Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 393 - Trinity - Gabriel’s Return (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 393 - Trinity - Gabriel’s Return (VOLUME 3)




The babies were exactly five months old now, it was the first of May, and I couldn't believe how time was flying. They were crawling now too. That had been a show to see them doing that a couple weeks back. Now they were getting into everything, and we needed to make sure that they were watched constantly. They were also starting to scheme together. When Reagan would grab something that he wasn't supposed to, Rika would make some sort of sound that was aimed at gaining attention. That way, Reagan could get what he wanted. Such a silly little duo they were. I just loved them so much.

Reece was also happy too, since they were able to go a little longer at night before waking up, and I was no longer denying him his private time. I was, however, making him glove it up. I was not going to have another baby so close to the twins being born. That would be crazy and hectic.

Play dates were getting more frequent too. Juniper, Acacia, Nikki, Rawlynne, and the others would all come over. The others had babies that were younger by a couple months, but they still came for the visit. Shawn and Dietrich would take turns or Shawn's mom would bring them. They seemed to have a wonderful support system for their two sets of twins. More power to them, I think anything more than two at a time would kill me. And I sincerely hoped that next time, I would only have one.

The babies were also eating baby food now. Abigail insisted on making it all homemade as well. She pureed and blended up excellent foods for them. Different fruit and vegetable combos that they seemed to love. Sometimes I think that Abigail might have some sort of magic when it comes to cooking delicious foods.

I hadn't expected that Gabriel would come for a visit today, so it had surprised me a lot when he showed up and asked for a meeting with me.

"Gabriel? Come on in. I have been waiting for you to come back. This has been quite the long trip." He had literally been gone since December when he had been here to tell me about my unique heritage.

"Yes, my lady, I am sorry that I have been away for so long. I have been following any and every lead that I could for you. I have found as much as I could and have come back to give you my findings." He bowed so low that he was literally almost pressing his head to the floor while kneeling in front of me. "Please, Queen Trinity, forgive my absence."

I sighed when he said those words. Try as hard as I might, I couldn't completely rid him of that deferential attitude. And I had tried to get him to just call me Trinity on several occasions, and he would for a little bit, but then he just reverted back to the way he used to so I stopped trying now. Clearly, this was who he was meant to be.

"It's fine, Gabriel. Please have a seat and tell me what it is that you have found out." Reagan and Rika were currently in the play yard we had set up for them, and they were ignoring us for the toys that were their current favorites.

"Yes, my lady." He rose to his feet and moved to sit across from me. He pulled out his notebook that was in the inside pocket of his jacket. He flipped to the back to where it looked like he had written a full report.

Gabriel took a deep breath and settled himself before he started to explain things to me.

"OK, to start, I followed your father's family tree a little more. I researched each person as best as I could. And it turns out that someone was playing a part in your father's creation."

"What do you mean, his creation?" I was confused.

"It seems that someone high up in the magical community was manipulating things. I don't know if the magic user had a future sight or not, but they manipulated your family tree. It is also why most of the families in your lineage only had one child per generation. The families were being manipulated until a candidate on each side could be found for them. Someone was trying to breed warlocks."

"But how did they manage it? How did they manage to get them to just appear in the family tree?" I still didn't understand his serious words.

"They didn't just appear. The women were tricked. I have found journals, hidden away for centuries, that state that they felt like their husbands were changing at night. They felt like the man that they had married was not the man who came to them at night. These journals spoke of fear and unease."

"So who, or what visited them?" I was afraid to hear the answers.

"My best guess would be warlocks in disguise. I just don't know why they would go to this extent."

For a moment we sat in silence, trying to process this bombshell that he had just given me. Someone or something had tried to create my father. I wonder if that had been their end goal or if he was a by product. Had they been trying to create his mother or his father, but then they met and ruined it? Or had they put something into the DNA that was waiting for a man like my father to be born?

I didn't know, and right now I didn't care. He was dead, he was never coming back, and I didn't care about him at all. I wasn't going to let his memory rule me. I wasn't going to give a dead man, a man that I personally killed, have any power over me. I don't know what giving his memory power like that would do for his soul in hell. I didn't need it to affect me like that at all.

"OK, Gabriel, So you're telling me that someone in my family tree, from that sick son of bitch's side, was actually the end goal? Though we are probably not sure if it was Edmond, his parents, or even myself that was the product they wanted."

"Yes, Queen Trinity, that is exactly what I am saying. I don't know if they ever had an end goal. They could have just been a pair of warlocks that wanted to play God so they involved themselves with a couple of humans. Maybe they wanted to see what genetics would be dominant, or maybe they wanted to know if the human parts could be weeded out after a few generations. Or maybe they were following someone's orders and just doing as they were told. I don't know, and I don't think we will ever know unless we find the warlocks responsible."

This was heartbreaking and mind blowing. Someone had manipulated innocent people and caused all of this. And those innocent people were my ancestors. Why? How? For what purpose.

"So we've hit another brick wall with that information."

"Unfortunately. I am sorry, but I have searched as much as I possibly could. It was not easy to track down the information that I have found." He looked sincerely sorry, like he felt as if he had failed me.

"It's fine, Gabriel, it is what it is. We cannot change it at all." I sighed as I thought about the extent of the manipulation that has gone on in my family. I just hoped that what he had to tell me about my grandmother's side of the family was better. I couldn't handle another tale of treachery and manipulation. "Please, continue with the rest of your report." I encouraged him.

"It was even harder to find information on the other side of your family. Though I did find out that the year I had thought your great grandfather was born had been very wrong. He had been living in hiding for a while. He was indeed a half wolf, but he didn't have a pack for a long time. He was an immortal. He was born at least five hundred years ago, possibly longer. That would make him born near one of the even bigger fae wars. There had been several, but most didn't happen in the actual lands of Fae."

"So, my great grandfather had lied to my great grandmother?" I was already getting angry.

"You don't know that. He might have told her what he was and how old he really was. But then he went off and died in the war. She might have hid his true identity and age from the pack for fear that they wouldn't understand who and what he was."

"That's possible." I sighed. "Did you find out who his Fae parent was?" I needed to know.

"No, I didn't, but I found some journals from his mother, who also lived an unnaturally long life, probably because of some power given to her by the Fae."

"What did you learn from her journals?" I was literally on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"I think it might be best for you to see those for yourself, my lady. There is some information in them that I think you might need. If you need to, call for me when you are done, and I will explain anything and everything that I can right away."

He held his notebook out after that, indicating I should take it and read it.

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