Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 182 Battle Of Selangrad (2)

All of those souls that would be lost here... and nothing would be caught by him; how that hurt because so many of them were being killed each second. Samiel predicted that by the end of the fight, especially after the Star-Moon Coalition forces arrive, there would be million dead in terms of collateral damage from the inhabitants of the Selangrad because the entire city would be turned into one huge ruin.

'Go on it girl.'

Samiel said to Nefertari, who spread her wings and flew atop the Black Walls. Atop each gate that separated various Layers of the Selangrad, there was a small building where the mechanism to open the gate was located, together with the small living space for the guards that were guarding the said gate.

From the observation, there were only a few Steel-Tier City Guards of the City Watch who were presiding over this gate as it was a bit farther from the other parts of the Outer Layer and one could say it was well hidden in the streets and corridors of the city.

Though Samiel knew that the moment the Outer Layer was breached, soon enough, all of these gates would be receiving reinforcements and because of that, he was in such a hurry to get past it. Apparently, they already realized that the situation was turning bad for them and were reacting as fast as possible.

As she glided effortlessly atop the walls and upon landing, Nefertari counted around twenty guardsmen standing guard over the gate that were observing the events as she flew effortlessly above the Black Walls and the gate unseen as she landed.

Because she was already a very powerful Bronze-Tier Elder Wampus Cat who could charm several powerful Professionals at the same time, so she immediately used her racial abilities and charmed all of the guards that were presiding over the gate and ordered them to open the gate.

Seconds later, after she ordered them to open the gate, she then gave them a command to commit suicide as all of them took out the weapons they were bearing as they stabbed through their hearts, killing themselves with a single of Nefertari's commands.

Such was the terrifying power of illusion and hypnosis of the Elder Wampus Cats combined together. For Nefertari, any person who was weak-willed or didn't have anything to protect his mind was basically just waiting to be killed because even powerful Professionals would have a problem resisting her illusions.

Even Samiel marveled at this because she had just walked there and with a single command, within several seconds, she disposed of an entire squad of guards. Naturally, the guards there were not the most powerful around or the ones with some special abilities, but it was still a nice performance.

After the gate opened for them, Samiel conjured there a Spell Holding Ward and inserted a Void Bomb Spell into the Spell Holding Ward, as he repeated this process several times over as he filled the entire gatehouse and even the surrounding area with the Spell Holding Wards.

As he was right now an Intermediate Magician in the Warding Magic, it wasn't that much of a problem for him to do such a thing in a very short span of time. While constructing more advanced Spell Holding Wards out of nowhere would be problematic for most, but as Samiel had the help of Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect, it was an easy feat for him.

He planned to let here some surprise for demons or humans or both, basically who came here as the first one. The combined power of approximately thirteen 5th Level Spells of the Void Magic, the Void Bombs, would be enough to send to hell even several Silver-Tier Professionals with ease if they were not actively defending against them.

When that was done, they moved forward, heading towards the warehouse area of the Selangrad until all of them saw, heard and even felt enormous explosions from the depths of the city. Those explosions were so huge and loud that even from several kilometers away, one could see and hear them.

All of them recognized the center of the explosion as the Heart of the City, meaning the demon Gold-Tier Professionals were already there as they knew about the efforts of the human leaders to escape from the 8th Floor of the Tower.

"It appears I have underestimated our demon compatriots' wits."

Samiel stated sarcastically because maybe he did a bit underestimate the demons; who would have thought that they would have reached the Heart of the City that fast, just several minutes after the White-Blue Gate was breached by their monstrosity of artillery cannon.

"They must have planned this to the last detail and everything was executed flawlessly... it seems that the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe employed one of their best generals who is still in the Mortal Level."

Everyone couldn't otherwise just agree with the words of the Heir Apparent Crawford.

There was no doubt in either Samiel's or Yvraine's mind that the demons were investing everything they could into the siege of the Selangrad and hoped to win by capturing the city in a fashion in which they would show everyone their superiority.

This was all only a game of faces, everyone wanted to prove themselves and for the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, the sole opportunity was the siege of the Selangrad, as it was the capital of the Human Brotherhood.

"We should be going to the warehouses... with the commotion ongoing in the Heart of the City, they would be withdrawing every possible force to that Layer to help with the subjugation of the Gold-Tier demon Professionals who managed to slip there."

Samiel stated as others agreed with him; thus they all hurried to the warehouse area of the Inner Layer. From the looks, they were now probably in a residential area of the Inner Layer, judging by all of the houses and civilians running here and there if some were still on the streets because most of the people were already hiding in their houses and praying for the miracle to happen.

Though no miracle would come because Gods didn't really bother creating miracles that much and even if they did, there are better places and locations and even events to do such, not here on the 8th Floor of the Tower.

"There is also the possibility that they would speed out the cleanout of the warehouses with resources because of this sneak attack."

Remarked Juulius, as this idea indeed had some merits, depending if the people from the warehouse area that the Human Brotherhood sent there would have any means to reach the Heart of the City Layer within a very short time; if not, then it would be useless.

Though to be prepared for every possible eventuality, Samiel would take it for granted, at least they wouldn't be surprised if they saw the entire warehouse area swarming with the soldiers of the Human Brotherhood.

"We will proceed under the permission that the warehouse has been reinforced heavily in attempts to transport as much of resources as possible. At least we will be prepared in case we indeed encounter resistance there."

Samiel decided, while Juulius naturally agreed with this because vigilance was above everything else; thus the entire Khaos Chapter plus its "mascots" proceeded further towards the warehouse area of the Inner Layer.

Interestingly enough, they didn't encounter almost any soldiers during the journey through the empty streets of the Selangrad's Inner Layer, only some civilians that were fleeing or attempting to hide from the incoming demon army, not like that would help them in any way when the demons start bombarding the Inner Layer.

From what Samiel saw, they had some explosives prepared and he knew that it was like some magical napalm... so when they dropped that thing here, it would turn entire areas of the Selangrad into a blazing inferno. They would be using it probably to smoke out all the rats that were right now hiding across the city.

As they advanced further through the city, after five minutes, they finally encountered some guard regiment of soldiers, to which Samiel was extremely happy, no matter how weird it sounded. He was delighted because they were going through the countless streets and corridors of the city without encountering anyone to fight and it was becoming a bit boring, truthfully.

Not only he but also Dharzug grinned widely when he saw an incoming regiment of hundreds of human soldiers. They were marching with great speed, as they were obviously in a hurry to assume their position and to defend the city from the invaders.

From their clothing, though, these were not the average soldiers of the Human Brotherhood, but based on their standardized chainmail armor, they were the City Watch of the Selangrad and they were heading towards the nearest gate as reinforcements.

Or they were going to barricade one of the main streets in hopes of slowing down the inevitable demon advance when they fully breached the Inner Gates that were leading to the Inner Layer from the Outer Layer of the city.

All of them were of the Steel-Tier, showing how the quality of soldiers on the 8th Floor of the Tower was higher than the rest of the Lower Floors. However, there were also a few Bronze-Tier ones and two Silver-Tier Professionals in the mix, probably the heavy hitters of the group.

Though, with the addition of the Orks rampaging on the 1st Floor and the Asura Tribe creating their Slaughter Trial on the 2nd Floor, the average Tier on the Lower Levels has been increased from the previous Iron-Tier to the peak Iron-Tier or Steel-Tier.

Thus affecting also the rest of the Tower, albeit a bit indirectly.

"Dharzug go for the Silver-Tier ones; I will be disposing of the trash. Yvraine, make sure that no one of them tries to escape once, then the fun begins, Juulius order you familiar to do help Yvriane. Nefertari you too."

Samiel gave out swift orders as everyone knew what to do, as Yvriane disappeared and jumped on the roof of one of the nearby houses, with Nefertari flying into the sky and Tytos lurking around and observe the enemy and waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on the defenseless humans when they would start escaping.

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