Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 180 Entering The Selangrad


Samiel cursed, seeing the demon army advancing on the Selangrad, mainly their stupid or it was their hastiness to conquer the city as soon as possible, in case they were attacked by the Star-Moon Coalition.

He, together with Yvraine, Juulius and Dharzug, were staying in the back of the first wave of the soldiers that were stationed directly after the vanguard forces. Participating in the vanguard was useless for them and at the same time, it would be too dangerous.

"Let it be... the vanguard should be strong enough to break through the defenses that the Human Brotherhood mashed up and put in the place where the White-Blue Gate once stood. Though, considering all things... this is going to be a meat grinder."

He heard from Yvraine and there wasn't anything he could say to refute her words because this was indeed the truth.

While the White-Blue Gate was destroyed by that monstrosity of Mana Artillery Cannon, the Human Brotherhood deployed there a huge number of knights and set out something that looked like a very efficient defensive formation, so they would be able to defend very well from the incoming attacks.

"When we arrive at the city... We need to reach these areas as soon as possible, preferably within half an hour. It is highly possible that, as we are now speaking, the Leaders of the Human Brotherhood ordered complete clean out the moment the shield around the Selangrad started cracking and we need to move fast, ideally faster than light."

Samiel chuckled as he attempted to end that with a joke; he didn't know if it was a good one, but Yvriane giggled a little and that was enough because he loved when she was smiling or laughing. It was entirely different compared to the typical stoic and emotionless facade she was putting up.

"My Lord, demons are sending out their Gold-Tier Professionals already."

Samiel then turned at the Selangrad as he saw several Gold-Tier Professionals rushing at the city of Selangrad several seconds later after the White-Blue Gate was breached, signifying that they wanted to have this done as soon as possible...

But after they arrived at the place where the White-Blue Gate once stood, they completely ignored the soldiers stationed there who were clashing with the demon vanguard and instead proceeded directly to the Selangrad while some of them were intercepted by the Human Brotherhood's Gold-Tier Professionals who still remained within the Selangrad.

But unfortunately for the forces of the Human Brotherhood, they were outnumbered when it came to the Gold-Tier Professionals because they had only so few of them, so the demon ones took some of the human ones head-on while the rest of the demon Gold-Tier Professionals proceeded deeper into the city, while occasionally destroying some incoming soldiers of the Human Brotherhood who were foolish enough to try and block their path.

It was clear that the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe was aware of the efforts from the side of leaders of the Human Brotherhood to construct a Dimensional Gate to escape from the 8th FLoor and thus, they sent some of their own people to intercept them, which was something highly logical.

Though on the other side of things, Samiel wasn't overly happy with this development because it meant that he would not be able to get his hands on the riches of those men who were milking the Avalon Kingdom and Magisterium for centuries for their resources.

Alas, there was nothing he could do about that fact, as he continued to advance with the other demon soldiers while the Vanguard of the demon army was violently clashing with the human knights that were defending the breach in the defenses where the White-Blue Gate once stood.

Every single minute there were several demons and humans who died from the fight because the human defenders were indeed protecting every millimeter of their territory with blood and iron, not relenting to the ferocious onslaught brought by the demon vanguard.

The Vanguard forces were consisting of mainly the most aggressive demons collected across several species, such as the Flame Demons, Golden-Horned Demons, Jägerbars and others, who were wreaking absolute havoc on the battlefield. One could see one enormous Jägerbar who was holding a warhammer made from some black metals, smashing apart the head of one of the defending knights as he advanced further.

While the demon vanguard was taking some serious losses, they were inflicting even worse ones on their enemy. Flame Demons were burning everything around them, sometimes even their own allies in fact, but nobody would be able to deny their usefulness, as they even willingly throw themselves into the horde of humans as they self-destructed taking down with them as much as enemies as possible.

Or the Golden-Horned Demons were fighting as hell, slashing and stabbing with their bladed weapons, occasionally using headbutts as their golden horns that adorned their heads, priced through the armors of the human knights like a hot knife through butter, offering no resistance at all.

Samiel watched how much slaughter the demon Vanbguard was inflicting on the human fiírst line defenders and in truth, he was surprised to see that they were very successful at that. Mainly because the vanguard was much stronger than he initially anticipated and it was put under the command of the old Jägerbar demon, who was commanding the soldiers of the vanguard.

Fortunately, the demons were also entertaining the soldiers atop the Black Walls of Selangrad with continuous bombardment from their magitek artilleries, scorpions, ballistaes or Sorcerers and Warlocks casting their spells on the Black Walls to prevent gunmen, archers or crossbowmen of the Human Brotherhood from actively attacking the Vanguard forces fighting down there.

"They are doing much better than I would have thought... it appears that they have completely replaced the old commanding structure after they sent Kairos to unofficial execution."

Samiel remarked as the first wave of the invading soldiers was already nearing the Selangrad and would arrive within the next three minutes, as the demons who were at the foremost position within the marching formation had already begun rushing towards the remains of the White-Blue Gate to support the Vanguard forces.

"Indeed... but it changes nothing if they cannot take the city as fast as possible."

Juulius stated because not just twenty minutes ago, they got information from the Hall of Kadath that the Star-Moon Coalition was hastily advancing on the Selangrad with their army numbering more than 350,000 which was almost as much as the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe had stationed around the Selangrad.

Naturally, the soldiers of the Star-Moon Coalition were fresh and rested and most importantly, under the competent command of the Crown Prince of the Moon Demon Tribe and one of the Princes of the Star Demon Tribe.

After the Hall of Kadath began paying attention to the happenings on the 8th Floor of the Tower, they sent one of their Legendaries to observe the situation, and thus through the Legendary attached here; he was able stealthily to pass the information to them.

Normally such a thing wouldn't be possible because the Legendary Professionals that were here watching the show on the 8th Floor of the Tower were all eyeing each other, essentially ensuring that nobody would help anybody as they maintained that state.

Unfortunately, the person from the Hall of Kadath was a member of the Inquisition so stealth was his main area of expertise; sending them one message was not that big deal actually speaking.

"So the Star-Moon Coalition cannot hold it any longer..."

Samiel muttered because he actually wanted to meet with the Crown Prince of the Moon Demon Tribe, as he heard that he was someone who was extremely ambitious and didn't really follow the traditions that most of the demons have been following for countless Eras. If the rumors are to be believed, he didn't even care about his Transcendental Primogenitor Vassago, so this would be one of a few demons that could be roped in on some things that Daemons would never sanction.

'But now is not the time... I am still too weak... maybe in the few years and for now I will need to just observe from the sides.'

He then thought before turning his sight to the defensive lines of humans at the remains of the White-Blue Gate slowly collapsing as more and more explosions occurred through the city, while even some parts of the Black Walls at other places around the Selangrad started crumbling, which meant that the demon army managed to create more breaches.

This was bad for the defenders of the Human Brotherhood and in the long run, exceptionally bad for the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe because the Star-Moon Coalition and its forces would have a much easier time entering the Selangrad.

With more and more demons joining the fight, the commander of the defending forces of the human brotherhood was forced to give an order to retreat, as the forces of the Human Brotherhood started retreating towards the next checkpoint. Seeing this, Samiel summoned one of the Tridents he had been keeping in his Dimensional Ring and slashed apart one of the humans that desperately attempted to escape him, but to no vail as he was killed within a second.

"Start detaching... we need to get hurry."

Samiel ordered as he soon entered one of the back alleys, with Yvraine and Juulius soon following the suit together with two felines of Nefertari and Tytos as the overgrown White Tiger was munching on a human torso.

Soon enough, even Dharzug arrived, even though he wanted to remain there in the place where the biggest battles were taking place. Still, right now, all of them decided that Samiel was the leader of the Khaos Chapter and in fact, despite the superstitions, Orks were very good at following orders.

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