Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 144: Return To Shadowsweep

Chapter 144: Return To Shadowsweep

The black tentacles released Lucan and returned to Adrestia's body, giving her form again. The ghostly looking centipede crawled out of her back and regained its solid form.

"Not bad." Lucan said with a nod.

"What do you mean? That is disgusting. Put it away."

"Aww, she didn't mean that little guy." Lucan said while running his finger down the back of the insect. "Hey little fella, do you wanna try and possess me?"

The creature appeared to nod.

"Go for it. Show me what you can do."

The bug dove into his hand. Lucan felt himself losing control of his body but didn't resist.

Lucan's right arm turned into four flesh-colored tentacles that dove towards Adrestia. His other arm turned to eight and quickly wrapped around Silent. Adrestia struggled but her limbs and wings were bound. She was dragged towards Lucan.

Silent used ethereal step to escape and quickly ran from Lucan until she was out of range.

Lucan's mouth opened unnaturally wide as his jawbone unhinged. A large pair of mandibles appeared as Adrestia was dragged closer.

Lucan was satisfied with what he saw. When he tried to turn his head to look at Silent, the centipede was ejected. He had taken back control of his own body. The centipede crawled up onto his shoulder and sat there.

Both Adrestia and Silent shot death glares at Lucan.

"Hey, don't get mad I was just trying it out."

"That's gross."

Lucan took a step towards Silent. She was ready and ran away from him.

"Come back, the little guy is out, it won't happen again."

"No way, put it away." Silent demanded.

Lucan did as she said.

He tried to go up and hug her but got his toes stomped on instead.

"If you dare to try and use that tentacle monster on me you will be in a world of hurt." Silent said to him. Lucan could tell that she was not joking.

"I am sorry, I won't do it again." He closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

He strangely felt a hard scaly mouth pressed against his. He opened his eyes to see that Silent was holding Adrestia in front of his face.

"Ah, phew." Lucan spit on the ground after he kissed the drake.

"That is what you get."

"My kind and forgiving wife, can't you overlook your husband's misstep? I am sorry."

"Hmph, no cuddling for you tonight. You can sleep by yourself." She said before running into the city and teleporting back to the fortress, leaving him alone with his pets.

Lucan sighed while Adrestia looked bashfully towards her master.

"Don't you start." He told the shadow drake.


Lucan woke up alone in his bed. When he went to get breakfast, Silent had already gotten him some food. Lucan was pleased that she didn't run when he sat next to her. He didn't miss when she quickly checked him out, making sure that the centipede was nowhere in sight.

"Sleep well?" Lucan asked.

"No, and its your fault." She said while spreading some jam on toast and setting it on his plate.

Lucan decided that she wasn't really upset since she was still giving him little treats.

After breakfast they headed into Shadowsweep. It had been a while since Lucan had spent some time in his newly upgraded town.

They walked the streets and admired the changes. The population was growing quickly. The number of stores had doubled, and with the teleporter working, they were now accepting gold instead of using the bartering system.

"It is probably time to try and get the bank to set up a branch here."

"Hey Boss, hey Silent."

"Hello Oar. How are you doing today?"

"I am alright. It seems like you and Boss are doing better. I had to hangout with him last night while he kept on drinking and whining that you weren't around."

"Shut it, punk." Lucan said while giving his steward a whap on the back.

"No, no I want to hear more about this."

Oar looked between Lucan and Silent with a struggling expression before he grinned and turned to Silent.

"Boss was all like "It was just a joke, she didn't need to run off. Ah I really messed up this time. Maybe I should get a painter to make a portrait of her. I can hang it here in my room since she won't join me. At least then I will see her when I wake up in the middle of the night."

"You shouldn't tell lies." Lucan's said while pushing the steward away.

"Who is lying boss. Didn't you say you wanted me to find out who the King of the shadow elves uses as his painter."

"W-what? I-I didn't say that?"

"Oh yeah, that's right. You asked me to see if he also had a sculptor."

Silent laughed at Lucan who was trying to avoid her gaze.

"What are you doing here punk? Did you just show up to cause me trouble?"

"Ah, I almost forgot. Mr. Hammerstone, the dwarf leading the mineral excavation said he has emptied another mine and wants to know if he should start on a new location or send the others to work in one of the larger mines."

"Send them to the larger ones, we could use more quicksilver. It has been selling well recently." Lucan replied.

"Alright Boss, I will pass on the message. You enjoy your time with What did you call her? "Your heavenly angel sent to brighten your life." Yeah, that what you called her."

"You get out of here!" Lucan yelled at Oar who had already turned and booked it off towards the outskirts of the town.

Silent slid up close to Lucan as they walked through the streets. "So, do you have any other names that you call me when I am not around?" She teased.

"Ah, you can't believe the things he said. That punk likes to stir up trouble."

"Yeah, okay, is he the one that made your face turn red like a tomato?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Lucan said while taking a step ahead of her.

"LUCAN QUILLDRAKE! I AM CALLING YOU OUT!" Said a man standing on the far end of the street pointing towards Lucan.

The warlock turned to see a mage in dark robes standing there. The townsfolk stepped aside, emptying the street between the two.

The mage held a dark staff that had a swirl of black fire bouncing around on top. Strapped across his chest were two bandoliers, each filled with several vials. The alchemical concoctions strapped to his chest ranged in all different colors.

The man locked eyes with Lucan and began walking towards him.

"I was offered quite a bit of money to come and beat the snot out of you. But that isn't my style, so how about we play a little game. The winner lives, and the loser dies. You can do one of those warlock pact things to make it official if that makes you feel better. You can refuse if you want, but then everyone here will know that LUCAN QUILLDRAKE IS A SCARDEY CAT TOO AFRAID TO TAKE A CHALLENGE!" The man shouted out while taking another step closer.

"I am a fair fella. We can play two out of three. The loser will get to decide the next game." The man said with a sparkle of excitement in his eye. "So what is your answer?" He asked, stopping several feet in front of Lucan. "Do you have the guts to take on me, Dunnowhosthis? Or are you a little scaredy cat?"

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