Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 147 - The Heir Of Kyre

Chapter 147 - The Heir Of Kyre

I was born as the first son of the Lord of Kyre.

My life had been typical for the most part of my childhood.

My mother died while giving birth, so I didn't have any memory of her.

My step-mother, though, was kind to me. She took care that I had everything I needed, and she loved my father with sincerity and her whole heart.

I was almost ten when I was told I would have a sibling.

?I hope it will be a brother,? I said to the Archduchess. ?So that I can play swords with him.?

I was so displeased when it turned out to be a sister that I didn't even visit the baby if not forced by my parents. While she grew up, though, she turned pretty like a little doll.

The more I stepped away from her, the more she followed me everywhere. It was bothersome, especially since I had to take care she didn't hurt herself. I was responsible for her, so any injury on my little sister would have been my fault.

When I turned fifteen, out of the blue, father and mother were sentenced to death.

It all went so quickly that I couldn't remember the details for years.

Countess de Ruis was the only relative that came in to help. She travelled to Kyre and took care of us while our parents were brought to the capital to be executed.

One night, when it was clear that the crazy Emperor had taken his decision and wouldn't change his mind, Countess de Ruis prepared some small luggage and collected all the riches she could. She took my sister in her arms and asked me to follow her.

?There's a trusted man of mine waiting outside,? she said. ?He will help us reach the border.?

?Why are we running away?? I asked.

?It's dangerous for you, children,? she sighed. ?The Emperor has lost every bit of rationality. He will ruin your life or worse if you stay.?

When she opened the secret door that was supposed to let us flee unnoticed, we found a group of soldiers waiting for us.

They imprisoned Countess de Ruis and separated me from the only member of my family still alive.

Just as she predicted, our life was ruined in that single night.

I was kept prisoner in Stoneyard, without the authorisation to take a step out of the walls. Also, all visits were highly controlled.

Not that anyone was willing to come.

When I saw Martia again, she was already ten. She came back to her home to prepare for a wedding that the Emperor was negotiating.

She was very different from the little child I remembered.

First of all, she was silent. She almost didn't utter a single word in the first few months.

I heard her voice for the first time when she asked me, with tears in her eyes, to prevent her wedding.

?I don't want to marry out of Ethiro,? she whispered.

The only thing I could do, at that moment, was to tap her shoulder and promise that I wouldn't let them take her away. She didn't believe me either, but she smiled for the first time.

She continued to be silent and reserved, but at least she didn't resemble a ghost anymore. I bet that living far from the Palace has that effect on people. They become less gloomy.

It took the Emperor a few years to finally make a decision.

We were summoned to the court. We didn't have a choice but to travel to the capital with a tiny hope to survive.

The Empire had just started some wars along the borders, but I didn't follow the news too much. Kyre was peaceful, for once, and I didn't have time to worry about far battles.

I had enough problems running my fief since I couldn't touch the documents before I turned eighteen.

By then, Stoneyard was impoverished by greedy bureaucrats. The accounting books were falsified so much that I couldn't discern anymore what was true and what was not.

The Emperor looked at us for barely a second before asking who we were. One of his aides whispered the answer, and his majesty stared at us with suspicion. I was really convinced that there wasn't anything I could do to prevent our deaths, but fate had a funny way to arrange things.

?I need someone for an arranged marriage,? his majesty started. ?To finish a war.?

Martia started to tremble by my side, and I hugged her protectively.

?My sister is still too young, your majesty,? I replied, but that old, crazy man laughed like a hyena.

?Who said I needed your sister??

We both relaxed for a moment.

?I need you, boy,? he continued. ?Your name is relevant enough for that bitch to accept the offer...?

What? Me?

Well, there was still some hope.

?I will gladly follow your majesty's order,? I said, bowing my head. ?I'll accept the wife your majesty chose for me. I'm sure she'll be a valid Archduchess...?

?No, boy. She won't be Archduchess.?

I flinched, confused. Was his majesty trying to deprive us of our title?

?You will renounce your title before marrying. Your sister will take your place.?

I turned to Martia and found her as confused as I was.

If Martia really became the Lord of Kyre, she wouldn't have needed to leave the Empire to marry. If anything, it would have been her husband that would have moved in...

Oh, so that was what the Emperor was suggesting? That I renounced my title and lived off a wife?

What man in the world would accept such a humiliation?

?Your majesty, I think it is better to...?

?Are you rebelling, perhaps?? he asked, with a mad light in his eyes. He smiled sinisterly, and I could swear he was hoping for me to say the wrong word. He was just as bloodthirsty as they told me.

?No, I'm not,? I bowed my head. ?When will the marriage take place??

?I will sign the engagement this afternoon. Then, a couple of years shall pass. That bitch is still underage, in their laws. Savages...?

?It won't happen soon?? I repeated.

?Nah,? he muttered and looked to the side, visibly displeased.

?May I ask when, your majesty??

?In a few years, two or three...?

I stopped with my complaints and silently accepted my destiny. In a few years, a lot of things could happen.

First of all, I would have some time to leave clean accounts to Martia. There were some urgent issues in Kyre I needed to solve. Also, the engagement would have been valid from the moment his majesty signed the contract. However, before talking about marriage, so many things could go wrong.

I would have time to learn and become an asset his majesty wasn't willing to give away and, at the same time, find a way to make Martia stay in Kyre for as long as she wanted.

I left the throne room thinking that I could adapt to any circumstances, but as soon as the old Emperor died, I learnt that things change way faster than what one would expect.

The new Emperor was just a child. He was only a few months older than what I'd been when my sister was born.

He had counsellors doing most of the jobs, and some of them were afraid I would seize the throne for myself. It could have been an option, maybe. That way, I would have been the Emperor, and Martia would have ruled over Kyre all the same.

Still, there was too much at stake. I couldn't let my little sister pay the price of my treason. Not after our parents were executed for false accusations.

?My father signed an engagement on your name,? that young boy said to me when I met him after years of silence. ?I tried to drag things longer, but they're now wondering about our sincerity.?

He sat more comfortably on the throne and gazed at me. His majesty was fifteen, at the time. I was of the same age when I lost my parents. And how had I acted then? Like a lost, little puppy.

The new Emperor was faring in his role, and I had to admit that he was doing it better than me. At least, apparently.

?The bride has turned twenty this spring. It has been two years past the date on the contract. I have to choose whether to follow it or not. Are you willing to help your country fulfil a peace treaty??

The young Emperor resembled his father physically, but I couldn't see traces of his behaviour. He was a completely different person, which gave me hope for Ethiro.

?I'll fulfil my duty, your majesty. I just ask one thing from the throne.?

?What is it??

?Whatever happens while I'm away, allow my sister to stay out of any struggle for power that may arise here in the capital. And don't ask her to come here if she isn't willing to.?

?I can grant you your wish. Is there anything else you would like to ask??

There was just a little detail which I was unfamiliar with.

?Who will be my wife, your majesty??

?The Queen of Polis.?

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