Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 372 - Reece - Labor Part 5 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 372 - Reece - Labor Part 5 (VOLUME 3)




"Are you serious?" My Little Bunny sounded so shocked right then. "It's too soon to push."

"No, honey, you've been in labor all day. You just didn't know it." The nurse grinned at her.

"But, my water didn't break until just a little while ago." Trinity looked nervous now. "Wouldn't I have known that I was in labor?"

"You just thought it was more practice labor. Some women can't differentiate between the two." The nurse stood and repositioned the blankets before walking away. "I'm going to get the doctor, you prepare yourselves to become parents."

That almost felt like she was telling us to take cover. I for one was excited by this development. I couldn't wait to see the babies. Trinity on the other hand, well, she looked scared.

I took my wife's hand then and sat on the edge of the bed beside her. After kissing her knuckles gently, I held her hand against my cheek and spoke softly.

"It's time, Little Bunny." My heart was racing with the love and joy I was feeling.

"I know, Fido, I know." I could see the fear in her eyes. "And I have to do it without an epidural." She laughed. "Well, I guess it's best for a wolf and witch queen to go all natural anyway, huh?" She chuckled apprehensively. "But, I'm still scared. I'm nervous it's going to hurt and that I won't know what to do." She looked at me then, voicing these concerns of hers to me for the first time. I had seen apprehension in her eyes and on her face over the last few months so I knew she was nervous, but she had never actually said it.

"I will be right here with you." I assured her as I cupped her cheek in my hand. "I will help you as much as I can."

"Can you deliver them for me? Push them out of your body?" She laughed. "That would be funny to see."

"Honey, if I could, I would. I never want to cause you pain, ever. I would take it all for you no matter what. But, since I can't make the pain go away, you can be damn sure that I will make this up to you."

"You better have something really good planned then." She glared at me. "Just the fear of this moment is enough to make me want to run away screaming."

"I will make every second of it worthwhile. I promise you that." I leaned in and kissed her cheek then.

At that moment Griffin and a group of other medical personnel barged into the room and broke up our intimate moment. It wasn't a sexual moment, it was just a quiet moment between the two of us.

"I hear it's time to do this. Trinity. Why didn't you tell me that you were in labor all day?" Griffin looked surprised.

"I didn't know." She grimaced at his words. "I just thought it was the same as before."

"Well, it's fine, now you don't need to wait until the morning to see the babies. If we're lucky you'll see them both before midnight." I looked at the clock then, it was eleven twenty, not long left in this day.

"That would be nice, then I could enjoy a night's rest without contractions." My Little Bunny smiled.

"Are you ready to be a daddy, Reece?" Griffin asked as he pulled the sheets and blankets off of my wife's legs and a nurse raised some weird looking contraptions on the side of the bed.

"More than ready." I grinned and answered as I watched what they were doing.

The things that had been raised on the side of the bed had been meant for Trinity's feet to sit in. I watched as they scooted her down in the bed and put her feet in them so that she was basically fully exposed to the room. I mean, I guess it was necessary, but it was strange to see.

Griffin walked over to Trinity then and looked between her legs. He didn't stick his hand down there like the nurse did but, as soon as he saw whatever there was to see, he looked at the monitors and spoke to Trinity directly.

"How soon have the contractions been coming?"

"I don't even know. Pretty close together I guess."

"The last ones I noticed seemed to be at most a minute apart from each other." I added for her.

"That's what I thought. How did you not feel the pressure of the babies bearing down on you?" He actually laughed as he looked at her.

"Well, my family was here for the last half an hour or so. I didn't want to make them leave, and I didn't want to show them that I was in pain so I was hiding it."

"Trinity?" I was shocked by what she was saying. "You should have told me. I didn't want you to be in pain."

"I know Reece. It wasn't that bad though, honestly. I thought real labor would hurt a lot more than the stuff I felt before so I ignored it all because it wasn't as bad as I expected. It still hurts though, that's not what I was trying to say. I guess, I just didn't want to say how much it was already hurting and then I got used to it. I don't know. It's hard for me to explain it all."

"Hahh!" I sighed in exasperation as I pressed my forehead to hers. "What am I going to do with you?" I nearly laughed then.

I couldn't believe she was hiding her pain all day because it wasn't as bad as she thought so she didn't think it was real labor. And then when we got here she didn't want to kick her family out because of her pain, that's just insane. Ugh!

"I guess you could just give up on ever understanding me." She giggled. "I mean, what other choice do you have? We're stuck together, right?"

"Yeah, stuck together happily forever after." I grinned and kissed her. "But next time tell me when you're hurting, alright."

"Sure, I will tell you so you can just sit there and worry for no reason."

I was exasperated, but she was right; there was nothing I could do to make her pain go away right now. The only relief in sight for her was delivering the babies. She kissed my cheek then started to talk with a smile on her face.

"I love you Fido, you know tha-, AH! HHSSSHHHHH!" Little Bunny halted mid-sentence before stopping and hissing in pain.


"It's alright Reece, it's a contraction." Griffin put a hand on my shoulder to calm me as he looked at the monitors in front of us. He looked between my wife's legs again and grinned. "I see a head, I do believe you will have a baby any minute now. Your body really wants to get this over with, Trinity."

I felt like I was a chicken running around with my head cut off. I didn't know what to do, but obviously everyone else in the room did. They got Trinity into position and started guiding her into the steps and positions needed to deliver the first baby.

I made the mistake of walking to the foot of the bed and looking at where the baby was coming out. That was a really, really big mistake. I saw a mass of skin and hair pushing its way out of my wife's tiny little body, and it was covered in blood and other fluids. I felt fear and revulsion begin to course through me.

At that moment all I wanted to do was run away. I couldn't help it. I actually almost did it too. I had turned and bolted toward the door and barely stopped myself before I reached it. I couldn't leave though, Trinity needed me.

I walked back to her side, my back was steady and my resolve was firm. That was until I heard what was going on.

"That's good, Trinity. Keep going. Push." The nurse was coaching her while Griffin was positioned between my wife's knees. That was weird to see, I was just supposed to be OK with him looking at my wife's privates like that? I mean, I guess I was supposed to be, but still.

"That's good Trinity, that's really good. Give me another good push on the next contraction alright." Griffin was coaching her as well, and I felt my heart pounding. I wanted to be there for my wife too.

I walked to my Little Bunny's side and took her hand. I wanted to provide her with my strength as much as possible.

"You're doing great, sweetheart." I kissed her knuckles as she looked up at me with a smile. "I'm so proud of you."

"Here comes another contraction." The nurse said as she watched the monitors. "Come on now, big push Trinity."

I tried. I really did. I didn't want to admit to being squeamish, which normally I am not, but I couldn't handle the sounds of her being in pain, and I stupidly looked at my baby's head pushing its way out of her once more.

"GGRRRAAHHH!" She groaned and screamed as she pushed.

"That's it, come on." The nurse was pushing up on her leg as she encouraged her, and Griffin was helping to guide the baby out of her.

The sounds, that was what was getting to me. The screams of her pain, the squelching noises as the baby moved out of her, the conflicting tones of voices from Trinity and the nurse. It was all too much. I almost bolted again. I actually had my hand on the door this time before I stopped myself. I couldn't leave. I knew I couldn't leave her.

I rushed back to her side as soon as I could. I grabbed my wife's hand once more and smiled at her with what I knew probably looked more like a grimace. I knew she was going to laugh at me about this soon enough. This was going to become a famous family story, I just knew it.

"One more big push, Trinity. One more and the baby should be out." Griffin was grinning, and the nurse was preparing her for one more push.

"Come on Trinity, let's give it all you got. You can help her too, Dad, grab her leg and bring it up for her so she can bear down easier. Don't be so lazy over there."

I glared at her. I was not lazy. I was a good dad and a good husband. She will see. I was going to help her, I wasn't going to run away at all. This time, when the contraction came, and the nurse told her to push, I stayed by my wife's side and didn't run away at all. Even though I really, really wanted to.

"That's it Trinity. Keep going. Bear down. Come on. That's it." The nurse was saying the same words over and over again, but I don't think Trinity was even hearing it. I watched her face, red from the effort of pushing while also pale from the pain and covered in sweat. She was going through so much. Why had I been so stupid? Why had I tried to run away while she was going through so much?

While I was thinking about all of this, about all that my wife was doing, it all seemed to end. Well, this first part of it did anyway. Trinity flopped back on the bed with a relieved sigh and Griffin started talking really fast in a really happy voice.

"That was perfect, Trinity. Just amazing. Baby number one is here, and it's a boy."

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