Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 391 - Reece - Date Night (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 391 - Reece - Date Night (VOLUME 3)




I literally had to kidnap my wife for a date night. That was funny. I wonder what the guys would say about that one. Probably something stupid and mean and not at all funny like:

"Nice one Cujo, is she so scared to be alone with you that you need to bash her over the head first?"

Yeah, they were never finding out about this, ever. I would forbid everyone from talking about it. I would not let them know. I swear to everything in the damned fucking universe that I would murder whoever tells them about me needing to kidnap my own wife to get alone time with her. DAMMIT!

She didn't actually try to stop me though. She didn't say STOP. Not once. She didn't order me to stop or to put her down. So, deep down, I guess that means that she wanted me to take her away. She wanted someone to take the decision out of her hands and make her go.

Yeah, she felt bad leaving Reagan and Rika for the night. I felt bad too, dammit. But we need some time alone. We need some mommy and daddy only time. We need some time where we're not mommy and daddy; we need time where we are Reece and Trinity. Hell, I'd even take Fido and Little Bunny time. Whatever you call it as long as it's just the two of us.

I drove into town with Trinity pouting next to me. Though I could see her looking out the window excitedly. She wasn't as upset as she was pretending to be. And the longer we were gone from the house, with each passing minute, she was relaxing a little more.

Mom had booked us a place up in the mountains that had a hot spring room, in-room massages, and lots of privacy. The privacy was what we needed. Even if my Little Bunny wouldn't let me touch her yet, we could soak in the hot springs and relax. That would be nice enough, in a way.

With me driving, and no babies in the car, we made great time. We got to the hotel in just over an hour and were ready to check in just before three in the afternoon. Normally that would have been before the check in actually started, but I had called ahead and paid them four times the cost of the room to not rent it the night before. I wanted it perfectly cleaned and ready to go when we got there. I did not want to wait for my room to be ready and have them rush through cleaning it. It also helped that they saw the name on the room and were afraid to tell me no. You know, I was beginning to think that a lot of people in the business world were afraid of me.

When we got into the room, I could tell they had just left it. The scent of someone else was too strong for it to have been more than five minutes max. The person had brought in a bottle of chilled champagne and a tray of chocolate covered strawberries. That was a start, but we would be needing more for tonight, much more.

Trinity and I walked around the room to take a look at everything that it had to offer. There was a private terrace on the back with elaborately decorated wooden walls blocking the sides from view. The only open side showed us a view of the mountains. Most of the snow had melted in the lower mountain areas already, but there was still snow higher up, and it made for a splendid scene out the back of the room. The hot spring looked amazing, and I couldn't wait for us to soak in there.

The inside of the room was elaborately decorated as well with intricately carved wooden pillars and a traditional mountain feel to it. It didn't make me feel like I was roughing it in the hills either; no, it had a very modern side to it with the amenities. The fixtures throughout, including the bathroom, were state of the art and luxurious. And the bed was huge, as well as soft. It was an Alaskan king-sized bed and now I knew what I was going to change mine out for. That thing was amazing.

"What do you think, babe?" I asked Trinity as she looked around the room with me.

"It's fine." She was still pretending to be grumpy right now. "It will do for now, at least."

"Uh huh." I tried not to laugh at her fake petulance.

The first thing that we did was crack open the champagne. No use in letting it get warm. Trinity couldn't have much because of the babies needing to nurse, but half a glass should be fine. Still, she only sipped at it once or twice, and then never touched it again.

She also didn't want to touch the chocolate. She had heard that it could make the babies break out in hives. It had happened to a few different women in the pack before so she hadn't touched chocolate since they were born. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. I had found that out after Valentine's day when she wasn't eating the chocolates that I bought for her.

I was beginning to think that there might not be anything about his trip that Trinity could fully enjoy. I was now beginning to think that we probably shouldn't have come out here. If she wasn't able to relax and couldn't enjoy it, then it was just going to be torture for her.

We weren't hungry yet so we decided to go for a walk through the foothills behind the hotel. After the walk, we had some dinner; it was good, very high quality and all that, but even I had to admit that I preferred Abigail's cooking.

Trinity needed to stay up on her schedule for the babies, even if they weren't here. If she didn't, she said she would have a backup or overflow or something. So while I had a glass of champagne, my Little Bunny pumped some milk that we immediately stuck into an ice filled cooler that we brought with us. We got the ice here, of course, so that it wasn't melted yet. This would allow us to take the milk home to use for the babies later.

We had a massage after dinner, something that was guaranteed to make us both feel relaxed and like our bodies were made of jelly. I was glad that we were in the same room for the massages, and that my Little Bunny's Masseuse was a woman. I wouldn't let a man touch her like that. Mine was a woman too, but I barely even noticed, I don't even remember what she looked like. She was good at her job though, my whole body felt amazing when she left.

Finally, after that was done, it was time for us to soak in the hot springs. This and the massage were the only things that my wife could enjoy on our anniversary date. I had been starting to feel like I had ruined this whole night for her and that was breaking me. I wanted her to have a really good time.

I stepped out onto the terrace and rinsed myself at the shower that was there for us. When I was done, I stepped closer to the water and dipped my toes in. The water was hot and perfect for relaxing a stressed body.

I had just sat down and felt the water rise up to my chest when I saw Trinity. The heat of the water had nothing on what her body could do to me. Just looking at her standing there naked was enough to raise my temperature so much that the once hot water felt like ice against my skin. I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she slowly rinsed herself in the water from the shower.

I was suddenly jealous of the mountain that was looking at her. I should be the only thing that could see this sight. This was mine and mine alone.

When my mate turned to see me looking at her, she flushed with embarrassment; the pink going all the way down to her chest to tinge her breasts. That looked amazing, I wanted to taste that blush, the heated flesh of her body. But I couldn't, I needed to keep my hands to myself. I had to be a good boy for right now.


Trinity stepped into the water then and sat across from me. I watched as she sank to her shoulders, just her head and the hair piled into a bun on top of it were sticking out. She looked as if she were enjoying herself finally. And I nearly laughed when she floated up to the top of the water, breasts first. Well, they did say that those floated for women so, I guess it was true.

"Well, that is embarrassing." She was grinning as she looked at me over the floating mounds in the water.

"It shouldn't be, it's only natural; it's not like you did something to make them float." I chuckled.

"I can't even sit on the bench and relax. I floated off of it." She looked grumpy.

"Then come here, and I will hold you down. You can sit on my lap." She gave me a dark look, but moved over to me regardless. Well, at least she wasn't avoiding me completely. This wasn't as bad as it could be. I could hold her, even if I couldn't do anything else.

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