Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 183 Battle Of Selangrad (3)

Meanwhile, Dharzug brandished his waraxe, "da big choppa" and jumped across several houses, landfilling directly in front of the incoming regiment of the Selangrad's City Watch, with a shockwave generated from his landing that was so strong that it caused several of the human City Guards to be thrown backward, crashing into their compatriots or surrounding houses.


Huge green ork screamed as he rushed at the two Silver-Tier human Professionals, as he sensed that both of them were above Level 60, meaning that they should be able to entertain him for some time.

In a split of a second, when everything happened, suddenly the temperature around them started dropping drastically, and out of nowhere, severe icicles shot toward the City Guards with tremendous speed.

Only a few of the Bronze-Tier Guards were able to dodge the icicles because they were able to register them in the first place.

At the same time, the Steel-Tier Guards of the Selangrad's City Watch weren't that lucky, as tens upon tens of icicles pierced through their formation like nothing, hitting the guards in the chest, head or any other places; their armors were broken through like they did not exist in the first place.

In a few first seconds of the assault, tens were killed effortlessly and the humans didn't even see their attacker because they were sure that this was not originating from the huge green ork who was fighting their two captains and savagely waving his waraxe in an attempt to chop off their heads, while their two Silver-Tier captains were just attempting to stay alive, through a combination of dodging and blocking.

Though blocking Dharzug's blows was not the best idea around because the physical strength of the Okr Champion was enough to cripple even peak Bronze-Tier Professional in a single blow if Dharzug attacked in full force.

So, unless someone didn't have a superior defense or tremendous vitality and regenerative capabilities, being able to either defend against anything or heal from everything, then dodging was the sole option that remained in the game.

And as the majority of the City Guards of the City Watch were being slaughtered by Samiel, who was using his Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler to conjure countless icicles and shoot them at the enemies like projectiles.

Few of the Bronze-Tier City Guards that survived and were relatively okey and without any injuries decided that it would be the most appropriate time to escape, as some of them didn't really wish to die here.

And for that, there were already two predators and one Silvermoon Elf waiting in the ambush for a situation when someone would have attempted to escape from the battle. Three of the Bronze-Tier City Guards attempted to escape while their companions were dying all around them, to which Yvraine branched her twin jade swords while Tytos jumped from the roof as he was next to her and started hunting for the prey.

Tytos was a White Tiger, one of the strongest and most powerful tiger-type magical beast species in existence. They were on the top of the ladder for the tiger-type magical beasts, as they were also considered one of the Divine Beasts by Immortals.

The tiger species as a whole were powerful hunters and liked to hunt and play with their prey; not only that, they also loved the thrill of battle and fights against other strong opponents. Naturally, Tytos was no exception to this universal rule because he also loved to hunt for prey.

And there was another universal rule, which was the more powerful the prey was, the more enjoyable the hunt itself became and the more thrilling the battle was.

Yvraine sprinted directly after the White Tiger Tytos, who was running as fast as lighting, not literarily. Still, it wasn't that far from the truth, as he was already in hot pursuit of the three Bronze-Tier human Professionals that were doing everything they could to escape the enemies, but that was futile and foolish motion.

Not even one minute later, one of the Bronze-Tier Professionals of the City Guard was hunted down by Tytos, who snapped his neck like nothing and threw the bleeding corpse to the side as he continued running after the next ones.

Meanwhile, Tytos hunted one of the Bronze-Tier Professionals; Yvraine tracked down another one as she threw one of the jade swords at the escaping man's back, killing him from the back as he dropped dead. Running after the last one, she quickly took the jade sword from the man's back that was stuck there as she ran after the remaining Bronze-Tier Professional.

Running after the remaining Bronte-Tier Professional of the Human Brotherhood, who started throwing some spells after them and screaming hysterically, seeing both of his comrades that were killed by them.

Naturally, some of the party tricks were of no effect against Yvriane and Tytos as the White Tiger jumped across the air and with his jaws, he gripped the right leg of the Bronze-Tier Professional, as he twisted with his head and threw the Bronze-Tier Professional at Yvraine, who raised her swords and severed the man's head.

On another part of the battlefield, Dharzug severed the head of the last Silver-Tier human Professional of the Selangrad's City Watch. Both of them could hold their own against the champion of the Green Gods for more than three minutes, which was considered as an exceptional performance considering all circumstances of the fight.

Meanwhile, Samiel finished killing all of the lower Tiered members of the City Watch. The entire battle didn't take even four minutes before it was concluded, as everyone was properly killed as they should be. Not like Samiel would leave anyone alive, considering that he never showed mercy on the battlefield, as that was the great idiocy one could do.

"Splendid... we can now proceed to the warehouse... according to the Nefertari's scouting, we are already close to the warehouse area."

Samiel stated as he looked around, seeing that Yvraine arrived together with White Tiger Tytos and even Nefertari landed down on his shoulder and started licking her paws cutely. He immediately gave her a few scratches behind her ears, just like she liked it, as the entire Khaos Chapter proceeded to the warehouse area of the Inner Layer.

As the glorious scouting cat predicted, they were indeed not far from the warehouses and arrived at the targetted destination within several more minutes as more and more explosions shook the entire Selangrad. When Samiel looked at their source, surprisingly it wasn't the Heart of the City like the last time, but rather it was the Inner Layer of Selangrad.

"We need to hurry... they are already bombarding the Inner Layer of Selangrad... it won't be a long before they started flooding here in thousands."

Samiel stated as all of them hurried to the warehouse area, passing through of street after another, soon enough arriving. What was most shocking was the fact that the entire warehouse area was totally empty, with only a few soldiers guarding it.

This could either mean two things. The first eventuality, which was the better one, was that the Human Brotherhood ignored the warehouse area in favor of the more important places across Selangrad. Thus, the military presence in this place was low.

The second eventuality, which was the worse one, was that the Human Brotherhood had already long ago cleared out everything that was supposed to be here as nothing remained. Only a few guards remained here to uphold some appearance and probably to lure as many demons here just to waste their time or to fall into the trap.

If it was up to him, then he would make this entire place an enormous trap hole with the single purpose of killing as many enemies as possible. And something in his instincts was telling him to get away from here as soon as possible.

When he looked at Yvraine and Dharzug, he noticed that their expression was the same, which was not surprising. All people who are Holy Apostles or have a very strong connection to the Transcendental entities are gifted with some sort of danger prediction, which allows them to sense dangerous situations.

Naturally, this ability sorta thing is not bulletproof, but... considering everything, he immediately looked at Yvraine and Dharzug and with a single nod, all of them started leaving.

"Let's leave and join the demon side."

Samiel stated as all of them departed, heading to join the rest of the demon offensive. During the journey, however, Samiel found something very peculiar as they entered one of the back alleys where one lone watchtower was standing in the Back Walls that were separating the Core Layer and Inner Layer.

"Is that what I think it is?"

Yvraine questioned, still not believing that they had this amount of luck. Finding a hidden passage to the Core Layer without any effort was... shocking, to say at very least. Samiel suspected that this concrete hidden passage was found and opened by the Gold-Tiers of the demon army and they left it opened.

"Indeed, it is one of the in-build hidden passages. Interestingly enough, the Avalonian built them in the Black Walls. Still, contrary to the ones on the higher floors of the Tower, they left out the protections and defenses around the hidden passages."

Samiel answered her because they were indeed in luck. Through the hidden passage, they could enter the Core Layer because it seemed that the plans had changed. An entirely new plan formed in Samiel's head as he planned to sneak into the Heart of the City and steal what could be stolen from the Humans.

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