Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 143: Negotiations?

Chapter 143: Negotiations?

"HOW DARE YOU THREATEN THE GODDESS MARAMA!!!" The moonlit lady on the alter screamed.

Before she could say anything further her body was taken over again. Her mouth hung open and her eyes glazed over as Marama spoke through her.

"Think carefully warlock. Do you really wish to start a conflict with me, the goddess of the moon?"

"Hmpf." Lucan snorted. "You are mistaken, I am not the one starting the conflict. It is you who has plotted against me and worked with my enemy. It is you who has sent a spy into my territory, and it is you who continues to try and beguile me and take my treasures. Just how am I starting a conflict with you?"

"It is just business. There is no such thing as eternal enemies, only eternal profits." Marama responded through the moonlit lady.

"Instead of asking me what I have to offer, you should consider if Bone Crusher will make a better business partner. Tell me, what is it you desire?"

"A lowly mortal could not comprehend the will of the gods. If you are determined to stand on opposite sides, then so be it. You will eventually come around."



Lucan tapped his scepter on the ground. Outside of the temple a crack formed in the sky. A claw one hundred feet wide, covered in blood red metal reached through the crack. Then another appeared. The claws pressed on the sides of the crack in space.


With a mighty roar the claws ripped open the crack. A black shadow drake over 1,000 feet long pulled itself into the land of the fey. A single flap of its wings caused fifteen-foot waves to roll across the surface the lake.

The shadow drake circled the temple before turning toward it and opening its mouth wide. Down its throat was a purple light as hellfire prepared to roll out and engulf the building.

The moonlit lady began to rapidly grow larger. She stretched out a hand and grasped a beam of moonlight, solidifying it into a massive, pure white spear.

"STOP!!" Silent yelled, jumping out of Lucan's shadow.

Everyone looked towards the rogue.

'I will support you, but it is a bad idea to start a fight with a goddess. Let me try.' She telepathically said to Lucan.

Silent reached into her bag and pulled out a white rock.

"We have moonstone." She said while tossing the rock onto the alter.

There was a flash of white light and the piece of moonstone disappeared.

The moonlit lady was still scowling at Lucan when her face went slack again.

"Can you get more?"

"That depends. It depends if you are going to work with Bone Crusher anymore." Silent said.

"If you can provide five pounds a month, I will not deal with Bone Crusher."

Lucan balked at the price. Moonstone was rare, it was not as if there was a mine filled with it. It was something that would be occasionally found when mining other things. It could only be found with luck. Buying five pounds from the market was incredibly expensive.

"Okay." Silent said. "But I want to know everything about his plan first."

Marama spoke for over half an hour about what Bone Crusher planned to do and the involvement of the temple of the moon.

"I have a few more pieces with me. It should be almost five pounds." Silent said, setting it on the alter.

"Very well, I will turn him away."

Silent nodded happily before Lucan spoke.

"How about not. Just go ahead with his plan, it won't make any difference now that we know what is coming."

"Are you sure?" Silent asked Lucan.

"It is better this way. If he gets denied, he will go somewhere else. It is better if he executes a plan we are prepared for."

"Be cautious young warlock. I have heard Bone Crusher mention that he has other plans in the works."

"That is fine." Lucan said, waving away her concern.

With a whistle, he dismissed the delusion spell and the normal sized Adrestia came and perched on his shoulder.

"Now that that has been settled, Warlock, I could use your assistance, I will reward you greatly." Marama said.

"Pssh, yeah right." Lucan opened a portal to the shadow realm and took Silent's hand. They walked through and the portal shut behind them, leaving More Food in the temple of the moon.

The moonlit lady turned to More Food and flicked her wrist. A blade of moonlight cut him free of his bonds.

"What is your latest report?"

The lunar goblin got to his knees and spoke. "My goddess, I have confirmed its existence beneath his fortress. If he discovers it, we cannot afford to make an enemy of him. Things would progress more smoothly if we are on good terms."

"I understand." Marama said before releasing her control over the moonlit lady.


Lucan and Silent could see a town up ahead of them. Instead of wasting a return scroll they began to walk towards the town.

"What are you doing you dummy? Why would you try to take on a goddess?" Silent scolded.

"You heard their attitude. If I backed down, they would have walked all over me. I had no choice."

"Who are you trying to kid? You have made a deal with a devil before, but you aren't willing to talk and deal with the moon goddess? That doesn't make sense."

"That devil wasn't plotting against you, it was different."

As they neared the town gates, the clouds parted and a beam of moonlight rained down and enveloped the two.

"Brave warlock, I admire your dedication to protect what you cherish. Allow me to reward you for your dedication." Marama's voice sounded out beside their ears.

An object floated out of Lucan's bag. He tried to grab it, but the moonlight held him in place. The elder abomination egg floated before the two.

Lucan could see the moonlight was stimulating the shadow energy in the area. The egg began to rapidly consume the shadow mana in the air.

The egg started to shake.


A tiny crack on the top of the egg appeared as something tried to break its way out from inside.

"Take care of your pet, it will grow strong and powerful. I look forward to a bright future where we work together." Marama said before the beam of moonlight disappeared.

"Ha, what did I tell you?" Lucan said to Silent. "I made the right move trying to attack her. Why else would she be so respectful now?"

Silent rolled her eyes but didn't argue with him. She moved closer to see what was hatching from the egg.

*Crack* *Crack*

More cracks started to appear. Lucan held the egg in his hands and fought the urge to crush the egg and help it escape.

*Crack* *Crack* *Shatter*

The pieces of eggshell fell to the ground to reveal a foot-long centipede in Lucan's hand.

"Eww!" Silent gasped while hopping back from the large bug. "What the heck is that?"

Lucan received a notification and took a closer look.

[Elder Possessor]

[Level 1]

[First ability: Possession. This pet can try to posses a target, on success the pet will be in control of the target for as long as the target is unable to resist. While in control of target, this pet will be able to use its natural abilities for combat. Death of the target will force the Elder Processor out of its body with the loss of half its health.]

"Hmm, let's try it out. Adrestia, help me for a minute."

The shadow drake flew to the ground and looked at the bug wearily.

Lucan commanded the elder possessor to activate its only ability. The centipede turned into a transparent and ethereal figure, it crawled through the air like it was flying and dove into the body of the shadow drake.

Adrestia didn't resist.

Lucan check the status of his new pet.

[Elder Possessor (Shadow Drake)]

"Okay, show me what you got, attack me." Lucan ordered.

Adrestia turned to face Lucan, suddenly her head rolled back, a dozen drake scaled tentacles burst from her neck and wrapped around Lucan. The tentacles were strong enough to pull him off his feet. Adrestia's body had disappeared, tentacles replaced everything but her head.

The ball of wiggling limbs floated in the air as Lucan was pulled closer. Adrestia's mouth began to open to take a bite of him. On the side of her jaws a set of insect mandibles appeared, ready to pierce into him and hold him in place while she took several bites.

"Okay." Lucan said, signaling that it was enough.

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