Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 148 - The Queen Of Polis (1)

Chapter 148 - The Queen Of Polis (1)

A Queen. What a joke.

However, time passed faster than expected, and I found myself in a carriage, directed to my new home.

Martia was starting to get used to her new role, and she promised not to get entangled with the capital if not needed.

Polis was a lovely city, built around a large harbour. It was warm, sometimes suffocating. The sea was blue like a jewel, and the air was full of the seagulls' noise.

There was always a light breeze, flowing in the streets.

The Royal Palace was set in the highest part of the city. One could admire the sea from there, on one side, and the mountains on the back.

The Queen was a twenty-year-old woman with long hair and bright eyes. She had an elegant posture, and her eyes always had a thin line drawn on the lids.

She used to wear light gowns, most often dark in colour. Yet, some days in spring, she would choose a dress of a light colour. She would leave her hair flowing on the back. She resembled a fairy, those days.

The first time I saw her, she was all in red. Her bridal gown was quite simple, and her hair was loose on the back.

She looked at me for a moment only, and she turned back to the priest with her refined, unbothered demeanour.

When she spoke to accept the vows, I heard her voice for the first time. It was as gentle as the breeze that filled Polis, but it was also firm and persuaded.

She was marrying me as a part of a treaty, and that was all I should expect from her. It was as clear as day.

After the celebration, the Queen toasted a couple of times. She accepted the offer every time someone rose their glass in her direction, but she never sipped. She passed her cup to a young man next to her. He was the one drinking in her stead.

Only later, I found out that it was her younger half-brother, the son of her late mother and the Prime Minister of when she was just a toddler.

She gazed at me rather often, during the celebrations, always smiling politely. Yet, she was detached.

After the wedding, she showed me the way to my chambers in person. She also explained how to reach her room through a secret passage in the wall.

?This Queen has some work left to do, this evening,? she said, then.

I sat on the bed and looked at her. She was standing still in front of me. I could reach her if I wanted to, but one isn't allowed to touch a Queen just like that.

?It hopefully won't take too long,? she continued. ?However, if you prefer to consummate right now, it could do as well. I just need to reach my office soon, so please be gentle with this Queen.?

Hmm? What?

?I'm not in any haste, your majesty,? I murmured. After all, we married to fulfil a contract. There wasn't any need to hurry.

?Thank you for your understanding,? she replied. She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned over. She left a light peck on my cheek. At that moment, I sensed her fruity scent. Was it lemon?

I realised how beautiful and elegant the woman I married was. Until then, I had been just focused on my cruel destiny.

When I looked at her face, I noticed the slight trace of blushing on her cheek and ears. It seemed that the Queen of Polis was shyer than what she wanted to admit.

She left the room and didn't come back for the whole night. I only saw her at dawn. She had the same red dress, and her hair was tied with a ribbon. She walked past me after greeting me with a smile, and she entered her room to change.

She walked out while I was still in the hallway, stupidly gazing at her.

?Would you like to have breakfast together?? she asked while opening the door.

I just followed her to a garden, and we sat around a set table.

?This Queen is really sorry for evading her duties. It was my fault for not finishing in time, yesterday. In exchange, I'll grant you a wish to even my wrong. You can ask this Queen whatever you want, and I'll work hard to provide you with it.?

?Will this be a normal occurrence, your majesty?? I asked, with the same tone a child would use. I felt unjustly ill-treated, even though the Queen looked sincere with her excuses.

?It won't be. I'll schedule my work better and leave some time for you, from now on. Just tell me how often you want to see this Queen.?

It was a tough question, but, back then, I was still accepting that my role in life would have been to live as her decoration. A consort in a small town, south of one of the greatest empires of all times.

?Every night should be the right time, your majesty,? I voiced as if I could state conditions to a ruler.

?I'll dedicate a few hours to you, then,? she smiled. ?I hope you won't find this Queen boring, though. I'm not good with conversation, and my favourite topics turn out to be uninteresting to most people.?

She was being nice to me as to a maiden that was just sold in a foreign marriage.

Well, the only incorrect point that stood out in my analogy was that I was a man. Everything else fitted perfectly in that description.

As promised, the Queen reached me in my chamber that same night.

?I'd like it if you called me by name, and if you let me do the same,? she said while untying the laces of her gown. ?We don't need to be strangers, right??

?Fine,? I nodded, but it took me quite a while to call her Theodora. It was like dealing with a mythical figure. She had the aura of a commander and the gestures of a royal.

Her knowledge was broad, even though focused on reigning matters. She knew history, a few languages, and also how to use a bow. She knew how to ride and compose poems. Though, her writing attempts were rare and sometimes clumsy.

In the end, we spent our second night as a married couple talking and eating dried fruits. Nothing more.

It was only the night after that we remembered what we were supposed to do, and we shared the bed as husband and wife.

Theodora sat next to me, and she held my hand while looking for the right words to express what was on her mind.

?I don't know what I'm supposed to do,? she breathed, then.

I just blinked, taken back by her candid admission.

It was not something strange for a maiden. Still, she was a Queen.

I couldn't believe she didn't keep any lover by her side, not even after the war ended. No one would have questioned her since she was the highest in charge of the city.

?I believe your body does know what to do,? I whispered while moving a lock of her hair behind her ear.

She tried to smile, but nervousness showed up on her face. It was a new sight, and once again I realised that she was made of flesh and blood, just like any other person. Even though she slept a few hours and took on herself the duties of a king, she was just a young, beautiful woman that wanted to do her best in anything she was up to.

At that moment, I felt the urge to taste her lips and her soft body with all my senses, and I bowed over and left a light kiss on her mouth.

She closed her eyes, waiting for me to continue, but I just looked at her. She seemed tired, yet she was patiently letting me feel her lips. How could I reject such an earnest attitude? I surrounded her waist with one arm, and I held her head with the other.

When only pressing my mouth on hers started to be boring, I engulfed her lower lip between mine and sucked it.

She moaned, and then backed away in surprise. She observed my face with attention, and then she touched her lip with the tip of her fingers.

I should have kept my instincts in check. What idiot would think he could do something to a Queen, just because it passes through his mind?

I was going to be executed before tasting the softness of a woman. And all for my incapacity of holding back weird urges.

?I'm sorry, your majesty,? I tried. Maybe, if I sincerely apologised, Theodora wouldn't ask for my head. ?I didn't think it would be...?

?Do that again,? she stopped me. ?This Queen feels all tingling, now.?

Mhm, not furious and thirsty for death?

Since it was an order, I didn't have a choice but to follow her wishes. Our lips entwined again, and I surrounded her waist with my arms.

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