Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 181 Battle Of Selangrad (1)

In another part of Selangrad, not that far from the Inner Layer of the Selangrad.

Around ten Gold-Tier demon Professionals were tearing through the defenses of the Human Brotherhood, killing every foolish soldier that was idiotic enough to step in their path. Initially, there were more of them, but some of them needed to stay behind to entertain the Gold-Tier Professionals of the Human Brotherhood who were attempting to stop them from entering the inner layer of the Selangrad.

In the same way that most of the more sophisticated cities were built with vision in mind, they did not expand mindlessly in all directions without any thought to the future.

It was built by the architects and engineers of the Avalon Kingdom and was designed with both defenses and practicability in mind. Overall, it was very well-designed and divided into four layers for the purposes of defense and utility.

The first one was the Outer Layer which was now essentially breached when the demons destroyed the White-Blue Gate and entered the city. The Outer Layer was basically a place where commoners were living and some not-that-important places and buildings were stationed in the Outer Layer of the city.

After the Outer Layer, there was... unsurprisingly and not creatively, the Inner Layer which was divided from the Outer Layer by another set of Black Walls. In the Inner Layer, there were mainly those who were richer and more powerful; it was a place where all barracks for the soldiers or City Watch were stationed, together with the warehouses and another part of the industry, where some crucial things were being produced; thus it was put under the additional protection of one more set of Black Walls.

After the Inner Layer, the Black Walls separated it from the Core Layer, which was a place where most of the administrative buildings of the Human Brotherhood were located, together with the homes of the most prominent members of the Human Brotherhood. Basically, the entire Core Layer was inhabited by Nobles of the Human Brotherhood and their families, together with the strongest of the soldiers and so on...

Aside from the Core Layer, there was the last part of the Selangrad, which was protected by two sets of Black Walls that were interconnected through a series of strategically placed bridges that connected one line of Black Walls with another line of Black Walls, making breaching it far more challenging. It was the so-called Heart Area; there were only a few buildings located, mainly the Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Human Brotherhood, some Cathedrals dedicated to certain gods and most importantly, the Palace where the leadership of the Human Brotherhood and its five founders resided.

Right now, the target of the small group of demons was to breach the gates as soon as possible, which would allow the demon soldiers that were currently flooding the city to have a much easier time. Not to mention, their primary objective was the sabotage the launch of the Dimensional Gate, which the Human Brotherhood was apparently building in the Heart of the City.

The Commander of the demon army under the Golden-Horned Tribe realized that the possibility of the founders of the Human Brotherhood escaping was very high because if he was in their situation, he would opted for escape as well, as remaining here was the most useless thing that could be done.

Thus they were even given some kinds of magitek explosives that had firepower comparable to the Initial Legendary Level Professional's full power. Meaning the Black Walls that were constructed in the Selangrad didn't have the power and durability to resist that kind of explosion.

Since their explosives were reserved for the Black Walls that were separating the Core Layer from the Heart of the City, where double lines of the Black Walls were constructed for extra protection, they could not use them right now.

The leading demon of the squad of Gold-Tier demon Professionals belonged to the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe and was one of the new additions who was sent here by the Elders of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe to make sure any operation that the Gold-Tiers undertook was carried out successfully.

Due to the recklessness of the 5th Prince Kairos cost them to lose several Gold-Tiers. While the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe wouldn't care about the loss of several Gold-Tier Professionals because their population was large enough, there were still some "buts".

At the same time, the problem with that was each Gold-Tier Professional was a potential Legendary Level expert, meaning the ones who were killed on the 8th Floor of the Tower in traps prepared by humans, probably one-third of them could have reached the Legendary Level given enough time and resources.

As they were nearing one of the watchtowers among the Black Walls, this one being chosen specifically because it was one of the weaker points in the Black Walls that were separating the Outer Layer and Inner Layer of the Selangrad City, while one of the demons who had wings, started flying and flew high above the watchtower, as he dropped down two Gold-Tier Professionals.

With a loud crash, both of them landed down and both of the Gold-Tier Professionals started killing all of the soldiers that were in the watchtower while heading towards the top of the watchtower. They didn't have any sort of opposition from the local garrison of soldiers as they were mercilessly killed to the last one.

Surprisingly or not, one of the commanders who led the charge against one of the cities in the Central Area of the Human Continent managed to capture one of the high-ranking nobles of the Human Brotherhood.

While the fact that he was a high-ranking noble was not that important compared to his former occupation of Lord Captain of Selangrad's City Watch.

With a bit of torture, they managed to get out all important information about the weak spots in the defenses of the city, together with the fact that among the Black Walls that were protecting the city and separating individual Layers of the city, there were hidden passages.

And one of such hidden passages was actually located at the very own watchtower, which the demons were right now assaulting with the help of one Black Winged Demon who transported atop the walls another two Gold-Tier Demon Professionals. Fortunately, they were in a part of the walls where there were minimal defenses from the side of the Human Brotherhood, which gave them more space to maneuver.

Soon enough, the Gold-Tier demon Professionals killed every guard that was in the watchtower and by climbing to the top of the watchtower, they reached the solar, where a mechanism was activated as the hidden passage down at the watchtower revealed itself as the rest of the Gold-Tier demon Professionals entered and crossed the first of the Black Walls.

The entire journey towards the final lines of the Black Walls, which were separating the Core Layer from the Heart of the City, took several more minutes and several thousand dead, mainly the strongest of the soldiers. In contrast, even several tens of Silver-Tier Professionals and two Gold-Tier Professionals were killed during their journey.

​ When they arrived at the targetted destination, the leader of the squad took out the small magitek device, which in fact, was the explosives that were given to him by the Commander of the Demon Army that was attacking the Selangrad.

He types a few things on the magitek device, activating the device before he threw it at the Black Walls.

The magitek device fell just on one of the bridges that were connecting two lines of the Black Walls. At the same time, all of the Gold-Tier Demon Professionals started running as fast as possible from here, hiding in the city, as an enormous explosion shook the entirety of the Selangrad as everything was covered in dust and the explosion mushroom could be seen even from a distance of a few hundred kilometers.

Even before the dust was settled, the Gold-Tier Professionals immediately rushed all out and entered the Heart of the City through the rubbles of the Black Walls that were completely obliterated to nothing more than just a bunch of rocks, rubble and dust.

All of them enter the Heart of the City, directly heading towards the small plateau where the Dimensional Gate was being constructed. Soon enough ferocious battle for control of the Heart of the City erupted as the last Gold-Tier Professionals of the Human Brotherhood, including its founders, started fighting with the ones of the demon army.


Some time earlier, several minutes before the explosions took the place.

"Where are the warehouses with the supplies and other things?"

Yvraine proceeded to ask as Samiel motioned to the west. The warehouses were located in the Inner Layer of the Selangrad, beyond the inner gates of the city. There was not a very strong military presence in the warehouses, apparently, as they started withdrawing everything towards the positions that were more easily defendable.

Naturally, they were placed in the Inner Layer of the Selangrad because they were too precious to place the warehouses in the Outer Layer. Samiel was heading there together with the Yvraine, Juulius, Dharzug and two felines, while at the same time, he was contemplating about the method of how they would get through the gate.

"Still... they would probably leave there some Silver-Tier Professionals that would be acting there as guards for the people cleaning out the warehouses."

Samiel answered her as he formulated several methods of crossing the Black Walls, one of the most probable ones being using Nefertari, who would sneak into one of the smaller gates and use her Magic in which she would put some of the guards into illusion and use them to open the gate.

Soon enough, they arrived at one of the smaller gates that led to the Inner Layer of the Selangrad as they were hiding under the Mirage that Nefertari cast on them to prevent them from being seen. That was because they were in the parts of the city where there were countless soldiers of the Human Brotherhood and unfortunately, as they were right now, Samiel couldn't take out his Undead Army.

If he released his Undead here, it would make him a target for the demons as well and considering the number of them that were currently wreaking havoc in the Selangrad, that would be a very bad, very bad idea to do. Thus, the only choice was to be as stealthy as possible for now and stick to traditional fighting.

Not to mention, he was also pretty irritated that he couldn't start collecting souls here because this battle was under the watch of tens of Legendary Level Professionals, and if he started collecting souls here en masse, then the disappearance of tens of thousands of souls would surely bring their attention here.

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