Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 389 - Trinity - Anniversary Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 389 - Trinity - Anniversary Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




I woke up early on our anniversary, I wanted to take care of everything for the babies before they could wake Reece up. They were sleeping in the nursery now since they were almost four months old so I turned off both of the baby monitors and crept out of the room.

I was just settling into the chair with Reagan when Reece came walking into the room. He had already showered and was ready for the day. Apparently, he had known that I was getting up and just took the opportunity to do what he needed to do.

"Did you think that I was going to let you handle this on your own?" He smirked at me. "Were you trying to take away some of my precious daddy time?"

"No, I just wanted to let you sleep in on our anniversary, that's all." I tried not to look too embarrassed as I looked into his eyes.

"Just because I have the day off doesn't mean that I don't want to help take care of my kids. I look forward to these mornings with them. It's a good bonding experience."

"I know it is, but today we can't use any of the milk I have stored away. It's all for Lila to use while we're gone tonight and tomorrow morning."

"Honey, you have like a week's worth of milk stored; I really don't think that it would be that bad if I used one of them for right now." He laughed at me as he went to pick up Rika as she started to fuss in her crib.

Rika was slowly becoming quite the daddy's girl. She loved me and was just fine with me, but she calmed down the moment that Reece even looked at her or talked to her. She just loved everything about her daddy. Reagan was the opposite. While he would tolerate his daddy and grandparents, he was the calmest and easiest to handle when he was with me. He was mommy's little boy for sure.

I loved how their little personalities were coming out as well. Rika was so calm and content most of the time; she was always smiling and giggling. Reagan was usually a grumpy little boy, that is unless he was with mommy, and then he was all smiles. He had also given Reece more than that one shower right after we came home. It was like Reagan was making it his mission to pee on Reece anytime that he changed him. He never did that for me though.

Reece sat down in the rocking chair next to me. He must have consented to what I was saying about not using the milk because he was just rocking Rika in his arms and making cute little faces at her.

For the rest of the morning routine, I fed the babies, and Reece burped and changed them. While he was taking care of Rika, I left the room for my shower and to get dressed. I also packed a bag for Reece and I for tonight so we could leave when it was time.

We went down to breakfast, and for some reason Abigail seemed a lot busier than usual. I saw and smelled Vincent so I knew he was at the estate on guard duty, but I didn't see him after that quick glimpse. Noah and Peter were also absent. I didn't know what it was that they were doing right then. It seemed a little odd, but I didn't say anything. I didn't care much right now anyway.

I took the babies to the living room for some tummy time after breakfast. By the way, they sat in the kitchen with us, strapped into high chairs with toys on the trays so they could work on their hand eye coordination. They were getting so big so fast.

I could tell there was a lot of commotion going on outside of the house while the babies were playing. I knew that something was happening, and I was pretty sure it was a surprise party for our anniversary. Given the fact that Reece wasn't in the house, I could assume that I was the only one who didn't know about it until today.

They couldn't blame me for being easy to fool right now. I have had my hands full and my mind occupied for months now. First, I was on bed rest, and then I was instantly taking care of twins at home. It was a big adjustment, and I can only contribute my current unawareness to mommy brain. I had read that that was a real thing, and I was going with that.

Not to mention, through all of this I had been trying to work on my classwork. I was stupid and decided to take two classes this semester. Yeah, I was an idiot. The babies were born right before the semester ended and I did manage to pass it so I thought that I could handle it when classes started again in January. Now I have been wishing that I had taken the semester off.

Still, why were they putting together a party? We didn't need one. We had a party, the day we got married. Wasn't that enough? Geez, I swear Reece would use any excuse to throw a party for me these days. Wasn't he against them in the beginning? I could have sworn he was.

I let them go about their business though; they could do what they wanted, and then I would just act surprised for them when they came to collect me. At least I could see that I wasn't completely clueless like last time. I had been too focused on the smell of the food when I was pregnant to notice that party, I can blame that on preggo brain.

I am not just rationalizing and making excuses for myself here. This is the honest to Goddess truth of the matter, I swear. And there was nothing anyone could say or do to make me say otherwise.

Reece came back in just in time for me to feed the babies again. This time after I was done feeding them I pumped some more milk for later while Reece cared for them. Once I was done, Reece stood up and smiled at me happily.

"Come outside with me for a moment."

"Oh, I don't know Reece. We can't leave Reagan and Rika in here all alone." He didn't pick up on the slight sarcasm in my voice. This was going to be too funny.

"We will take them with us; come on."

"Really? Isn't it cold outside? I don't want them to catch a cold." My fake concerned voice seemed to go right over his head, and I had to fight not to laugh at him right then and there.

"We will get them some blankets. Just come on, let's go outside." I smirked at him then, waiting to see if he would catch on. He didn't. How was it that I was so clueless lately? And if I was clueless about what was happening around me, was Reece worse than I was? Or had I just chosen to ignore the world around me and hyper focused on Reagan and Rika? Whatever the truth of it all was, it was kind of funny to see what extent Reece was going to just to get me outside. Should I push it a little more or give in and go? It was tempting to make him wait, it really was.

Still, I knew that there were a lot of people waiting for me outside, and it wasn't right to make them wait just because it was fun to tease my husband.

"Alright, fine, get them some blankets." I made him run upstairs for the ones that I specified for them, and he did so without complaining. After that we wrapped the babies up and went outside.

Reece took me out through the garage. This would take us to the side of the house where they probably had the party set up, where we had held our wedding reception. I could smell the food, all different kinds of it, and the people. I wasn't so focused on the food this time that it overpowered the smell of the people out there. I could hear them too, even though they weren't talking. I could hear their heart beats and the sound of them breathing. It was like a constant humming noise in the background. The moment they all came into sight there was a loud yell from many voices at the same time.


It seemed that everyone that I considered a friend from this pack, and every other pack within a five or six hour drive was here. Bryce, Bree, and their two kids that hadn't married into my family. Emmalee and Carter, Riley and Katie. My only out of town friends that weren't here were Star and Artem, apparently they had their hands full with their little one who was just under two months old. That's fine, we will see them soon; I'm sure of it.

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