Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 390 - Trinity - Anniversary Part 3 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 390 - Trinity - Anniversary Part 3 (VOLUME 3)




I went around the party and spoke to everyone, hugging several of them. I was happy to see them all, and I was glad that they were all here. Apparently all of my guards, including Shawn, were in on this little surprise of mine. They really were a great group of guys. Even the sisters were in on hiding it, but I didn't see them that much unless I left the house, which I hadn't done much lately. Thoma and Izzy were still great to have around though, and they were sincerely happy to be celebrating this occasion with us all.

We all mingled and ate food while talking. Reece had even told the staff to join the party. The maids, Abigail, Peter, they were all here. They were people that I spent time with every day. I loved them all and was glad that they were happy for us.

At one point when I was talking with Heather, who was getting quite big with the twins that she was carrying, I heard Reece, Riley, and Trevor talking. By the way, Heather had found out about them being twins a month into the pregnancy, I heard Vincent telling her once that they were done after this pregnancy, but I don't know how successful he'd be on that one.

The conversation between Reece and the others had caught my attention though. Honestly, it was always funny listening to the three of them together. I could laugh like crazy without even needing to butt in. It was like my own personal TV show. All I had to do was watch on.

"Soo, Scrappy, I honestly can't believe that you made it a whole year without that wife of yours realizing the truth. When is she going to leave you and be with me? I'm a much better man, and I have more land than you do." I saw Trevor look at me and wink; I knew he was just giving Reece a hard time.

"Haha, you know that joke isn't any funnier this time around, Pooh Bear." The three of them laughed and Landon, the tiger Alpha of the feline pack, came walking up to join them because of the raucous laughter.

"What the hell is so funny over here? Are we seeing who won the voting pool yet? I think I had it set at thirteen months so I'm not out of the running yet."

"Oh, fuck off, Tigger." Reece blushed as his other friend who he was close to joined in on making fun of him.

"Oh, come on Reece, you know we love you. If we didn't, we wouldn't rag on you so much. But seriously dude, you did fuck up majorly. Your biggest mistake was telling us about it. I mean, honestly, if you didn't want us to give you a hard time about it you should have kept your mouth shut."

"Yeah, he's right. I mean, I knew before them and you know I wanted to kick your fucking ass about it all." Riley was shaking his head. Apparently he found out the way Reece used to be back when we visited him the first time.

I could tell this was going to become something big, but I didn't want them bringing Reece down too much more; it was our anniversary after all. I walked over silently and sidled right next to Reece, my arms empty at the moment with no baby occupying the space.

"He may have been a pig-headed fool to start, but that was just because he was lying to himself and me. Of course, he admitted the truth of it all soon enough, and we didn't have to worry anymore. He loved me from day one, and I know that's all that truly matters."

"Yeah, I was only pretending to be an asshole back then." Reece jumped onto what I was saying.

"Oh, you were an asshole through and through. That wasn't up for debate. I am just saying that I forgave you, and I know the truth now." I smiled at him as I snuggled close to his side.

"Yeah? And what truth is that?"

"That you're a big idiot, and I love you." I leaned up, standing on my toes, as I pulled his stunned face down toward me so that I could kiss his cheek. He was both happy and sad about what I said.

"OK, OK, I admit it, I was stupid, but I got my head out of my ass and wised up. At least I have a mate." He looked at Landon and Trevor then with a glare. "Tigger and Pooh here don't even have a mate they could prove themselves with."

"Low blow dude." Trevor shook his head.

"Yeah, it's not our fault we don't have mates. That's harsh." Landon looked sad.

"I..I..I, know, it wasn't, I didn't, I..I..I-." Reece stuttered and spluttered for a moment until the two of them started laughing.

"Oh, don't worry so much you big fool, we'll find them soon enough. I mean, we're here with the goddess incarnate after all; love follows her around like a fucking puppy. See what I did there, she's a wolf, follows her like a puppy." Landon joked around while Trevor just laughed hysterically.

"You two are assholes." Reece pouted and I walked away, trying really, really hard not to laugh.

The party continued on for a while, I even had to go and feed the twins while it continued on. I wasn't the only one who had to go and feed their babies either. Emmalee, Acacia, Rawlynne, Juniper, Falena, Shawn, Dietrich, Ella, and Nikki all had to leave at similar times. And so a couple of them were in the house while I was feeding my babies. None of us saw a problem with us feeding our babies all in the same room, Shawn and Dietrich didn't have a problem with a bunch of women whipping their breasts out in front of them either, though that probably had more to do with the fact that they weren't interested in that part of someone's anatomy, at least not that gender's. That thought almost made me laugh.

All in all, I quite enjoyed my anniversary party, and I was happy that they had planned it for me. It was great to see everyone, and I had actually had a lot of fun.

The party didn't run too long though, since Reece and I were leaving in the afternoon for our night away. Lila ran everyone off when the party came to a close so that she could force Reece and I out of the house. Even though she was here at the house with them every day, she was eager to have them all to herself. She simply loved having grandbabies.

When it was time for us to go though, I was starting to have second thoughts. I just couldn't bring myself to put the babies down and leave. I was hugging them over and over again, kissing their tiny faces and telling them how much I loved them.

How could I do this? How could I leave them? They were going to hate me for this, I just knew it. How could I do that to my babies? It was breaking my heart just thinking about it all.

"Reece, we can't do this." I said as I put Reagan down and turned to look at him. "They're going to know that we're gone, and they're going to think that we abandoned them. We can't do this."

"I knew you were going to say that." He smiled at me.

"So you agree with me? We're staying home?" I grinned happily.

"Nope, that's why the bag you packed was put in the car hours ago, and I am going to do this." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

"Reece? No! My babies! Reece! Reagan? Rika? REAGAN? RIKA?!"

I continued to cry out for the babies the entire way down to the garage and until Reece plopped me into the seat of the car that was waiting for us, already running and the door open. Vincent was standing nearby smiling at me.

"They will be fine, Trinity. Go have fun." That was when Reece shut the door and ran as fast as he could around the car. Vincent was standing closer now, like he was going to hold the door shut if I tried to open it.

"You're kidnapping me?" I glared at Reece as he got into the car. "You just guessed that this was going to happen and had everyone in on a kidnapping plot? What the actual fuck?

"Well, I was right, wasn't I?" He chuckled as he looked at me. "Besides, you'll thank me later."

"Are you hoping for Stockholm syndrome or something?" I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks in anger.

"Nope, Juniper told me all about the Trinity syndrome." He winked at me and made me remember when I talked to Juniper about Reece's pieces. That was embarrassing, and I felt my face flush bright red. "Want me to stop and buy you some candy for the road." He guffawed with his laughter that time because he thought he was just that hilarious. I cannot, for the life of me, believe that this is how my night out for my anniversary was starting. And I cannot believe that Juniper told Reece about the pieces joke. That was mortifying. I was going to have some words for her when I got back. That traitor.

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