Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 394 - Trinity - Debating (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 394 - Trinity - Debating (VOLUME 3)




I had taken the journals from Gabriel. I had taken them but I hadn't started to read them yet. I didn't know if I could. I didn't know how to make myself do it.

I went about what I was supposed to do for the rest of the day. I took care of Reagan and Rika, I ate my meals, I had a visit with Mom and Dad, but I was at a loss for how to move forward. I almost felt like I was just on autopilot and I was just doing what I always did.

"Trinity, honey, what's wrong." Dad sat down next to me and brought me out of my stupor.

"Nothing Dad, I'm fine." I tried to smile at him.

"Don't try to bullshit me here." He gave me a stern tone and a sharp glare. "You've been stuck inside your head all day. I know that something is on your mind, something is going on and you haven't told us about it yet."

"I'm sorry." I hung my head in shame. That was when he reached for Rika, who was sitting on my lap, I didn't try to stop him from taking her either. I knew that my head was elsewhere and he was trying to help.

"You don't have to be sorry, sweetheart, just tell us what's bothering you." Mom smiled as she set Reagan down in the play yard, Dad was doing the same with Rika.

"Right now, we need to focus on you, the twins can play and be happy on their own for a moment." Dad's voice was full of concern and love.

"It's not that major, really. I was just trying to figure something out."

No matter how much I tried telling them that it wouldn't help. They were worried, and if they were worried then they were going to do whatever they needed to so that I would start to talk about it.

"Come on, just tell us." Dad sat down next to me and took my left hand. Mom copied him and took my right hand when she sat down. They really had been there for me my entire life, I would always love them for that.

"Alright, I'll tell you what is bothering me. It's nothing bad though. I just had a lot to think about that's all."

"Well, a burden shared is a burden lessened." Mom's smile was always so warm that it made my heart melt. She could be fierce and mean too, usually toward those hurting her family, but she was also the nicest person I knew.

I started to explain to them what had happened today, everything that I had learned. I started with the stuff that Gabriel told me about my father's family. That alone was enough to blow my mind. The warlocks had been manipulating my family tree. And that means that I don't know who my true ancestors are. And I probably would never know.

I saw the looks of horror and anger on my parents' faces. They were appalled that something like this had happened. Dad's mouth formed a thin, tight line while mom paled and her brows knitted. I could feel the tension and anger that was coming off of them.

They were upset, pissed off really, and it didn't even have anything to do with them. They were angry on my behalf and the innocent members of my family. When I had finally explained it all to them they looked at me with sad and angry eyes.

"That is a lot to deal with." Dad hugged me tight.

"Anyone would feel lost after that." Mom added her arms to the hug and they squeezed me from both sides.

"I know, but that wasn't everything. There was more that I found out and it was hard for me to figure out how I felt about it. I don't really know how to process it." Even I could hear the sorrow in my voice so I knew they had to be curious and concerned.

"What else could there be? What more did they do to those innocent women?" Dad was sounding even angrier, like he wanted to track down the men who had tampered with my family.

"It doesn't have to do with them. The truth is, the rest of what I learned is from Grandmother's side of the family."


Dad seemed to understand then. He knew that I was talking about our Fae family member. I wonder just how life would have gone for us all had my great grandfather not died. And what would have happened if Grandmother hadn't died? Would she have lived a long life like her father? Or would she have lived a wolf's life? The fact that we would never know was the hardest part.

I have seen photographs of my grandmother from before she died. She still looked young, younger than you would have thought. Dad looked young as well. He didn't look like the other wolves that were almost fifty, he looked to be in his mid thirties at most. Maybe we wouldn't like a life that was that long but maybe all of us had some sort of extended life.

My grandmother had died after a really bad car accident. It wasn't the accident that killed her technically, it was a mysterious illness that she came down with not long after. No one knew what was wrong with her and no one could figure out what had caused her to pass away. It had been hushed up after that and I only learned of the true story recently. I don't think they wanted wolves thinking that something like that could happen to them at any moment.

Now though, I was starting to think that maybe the illness had to do with her being half Fae. That would make some sort of sense actually. I just don't know what it was that might have affected her.

After that I explained to Mom and Dad about the journals. I told him Gordon, Dad's grandfather and my great grandfather, was actually a lot older than we initially thought he was. I also told him that Gordon's mother had somehow had a life that was extended because she had lived until the turn of the twentieth century instead of passing when she normally should have had hundreds of years before.

"I can't believe that something like that is part of our family history." Dad's voice sounded like it was filled with awe. "I know it's a lot to take in, Trinity, considering what we all thought about ourselves, but it is interesting. You must admit that."

"It is, that's for sure." I shrugged my shoulders and agreed with him.

"This is funny though, if you ask me." Mom was giggling.

"How so?" I raised an eyebrow at her curiously as I tried to find the humor in it all.

"Well, what does Trinity mean or truly stand for?" She smirked like that should be enough.

"It's a religious symbol." My shrug or my response, possibly both, made her shake her head.

"No, Trinity." She laughed as she said my name. "The definition of a trinity is the state of being three, or a set of three. Trinity means three. You are three. You're a set of three in many ways. You're a wife, mother, and daughter. You're a pack Luna, the shifter Queen, and the witch Queen. And you're also a wolf, a witch, and a Fae. That there is a trinity Trinity. Three sets of three. Now I may be stretching it a bit to fill out the ranks, but you can't tell me that this doesn't mean something."

I sat there and let her words sink in. She was right. I was three different things in one, more than once. Did my mom know about this? Did she know that I was a trinity so she named me Trinity? Or was this just a coincidence? I wished he knew, I wished I could find out the truth.

"I think Eve's right." Dad smiled. "Whatever is going to happen, it's clear that you have something special ahead of you. This Fae thing might affect me and the boys, but I think you're the one that will be the most affected by it all. Now that we know what we really are, we can talk to the Fae Queen and work all of this out. Maybe we will have to go there for a visit. I wouldn't say no to finding out about that part of us, but I would be happiest to just be there to support you."

"You know, Dad, you would have more Fae blood than I do." I laughed at him.

"Somehow, I don't think that is true. Usually that would be the case with genetics, but I don't think that is the case with you, Trinity. You're special. You have had the Gods involved since you were born. They've been looking out for you, and now they're just revealing more of their hand to you."

"I wish it wasn't such a slow reveal." I laughed at him. Things were truly getting interesting now. There was a lot that we all needed to find out still, a lot that was still confusing, but it was also very interesting.

I think that I had finally made up my mind. Tonight, after we put the babies to bed, I was going to read the journals from my great great grandmother. I was going to learn what it was that happened to her and why Gabriel thought that I needed to see them.

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