as it should have been. It's not my fault they were so jealous they rushed after me." He crossed his arms playfully.

"I'm just glad that I am getting some grandbabies too." Mom smiled. "I'm jealous of all of you, getting so many."

"It will get easier, Lila, trust me. They will have more and you will be so busy that you won't be able to focus." Samuel was comforting my mother as he was preparing to welcome even more of his great grandchildren.

For the next half an hour or so we all sat in the room talking while the contractions seemed to come stronger and more frequently. I had noticed the screen that the nurse looked at earlier, and I was able to see when she was having one, even if she didn't show the distress on her face. It looked to me like they were coming more often than not. These last two contractions had barely been a minute apart, if that.

"Are you alright, Little Bunny? That one looked really bad?" I felt the worry for her creasing my brow as I watched the monitor.

"It's just going to get worse for her, Reece, you know that. This is just the beginning." Eve seemed like she was trying to hold back her laughter as she looked at my nervous face.

"I know, it just looks like she is in a lot of pain. I hate knowing she is hurting." I felt the shame of that, since I was the cause of her being in pain.

"It's alright, Reece." My cute, adorable Little Bunny patted my hand. "I can handle it. And just remember, when it's all over we will be parents."

That smile of hers made it all worth it I guess. If she could push through this then I could as well. I would be strong for her because she was being strong for our children.

"Yeah, you're right." I kissed her head then, a simple and sweet gesture that earned us an 'aww' from those watching us.

Just then a nurse walked into the room with a smile on her face.

"Alright, folks, I need to ask you all to leave, it's time for me to check how close we are to seeing those babies. It might be time for us to give the soon to be momma her epidural."

With some sad groans and reluctant smiles everyone left the room. When it was just the three of us the nurse came over and did something that I found horrifying. She reached up under the blanket that was draped over my Little Bunny's legs and stuck her hand between her legs. Since she was only wearing a hospital gown and no panties this meant she had stuck her hand into a very private and very naked area.

"What are you doing?" I asked her with shock on my face and in my voice.

"It's fine, I am just checking how dilated she is. That will tell us how close she is to delivering." She was trying not to laugh or make fun of me. "She's been in active labor for a little over an hour now, right? So we probably have a long time to go. These things take forever for first time-." She stopped mid sentence and her face seemed to freeze. "This is strange." She looked up at Trinity with a serious look then. "Didn't you go into labor around nine?"

"That's when my water broke, yeah."

"Yeah, I was there, that was when it happened."

"When did your contractions start?"

"I don't know. I guess right after that. I was having braxton hicks all day though. They were exhausting. That's why I went to bed early." I could still see the traces of exhaustion on her face as she spoke.

"I don't think those were braxton hicks. Now I wish we would have checked you as soon as you got here. We never should have given you that extra half an hour. Though, it was needed to get things prepped."

"Is something wrong?" I asked her. "Is there a problem now? Are the babies in danger because we waited?"

"No Mr. Gray, they're coming. She's fully dilated, and I need to get the doctor in here. It's almost time for her to push."

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