Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 412 - Trinity - Temporary Residence (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 412 - Trinity - Temporary Residence (VOLUME 3)




After I was able to get Breon and Juliet to put aside their budding romance, we were taken to the place we were going to be staying for the next three weeks or so. It was one of those family dwellings that were inside the castle with multiple rooms so it could accommodate as many people as we needed.

To be honest, I think the place was actually formed with magic when we got to the door. It was perfectly set up for us, it was even baby proofed. There were rooms on the main floor for the guards that held a lower status than those that had been with me since the beginning. There were two nursery type rooms that were perfectly set up to hold the six little ones. There was literally the right amount of every type of room that we needed. It was amazing. Even the style of furnishings fit my tastes nicely.

I could tell that everyone was quite impressed with the level of thought and consideration that went into where they put us all. I just had to wonder how they knew who all would be with me, and how many of each room we needed. In truth, the only explanation was that it had been done by magic after we got here.

The servants brought all of our luggage into the house, that was the only thing to call this. This was a house within a castle. The rooms had apparently been preassigned and they knew where everyone was before we did.

Reece and I, of course, had the largest and nicest suite that was right next to the nursery for Reagan and Rika; those were the only rooms on the top floor. Our family and friends were positioned near us on the other upper floors. The newer guards that were not quite friends had been given rooms on the first floor.

"Would you like us to put your belongings away, Queen Trinity?" One of the servants who had helped to carry everything in spoke with a squeaky voice. Now that I looked at her closely I could see that she looked like she was halfway through a form shift. Fae, at least most of them, had a human form and a nature form. There were some lesser Fae that I knew were unable to maintain a pure human form; she must have been one of them.

I didn't want her to think that I looked down on her or that I thought she was less than any of the others so I gave her a smile and let her do the job that she had offered to do.

"That would be wonderful, thank you. If you all could handle that for everyone we would appreciate it very much." I have given my sincerest thanks to her and let her go about her duties. I had learned through my studies that some Fae take so much pride in their work that they are offended when you deny them the chance to do it. When in doubt, just let them do the work that they have already offered to do.

The group of Fae moved quickly and efficiently, putting everything away with a speed and precision that I didn't think was possible. I was very impressed with how they had managed it all. However, that same Fae girl from before came and asked me something when she was done.

"Excuse me, Queen Trinity, but in the process of setting up your home here, I noticed that you did not bring a staff with you."

"I have brought my guards and my family, that is all the staff that we needed." I smiled at her, and her eyes popped open so wide that I saw she had no whites to them at all; they were actually lilac-colored and her irises looked like lots of little petals fitted together.

"No, Miss, I cannot allow that at all. You are a royal visiting the Queen. You need to be tended to, my lady. Please, allow me to care for your home whilst you are here. I will be discreet, and I will do my duties well. But you simply must have someone to cook and clean for you."

I could see that sincerity and light in her eyes. I knew that she just wanted to help us and do her job. She had most likely been raised and lived her whole life working as a servant to people. It was probably the only thing in life that she knew how to do.

I looked over at Reece who looked nearly as conflicted as I did. We did not know her, and we had left both the men capable of telling us whether or not we could trust her back home. However, we could simply not have important discussions near her, and we could have a guard taste test all the meals that she provided. I would also ask Queen Gloriana about her later.

'I think we should give her a chance.' I spoke to Reece inside his head for the first time in months. I saw the shock in his eyes, but otherwise he held his composure.

'I agree. We will watch her, and all meals will be taste tested, not just the ones she makes, but all of our meals. We will show her it's not just that we don't trust her; we're leary about everyone.' Reece really was overprotective and a worrywart, but I kind of loved that about him too.

'Alright.' I nodded at him again and looked at the Fae girl.

"OK, we've agreed to let you take care of the house for the time that we are here. What is your name?"

"Oh thank you, Queen Trinity, thank you so much." She beamed at me with a radiant smile. "My name is Roisin [1] Meadows, and I promise that I will do my absolute best for you."

I could literally feel her happiness when she smiled at me. It was like her emotions were being projected for us all to feel. If that was something that we would be privy to, then we would know if she was up to no good.

[1] Roisin - a name of Irish origin that means little rose. It is pronounced ROW - SHEEN

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