Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 166: Terrifying hunting talent.

The harvest obtained this time is unprecedented, and the amount of alien flesh and blood that Su Lin distributed to the wolves is far more than before.

Ordinary female wolves are allocated 20 catties of different species of flesh and blood each, ordinary male wolves are allocated 30 catties of alien species of flesh and blood each, elite wolf tribes get fifty catties of alien species of flesh and blood, and bear tribes also get fifty catties of alien species of flesh and blood.

No matter how delicious it is, or the pure energy it contains, the alien flesh is extremely popular among wolves.

With so many different kinds of flesh and blood distributed, the wolves howled with excitement.

Naturally, the little lone wolf won the first prize this time. He explored the land of adventure, led a pack of wolves to kill, and killed many different species of reindeer and musk oxen. This kind of victory is second only to Su Lin.

Su Lin allocated three energy fruits to the little lone wolf.

These fruits can make the strength of the little lone wolf get a big boost again.

As for Little Hui, Cousin Sister, Wolf Sister, and Huibai Little Wolf, these are just rewards of hundreds of catties of different species of flesh and blood.

The last one is Wen Xiong.

Now Wenxiong has officially merged with Dodder Different Grass, but fell into a coma.

The pain of flesh and blood needs to be recovered slowly with time.

But Wen Xiong's aura has gradually stabilized, and it is expected that once he wakes up, there will be some rapid progress in the future.

After rewarding the food for his merits, Su Lin looked at the cheering wolves under his command, and there was some satisfaction in his golden-brown eyes.

The wolves are currently stationed in the cave.

After the wolves ate, Su Lin took the little lone wolf, little gray, cousin and other alien species to mark the territory of the wolves in the place of adventure.

This land of adventures is huge, covering 20,000 to 30,000 square kilometers, which is twice the size of the southern territory of Sulin.

Now Surin occupies half of it, which is equivalent to occupying more than 10,000 square kilometers.

This is not a small territory. In the future, with the abundant aquatic plants in this territory, more large herbivorous populations can be raised in captivity.

It can be said that the food problem of the wolves under the extreme night has been solved very well!

When Su Lin marked the territory with a group of different species, it naturally caused some uneasiness and shock in the Land of Adventures.

After all, everyone is afraid of another **** fight and conquest by the wolves.

Under the coercion of such a mighty pack of wolves, no hunter would not be frightened.

Even several arctic silver foxes released an arctic silver fox to guard their territory.

You must know that the strong arctic silver fox in the past would never do such a move.

Su Lin glanced at the arctic silver fox from a distance of hundreds of meters, and the attribute value of the arctic silver fox appeared in front of him as soon as he thought about it.

Species: Arctic Silver Fox (exotic)

Level: Level 23.

Vitality: 2153.

Stamina: 319.

Strength: 308.

Defense: 279.

Speed: 403.

Talent: Control (Grade B) Poison Mist Soul Devourer (Grade B)

Su Lin confronted the arctic silver fox for a while hundreds of meters away,

He found that this arctic silver fox was not that strong in terms of numerical value alone.

Among the more than twenty different species, it can only be said to be mediocre.

Even except for speed, the rest of the attributes are considered to be low-to-medium.

However, the talent of the arctic silver fox caught Su Lin's attention.

"Control? Poisonous mist devours soul?"

Looking at these two talents, Su Lin narrowed his golden-brown eyes slightly.

These two talents should not be conventional talents, a bit like the poisonous talents of the polar ice worm king that was beheaded.

And the arctic silver fox's ability to rely on ordinary strength to occupy the most central position is probably inseparable from this talent.

Su Lin and the arctic silver fox confronted each other for a while, then turned their eyes away and led the wolves away.

Now that the wolves have just gone through a series of battles, this is not the right time to have a conflict with the arctic silver fox.

And knowing yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in every battle.

This time, Su Lin ordered the little lone wolf to explore for several days before attacking the land of adventure.

Therefore, regarding these Arctic silver foxes, one must find out the details as much as possible. Now, there is no need for Su Lin to confront these arctic silver foxes in such a hurry!

At present, the wolves have a territory of tens of thousands of square kilometers in the Land of Adventures, and it took two or three hours to patrol these territories.

During this period, Su Lin also discovered that there were some hidden species in this large territory.

Among them were seven or eight female polar bears and grizzly bears, which were found on the territory of the different species of grizzly bears.

It can be seen that even if this alien species of grizzly goes to the land of adventure, it will lead a comfortable and happy life.

He even took over seven or eight female bears in one go!

But for these seven or eight female bears, Su Lin saw that there was no alien species, so he ordered Xiaobai to bring them under the command of the wolves!

Females are the main force for reproduction, and they can be better strengthened if they are taken under their command.

In addition to these bears, some hiding musk oxen, reindeer, flying birds, and some solitary lynxes and lone wolves were also found.

Facing these species, Su Lin could recruit all those who surrendered into the wolves.

Only the reindeer family, no matter the old, weak, sick or disabled, will not stay!

Because the herd of deer once caused great trauma to the wolves, if it is said that the genocide was killed, it would be the genocide of the wolves!

After handling these matters, the size of the wolf pack has grown a lot again.

After recuperating for a period of time in the future, the strength of the wolves will increase rapidly!

After returning to the cave, Su Lin saw that most of the wolves and bears found an inconspicuous corner in the cave, and began to eat the alien flesh that had just been distributed.

The deliciousness of the alien flesh made every wolf and bear saliva secrete crazily, and they all swallowed the alien flesh with their saliva.

These flesh and blood are rich in pure energy and nutrition, enough for the wolves to eat for a while.

After Su Lin came back, under the guard of his cousin, wolf sister, little gray and little lone wolf, he chose the most comfortable place in the cave and began to rest.

After seeing the wolf king start to rest, the wolves in the cave did not howl loudly, but were just eating silently.

After eating, they all lay down in their respective positions and began to sleep soundly, using sound sleep to relieve the fatigue of the **** day.

At this time, the area was completely silent, only the slight breathing of the wolves in the cave and the rustling of the cold wind blowing through the ice outside.

In this silence, time passed quietly.


Polar night and polar day are the characteristics of the Arctic. Whether it is under polar night or polar day, the concept of time will become very weak.

Especially in this cold and icy world, all species are too lazy to get out of their nests, and they have no concept of time.

With enough food, even the wolves are not motivated to go hunting.

Only the little lone wolf would take a group of wolves out to guard and inspect the territory during this period of time to see if there were any other hunters invading.

In such a leisurely day, it was more than half a month in a flash.

During this half month, most of the members of the wolf pack digested the allocated flesh and blood.

The amount of alien flesh and blood distributed this time caused several alien species to emerge again after the wolves digested them.

Among them, the female wolf under the command of the cousin has added a new alien species, the male wolf under the command of the little lone wolf has also added a new alien species, and the elite wolf clan led by Xiaohui has also added two new species.

As for the bear clan, no new alien species appeared this time.

The pure energy required by the bear family to evolve into a different species and the wolf family's desire to evolve into a different species is not the same.

Surin didn't code-name the four newly added alien species and the two alien species last time, but only code-named the two alien species with higher potential among them.

One of them was the female polar bear, codenamed White Bear.

This female polar bear also killed two different species of musk oxen and reindeer during the wolf expedition, which is considered to be the most exploited besides the little lone wolf.

The other end is a female wolf under the command of my cousin, code-named Jackal.

Because the face of this female wolf is narrower and longer than that of other wolves, and her ears are more pointed, so Su Lin gave it such a code name.

The potential of the jackal is also very good. Since it evolved into a heterogeneous species, it has reached the seventh-level peak in a short period of time by eating the flesh and blood of the heterogeneous species.

This kind of growth potential is much better than that of my cousin.

As for the newly promoted four alien species, their growth potential is not very good, and Su Lin did not give them a code name.

Su Lin took advantage of the situation and promoted Jackal to become Yilang, as the cousin's deputy.

Bai Xiong was promoted to Xiaobai's deputy, coordinating with Xiaobai to lead the bear clan.

As for the rest, Su Lin also promoted the wolf sister and the little gray wolf to be the second wolf.

The merits of the two of them may not be enough, but they have already been promoted to level 8 aliens, their combat power is sufficient, and they have followed Su Lin for many years, and the credits can be accumulated slowly in the future.

After they were promoted to become Yi wolves, not counting wolf fathers and mothers, there was one head wolf in the wolf pack, and Yi wolves had reached seven.

Even in order to increase the wolves' desire for the status of the second wolf and the alpha wolf, Su Lin continued to issue several rules among the wolves.

That's the rule about mating rights.

Su Lin didn't pay much attention to the female wolves in the wolf pack, and naturally he didn't pay much attention to the so-called mating rights.

And in a large wolf pack, apart from the wolf king, the alpha wolf also has the right to mate.

But this time Su Lin intends to drop the mating rights to the second wolf.

As long as it is the second wolf in the wolf pack, it can choose one of the wolves of the opposite **** as a spouse.

The second wolf has special merits, and can be rewarded with an additional mate,

A wolf head can have three mates of the opposite sex.

As for Su Lin, as the wolf king, he has the power to kill all members of the wolf pack, let alone the right to mate.

Just after Su Lin made this rule, all the wolves in the wolf pack were almost boiling, and the eyes of the wolves seemed to have the color of light in an instant.

Because for wolves living in the ice and snow, the most important thing is the food they depend on for survival. Apart from food, it is the right to mate.

And the status gap between Yilang and Hailang is only one grade,

Therefore, a raging fire was ignited in the bottom of each wolf's heart, and they all strived to climb to the throne of the second wolf in the future.

After the mating rights were delegated, Can'er, Fanlang, Jackal, etc. were all looking for their spouses.

As for Xiao Hui, since she has been with her boss for a long time, her vision is above the top, and she doesn't like ordinary females at all.

As for the little lone wolf, he doesn't have such thoughts at the moment. He is always on the front line of the pack of wolves every day.

After being rewarded with three energy fruits by Su Lin, Little Lone Wolf's strength has also reached the peak of level 15 by leaps and bounds within half a month, and he is only one step away from being promoted to level 16.

With his ferocious fighting power, the little lone wolf is able to fight against alien species that are one or two levels higher than him.

Even a level 20 alien can still compete with the Dire Wolf talent.

It can be said that the current little lone wolf has the strength to stand alone even in the Land of Adventures.

But this time the strength has improved the most, not the little lone wolf.

It's Wen Xiong!

After merging with the different grass dodder, Wenxiong was in a coma for several days, and after waking up, he was hungry for food to the extreme.

With Su Lin's acquiescence, Wen Xiong devoured a full seven to eight hundred catties of foreign flesh and blood during this period. With the intake of foreign flesh and blood, Wen Xiong's strength also improved by leaps and bounds.

From level 13 to the peak of level 15 in one breath.

This kind of strength improvement is even faster than that of the little lone wolf.

Naturally, there is also a reason for the fusion with Cuscuta different grass,

The main body level of Dodder is higher, and it also contains pure and surging energy, which will naturally accelerate the growth of Wen Xiong.

At present, although Wen Xiong has reached the peak of level 15, he will not be the opponent of Little Lone Wolf without using the different grass Cuscuta.

After all, speed is a natural shortcoming of the Bear Clan.

Now, in addition to the substantial improvement in the strength of several alien species, the overall strength of the wolf pack has also ushered in another peak.

Ordinary female wolves have generally been promoted to level 6 after devouring the flesh and blood of the foreign species. As for ordinary male wolves, they have all been promoted to the peak of level 6, and a few have reached level 7.

The elite wolf clan led by Xiaohui has all been promoted to level 7, and even a few have reached the peak of level 7.

If you want to take some alien flesh and blood, these wolves can also be piled up into alien species.

As for the more than 30 bears under the wolves' command, the strength of the polar bears generally reached level 16 or 17.

A polar bear of this strength, even if it is an ordinary species, can go to the sea to hunt white whales, and if it really fights for its life, it also has a lot of power.

The strength of ordinary grizzlies has reached level 13 and 14, which is not a bit stronger than the grizzlies outside the wolf pack.

More than 30 bear clans of such strength, gathered together, are also an extremely powerful force.

It can be said that the current wolves, even if Su Lin doesn't make a move, can hunt and kill a few 20-level alien species!

After Su Lin brought four young wolves, including Xiaohui, cousin, wolf sister, and little gray wolf, to start a wolf pack on his own, in just over a year, his wolf pack has grown to such an extent!

This made Su Lin's golden-brown eyes not only gratified, but also blazing with ambition!

Dominate the North Pole!

In the future, what the wolves want is not only a land of adventure, but also not to stick to the existing territory.

What Su Lin really wants is to unify the North Pole and become the well-deserved king of the North Pole!


At this moment, Su Lin stood on the snow slope, and there was an earth-shattering howl of wolves, and he inspected the wolves under his command.

The wolves also cooperated with the wolf king, and began to howl like a tsunami. More than 30 bears stood in front of them and looked at the wolf king with burning eyes.

After reviewing for a few minutes, seeing that the morale and mental state of the wolves had reached their peak again during this period of rest, Su Lin nodded in satisfaction.

Then let the little lone wolf lead a group of wolves to investigate all the remaining forces in the Land of Adventures!

Yes, Su Lin never thought of peacefully coexisting with the various forces in the Land of Adventures!

Since you want to unify the North, then naturally you must first unify the Land of Adventures!

In addition, he has a human mind, and he understands a truth better than aliens!

That is the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep peacefully?

In the future, Su Lin plans to keep only a part of the members stationed here. If these aliens attack the wolf pack after he leaves, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties!

Why not take advantage of the high morale of the wolves and formally unify this land of adventures!

All possible threats to the wolves will naturally be eliminated!

At this time, Su Lin's golden-brown eyes flashed a fierce light.

Perhaps these alien species have not shot at the wolves now, but in the cruel nature, it has never been a place to be reasonable and right or wrong!

What we are talking about here is only the strong and the weak, and the strong prey on the weak has never been an empty talk.

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