Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 165: Clean up the battlefield and look for caves.

Today's battle surpassed any hunting gains of the wolves in the past.

Five to six hundred thousand catties of food reserves meant that the wolves would have more than enough food in the coming days, even if they didn't go hunting for a year or two!

The joy of such a huge harvest also dilutes the exhaustion of the wolves after the battle. Many wolves are diligently cleaning the battlefield.

And after Su Lin distanced himself from Dodder, several light gray message reminders appeared in front of his eyes.

Showdown of talents!


Fight in blood!

Fierce battle!


Combat Rating: ss.

[This battle rating: ss, obtained three enhanced serums, three recovery potions, and thirty evolution potions. 】

This time the battle rating reached double s.

But today's series of battles are worthy of this battle rating.

The battle rating rewards given by the double s score are very generous, and there are three enhanced serums alone.

Enhanced serum is not a small increase in one's own combat power.

Especially after strengthening the brain last time, Su Lin could feel the new spiritual power very mysterious.

With the assistance of mental power, Su Lin can control the breathing and consumption of the whole body to a near perfect level.

A combat power can be brought into full play to its peak.

This unprecedented battle also had the assistance of spiritual power to achieve invincible results.

Without the assistance of mental power, even if he could win, at least one recovery potion would have to be wasted.

Now he is very satisfied with the rewards he has received.

Next, as the wolves sweep the field,

Su Lin also mobilized all his senses to sense his surroundings again, and found that all the alien species had indeed retreated.

Only then did he completely relax, and Su Lin went to the battlefield to devour the essence of the hunted alien species!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for eating the musk ox brisket (level 13) and gaining 1200 evolution points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for eating the residual talent essence of the heterogeneous musk ox and purifying a talent serum."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for eating the musk ox sirloin (level 11) and gaining 750 evolution points."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for eating the residual talent essence of the heterogeneous musk ox and purifying a talent serum."


The light gray message reminder flashed in front of my eyes from time to time.

The number of alien species killed this time is large, including the musk oxen and reindeer species, there are fifteen alien species.

Alien species are very rare in the outside world.

Even though it was Su Lin who unified the territory of the wolves, coupled with the large-scale distribution of the flesh and blood of the different species, he managed to gather more than ten different species.

From this, it can be seen that this land of adventures is against the sky.

In the future, the wolves will definitely develop very rapidly in this place of adventure.

Moreover, with the lush aquatic plants in such a land of adventures, some prey on the territory can also be driven to let them multiply in this area, so that there is no need to worry that those herbivorous races will not be able to survive under the extreme night.

At this time, Su Lin was devouring the essence of the hunted alien species, while thinking about the future development of the wolf pack.

In the future, the wolves will become larger and larger, and the aliens under their command will become stronger and stronger, which will also provide greater help to Su Lin.

Under the awe of this **** massacre, among the other hunters in the Land of Adventures, it is estimated that no one will provoke the wolves without opening their eyes.

So Surin planned that the wolves would rest in this place for a while.

Since the formation of the wolves under his command, this is the first time that such a large-scale battle has been fought, and brilliant results have been achieved.

After the wolves settle down, they will be rewarded for their merits, and a few second wolves will be promoted again.

Among the wolves, there are still too few Yi wolves who can command and take the lead in the charge. There are only broken ears, Fan wolves, and little grays, etc., which are still far from enough!

There are hundreds of wolves, and if there are only a few wolves, it is impossible to fully utilize the hunting tactics and echelon tactics of the wolves.

But fortunately this time the wolves were strong enough, and the reindeer were slaughtered before they dared to resist.

As for the musk ox herd, their morale was crushed because of Surin's wolf howls and the death of the alien musk ox king, so they were defeated!

If there is really an opponent with the same arrogance in the future, then there are still too few backbones leading the wolf clan to fight!

Therefore, it is imperative to promote some of the backbone of the wolf pack.

But this time all the members of the wolf pack performed pretty well. Even Little Gray, Wolf Sister, and Little Gray Wolf each killed two or three reindeer or musk ox in this **** fight.

Having experienced **** battles, they have also grown from being immature at the beginning to becoming qualified hunters, and the aura on the wolf's body has become more and more calm and restrained.

After Su Lin finished eating the essence of the massacre, he was getting closer and closer to being promoted to level 16.

At this moment, Su Lin came to the side of the different grass Cuscuta again, and was induced by mental fluctuations.

He knew that Dodder Different Grass had chosen Little Lone Wolf!

The little lone wolf is a alien species before the world changed, and he has experienced repeated killings and **** battles. He is the top of the wolf clan in terms of energy and spirit.

Needless to say, it has a monstrous level of growth potential, but because the little lone wolf grows from a young wolf, it takes a certain amount of time to grow.

In addition, he had only met Heiguoyan Gaolan once, so his strength seemed a little weaker.

Otherwise, if there is a supply of pure energy, its current strength may at least reach the level of the alien grizzly bear or even the alien musk ox king.

As a wolf clan, there are almost no shortcomings to speak of.

If they grow up to the same level, then not to mention killing the alien grizzly bear and the alien musk ox king like a pig butcher, at least they won't be in a hard fight.

In the same level, only cats can touch wolves.

After all, every cat species is a natural hunter, and they are almost rare in the same level.

It's just that Su Lin didn't agree with this choice of Dodder.

Little Lone Wolf is his most powerful assistant, and he doesn't want there to be an existence in Little Lone Wolf that can induce his consciousness.

After Su Lin vetoed the first parasitic host, Dodder also looked at Wen Xiong!

Wen Xiong completed the mutation by devouring more than 20 catties of different species of flesh and blood, and his growth potential is also good.

Otherwise, if you have the same potential as your cousin, then forcibly pile up a grizzly bear into a different species, then what you need is not twenty catties of different species of flesh and blood.

So Wen Xiong's potential is not bad.

As for why it didn't evolve into a different species in the first place after the great change of the world.

Presumably because of its personality, it usually just swallows some roots and moss in its own territory to make ends meet.

This leads to insufficient energy intake, which suppresses its evolution and growth.

Facing the choice of Dodder, Su Lin was silent for a moment, and then agreed.

Because parasitic plants are also considered an adventure for ordinary heterogeneous species.

Both sides can reach the point of rapid growth.


After Su Lin agreed, he let out a low howl to signal Wen Xiong to come forward.

During this period of getting along with the wolves, Wen Xiong, who is a different species, naturally understood the meaning of howling wolves more or less.

Quietly walked forward, waiting for the wolf king's arrangement.

After waiting for a while, it was the process of the Cuscuta weeds starting to parasitize the body of the warm bear.

Under the watchful eyes of Su Lin, the parasitic process of Cuscuta is as gentle as possible.

But flesh and blood are compatible, and the pain brought by it still made Wenxiong, who was originally a full three meters tall, so painful that he collapsed on the ground in an instant.


Severe pain came from the spine of its back!

It roared desperately at the beginning, trying to vent its pain by roaring, but it couldn't growl soon.

Because of the great pain caused by the compatibility of flesh and blood, it even became a luxury to roar, and in the end it was just the huge bear body lying on the ground trembling.

Fortunately, the rich emerald green fluorescence spread all over Wen Xiong's body,

This emerald green fluorescence is maintaining its life, and it is also helping it suppress the pain.

This emerald green fluorescence is obviously the essence of plants and trees on Dodder different grass, and the power of this essence is also helping the main body of Dodder different grass to slowly fuse into the back of the warm bear, and then attach to the spine.

In the midst of parasitism, there was faint blood overflowing from Wen Xiong's back. Although Wen Xiong could no longer roar, the trembling of the bear's body became more and more intense.

It can be seen that no matter how gentle the means are, it cannot suppress the extreme pain.

After all, the spine is the most important bone for the bears and wolves, and the pain of being fused into a living plant can be imagined.

But this is also the only way, Su Lin's eyes did not fluctuate at all.

In this world, if one wants to gain great power and extraordinary future, one has to suffer unbearable pain from some ordinary species.

If Wenxiong can't bear it, it can only mean that it doesn't have this blessing.

This is not that Su Lin is cold-blooded, but a **** fact in nature!

In the cruel world of ice and snow, in many cases, all species have tried their best to survive.

What's more, it is impossible to live better and gain more power without paying some price.


With the light shock of emerald green fluorescence, more blood spilled from the back of the alien grizzly bear, and the pain further intensified.

Not only the blood on the back, even with the suppression of emerald green fluorescence, the xenogeneic grizzly bear's eyes widened in pain, covered with bloodshot eyes, and the nose and mouth were panting heavily.

But this pain can only be resisted by Wen Xiong himself, Su Lin just stared at it for a moment, then withdrew his gaze.

Next, Su Lin howled lowly to signal to Little Lone Wolf and Little Hui, and went out to look for ice caves and caves where wolves could stay for a long time.

In this cold Arctic ice sheet, the cold wind will whizz through from time to time.

Su Lin and the other alien species are naturally not afraid, but the common species of wolves still can't bear such a cold.

There are ice caves and caves to shelter from the wind, and it will be much easier.




Little Lone Wolf and Little Hui are Su Lin's closest confidantes. After hearing the order from their boss, they both howled and accepted the order.

And Su Lin started to lead the pack of wolves to carry the carcasses of many reindeer outside this land of adventures.

More than two hundred reindeer carcasses were checked back and forth with the musk ox carcasses for at least several hours after the wolves checked them back and forth.

Hundreds of corpses of large herbivorous species piled up like a mountain.

The wolves looked at the piled up corpses with excitement and excitement in their eyes.

Because in their eyes, this pile of corpses means abundant food, and it also means that their survival pressure for a long time in the future will be much less.

During these few hours, Little Lone Wolf and Little Hui came back one after another.

They found an ice cave and a cave respectively.

The location of the ice cave is small, where the alien grizzly lives alone, on top of a steep iceberg.

The icy road up this ice cave is very steep, with little friction, even Xiao Hui had to try several times before climbing up the ice cave.

It is much steeper than the caves in the southern wolves territory of Surin.

The ice cave Surin also went to have a look, and found that the area of ​​the ice cave was about five or six thousand square meters.

With the increasing size of the wolves at present, about fifty or sixty wolves can be stationed in the ice cave.

So Surin didn't intend to use this ice cave as the main camp of the wolves, but just planned to use this ice cave as a food storage point for the wolves.

At that time, more than 20 elite wolves can be stationed here.

When Su Lin was walking, his extremely sensitive sense of smell naturally also smelled the inventory of the different species of grizzly bears in the ice cave, which were seven or eight fruits exuding the smell of aquatic plants.

In this fruit, Su Lin could feel the pure and surging energy value.

It can be seen that this should be the energy fruit born in this land of adventure.

With such an energy fruit, it's no wonder that the alien powers in this land of adventures don't advance by leaps and bounds!

Su Lin took these energy fruits, and then signaled to the wolves to drag some musk ox and reindeer corpses into the ice cave.

The food in this ice cave will serve as the real food reserve for the wolves in the future.

As for the other cave, it is very spacious.

It's just that the smell of musk ox in the cave is too strong. After Surin came in, he saw more than a dozen panicked musk ox cubs.

Seeing the sudden pack of wolves, these musk ox cubs backed away in terror, howling immaturely.

Surin just glanced at it, but didn't signal the wolves to rush up and kill these musk ox cubs!

After all, the wolves did not really intend to kill the musk oxen. Those musk ox who dared to show their sharp horns to the wolves and resisted the wolves would naturally be killed.

And these musk ox cubs can be used as future food.

Wolves still need to develop and survive after all.

In the future, the size of the wolf pack may further expand under the multiplication and reproduction, and more food will be needed, so it is not too late to kill these musk ox cubs after they grow up.

Under Su Lin's signal, the wolves just drove a dozen musk ox cubs out of the cave.

Next, the wolves occupied the magpie's nest and officially occupied the cave of the alien musk ox king and his musk ox herd!

This cave is seventy to eighty meters high, and the interior is extremely spacious. Not to mention hundreds of wolves living here, even if the number of wolves is multiplied several times, it is more than enough to occupy this cave.

In the cave, Su Lin naturally found more than a dozen fruits containing pure energy.

In addition, there are many accumulations of aquatic plants in this cave.

It can be seen that the IQ of the alien musk ox king is indeed not low, and he has already asked the musk ox herd to hoard some food for emergencies.

Su Lin didn't clean up these aquatic plants either.

After all, although the wolves are carnivores, the bears are omnivores. If there is a day when food is extremely expensive and scarce, then these aquatic plants are likely to be the life-saving straw for the bears under Su Lin's command!

Before thinking about victory, think about defeat!

After the great changes in the world, we need to be more prepared.

After all, no one knows how the situation in this world will change in the future. If one day it becomes difficult for the wolves under his command to obtain food, then the world should be extremely chaotic!

At this time, after Su Lin walked out of the cave, he stood on a high snow **** and directed the wolves to transport the remaining carcass of musk ox and reindeer to the cave.

Then looking towards the extreme center of the North Pole, a pair of golden-brown eyes narrowed, and a cold gleam flashed by!

The gods and demons are revived!

If the last segment recorded on the crystal coffin really comes true, then the world might really be in an unimaginable chaos!

It took another seven or eight hours for the wolves to completely drag the food into the ice caves and caves.

It can be said that the wolves have not rested for more than a day since they attacked the land of adventure and slaughtered the deer.

It's just that under the dark polar night, there is no sense of time, and the wolves have strong stamina. Although they are physically exhausted, they are all gnashing their teeth to hold on.

After all, this battle was very fruitful, and the entire wolf pack was overwhelmed with surprise.

This surprise and the gaze of the wolf king are the biggest source of motivation for them.

After carrying all the food, Su Lin also took a look at these alien corpses.

Among them, the largest is the Musk Ox King, with a body size of twelve to three meters, and at least fifteen or six tons of foreign flesh and blood.

The rest are the alien grizzly bear and the alien reindeer king. These two alien species also have a body size of 10 meters and weigh about ten tons.

The remaining alien species, common alien reindeer, alien musk oxen, and alien snow owls that were killed along the way also weighed about 30 tons.

Calculated in this way, the wolves not only gained a lot from ordinary food this time, but also gained a lot from the exotic flesh and blood as hard currency.

More than 60 tons of different kinds of flesh and blood, which is enough to make the strength of the wolves grow by leaps and bounds again.

After cleaning up the battlefield and dragging the food back, many wolves and bears also gathered together, raised their wolf heads and looked up at Surin on the snowy slope.

Their eyes are full of fanaticism and respect. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

And after the wolves were busy, Su Lin didn't let them wait, and began to signal the little lone wolf, little gray and cousin to start distributing food!

And this time the distribution was all different species of flesh and blood, even the hard-working female polar bear was distributed a lot.

Su Lin will never treat any member who fights for the wolves badly!

No matter what time of day, food is the top priority of the wolf pack.

With the food, many wolves who were already very tired also all thanked and howled excitedly.

The long howling of the hundreds of wolves resounded ups and downs under the cold polar night.

Many wolves have never been afraid of the prying eyes of hunters attracted by the howling of wolves.

Because today they have used the blood and carcasses of deer and musk oxen to let all the alien species in this land of adventures witness the fighting power of the wolves, and with the leadership of the wolf king, they are not afraid of any species!

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