Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 413 - Trinity - The Whole Family Meets The Queen (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 413 - Trinity - The Whole Family Meets The Queen (VOLUME 3)




After the housing issue was settled, it was time for us to go and greet our hostess. It has been well over a year now since I last saw Queen Gloriana. I know that she was going to be unchanged and look exactly the same as she did before. Me though, I am pretty sure that I look different.

I noticed how nervous most of my family looked as we walked to the meeting space, all guards and children included. Even those that had been excited for this meeting were starting to look nervous. I think Reece and I were the only ones that weren't nervous. Well, us and Shane and David since they were here last time. The only other person who didn't look nervous was Dietrich, but he seemed to have known the Queen a long time ago.

I wonder if he was excited to see the Queen again after so many years? Well, I guess we will find out soon enough. For right now though, as I walked down the hall holding Reagan in my arms, it was funny watching the panic on all the other faces. Even Breon was looking nervous right now. I guess he still didn't believe that his Queen approved of mixed matings.

We were led to the Queen's private quarters. The last time that I was in here it had been just the two of us so it was comfortable and spacious, but it didn't seem like it was big enough to hold nearly thirty people. Needless to say I was a little nervous at first.

I didn't need to be nervous at all though, the room, though the same in appearance and almost the exact same in furnishings, there was definitely more than there was the last time, was now almost three times bigger than it had been before. Huh, I guess the castle was not a place set in stone, even though it was made of stone.

The place was just as magical as the people that occupied it. The rooms and houses looked to be able to change themselves to whatever was needed at the time. That was good to know, and it would be nice to learn how to do something like that myself.

The moment that the Queen saw us when we walked into the room, she smiled broadly. I could tell that she was dying to run across the room and be the giddy little girl that she had been before. However, there were my guards and her servants present so she was not able to do that just yet.

"Thank you for bringing them here, Breon, you and the others may leave now." She was in a hurry.

"Wait just a moment, if you will Queen Gloriana." I smiled at her and saw that she was clearly not happy about being delayed. "There is some news that I would like to share."

"News? Really? And what might that be?" She looked like a girl in high school that was eager to hear the latest gossip.

"Breon here, has mated with one of my guards. Juliet here is a witch that had come along to aid in our protection detail, but she found a lot more than any of us had expected."

"Oh my, isn't that wonderful news." She beamed at Juliet, and I could tell that she was happy that her people were continuing to find their mates. "Juliet, dear, what do you think about having found your mate today?"

"I..I uh, I'm overjoyed, Queen Gloriana, my lady." Juliet looked nervous and thrown off by having been addressed directly; she was now struggling to be as polite as she could be. "I never thought that this kinda stuff would happen to me." She slipped a little on the politeness, but Queen Gloriana just smiled.

"And you, Breon, how do you feel? I know that you have not been the most open to this in the past." I could read between the lines she was throwing him. She was essentially asking him if he had gotten his head out of his ass and could now understand that fate was fate, and love was love; it didn't matter what form it took as long as the parties involved were consenting adults.

"Yes, my Queen, I know that I have not been the most agreeable person in the past. However, I have since recognized and corrected the error in my ways. And I am truly happy that I have done so as I now have a mate of my own. I can now find true happiness in this life."

I saw the sorrow flit across Queen Gloriana's face for just a second when she heard his words. I know she was happy for him, but Gloriana was still waiting for her happily ever after.

"I wish you and Juliet all the happiness in the world, Breon. Thank you, you are dismissed now." He and the other servant that accompanied us into the private quarters left.

"Queen Gloriana, I have with me a dozen guards, I know that we do not require so many in here with us, might I permit just a few to stay with us?" She saw Dietrich standing there, counted as those who were supposedly my guards at the moment.

"Yes, Queen Trinity, you may." She could tell that I was asking to keep those that I trusted with us.

"Shawn, Dietrich, Shane, and David will stay, the rest of you may retire to your rooms until we come back to the residence. Juliet, if Queen Gloriana permits it, you may spend your time with Breon."

"Yes, Juliet you may do just that." With a smile, Juliet left the room with the others, leaving just my friends and family behind.

When the door was closed behind them the atmosphere instantly changed to one that was a lot less tense.

"Oh Trinity, I am so glad to see you." Queen Gloriana sprinted to my side, and I thought she was about to give me a hug but she just pinched Reagan's cheeks and smiled at him. "And this adorable and handsome little man must be Reagan. And this one over here," she turned and gently pinched Rika's cheek as well, "she must be Rika. Oh, they are just so perfect."

She was beaming brightly as she looked around the room. She obviously went right to Dietrich next, her arms opened wide as if to hug him, but she instead pinched the cheeks of the two little girls in his arms. They looked just like him, black hair, pale complexion, and blue eyes.

"Dietrich, this is such a surprise! When did you have these adorable little girls? And why did you not inform me?"

"It is lovely to see you again after so long, Glory my dear. And these beautiful little girls are but two of my four children. My mate and I had them together on the day known as Valentine's day."

"Oh, what a sweet gift that was. Who is your mate? I have not been introduced to her yet."

"This is my mate." Dietrich indicated Shawn with a tilt of his head and a slight gesture of his hand. "His name is Shawn."

"Oh, how wonderful. These two little boys look just like your mate, the same unique hair and eye colors. Such special young men you all are. And your mate is a wolf too, that is fantastic. Did the two of you use someone to have the babies for you? What is it the humans call them, a uhm, a surrogate?" She looked up at Dietrich with curious eyes.

"No, Glory my dear, Shawn and I carried them ourselves and delivered them by cesarean section."

"Oh my stars, that is unique. I cannot wait to hear all about it."

At that moment Queen Gloriana turned to look at my family, a smile on her face.

"I am so happy to meet all of you as well. My name is Gloriana,and I am delighted that you're here."

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