Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 155: Stupid Face

Chapter 155: Stupid Face

Brax exited his capsule and went to his computer after a trip to the bathroom.

He opened a link to the stock market and smiled. The Winged Tiger Corporation had taken a decent hit from the loss of two bases in Evolution. Their trading price had dropped from $240.35 to $225.57 in the short amount of time the market had been open today. It looked as if it would keep falling.

He set up a 140 million dollar buy order if the price dropped bellow $150,00 dollars today. Not with his money but using World Dominator's money. If the price dropped enough and the purchase went through, then he would scoop up 4.5% of the company. As long as he remained under 5% ownership, he was able to remain anonymous and didn't have to give his name to the Winged Tiger Corporation.

He checked his company's portfolio. He had bought 2% of the Slumbering Dragon Group and he also owned 1% of Terracorp. They had added the Terracrop shares to the contract using the idea that Brax would be more likely to protect the company if he stood to gain from their success.

Their stock had risen by $5.00 today. The Goblin Crushers easily taking over a fortress had made the company look good.

Brax closed the financial pages and opened the Evolution Forums. Kyp was right. Jenna had started to gain a decent following. More and more people were hailing the empress. Fans had set up a page dedicated to her. Brax found they had over 50 different videos of Silent in action as well as too many photos of her. To Brax's displeasure, most of her fans were pervs who enjoyed her looks, but she did have some true fans who were also her acolytes.

In fact, her acolytes were drumming up business for her. They were telling others that only true fans were those who bought abilities and spells from her. Brax changed his mind slightly. Maybe all her fans didn't need to die.

Brax decided to be brave and search his own name again. Usually whenever he did this, all he found was hate or people dissing him. But today.

The results started the same. Brax wasn't surprised that Super filmed his assault. He expected the reporter to do so. But it meant a lot of people saw him indiscriminately destroying the city. Players and NPCs alike. The devils took everybody. The warlock's spells kill everyone who neared.

A lot of people found this as a good reason to hate him. Brax didn't care, he was determined to destroy everything Jason Thomas had. That included the innocent people in his city when he attacked. Even if Jason managed to take control of it again, would anyone ever feel safe there? No, the area was as good as cursed if it ever made its way back into the hands of the Winged Tiger Corporation's heir,

Brax found something different for once. There were many comments actually cheering him on. They had rooted for his victory against Bone Crusher. This surprised Brax. He was thrilled to see some of his acolytes had posted, during the video of his assault, the prices of the abilities he used that were for sale. A number of his acolytes were even bragging about being under him.

This was a first and put a smile on Brax's face.

When he was done indulging himself, he walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast.

*knock* *knock*

"I am coming in." Maire said as she opened the door.

"Hey, Aunty. What are you up to?"

"I just came to see you punk. Your Uncle told me you kicked up a big mess for your enemies overnight."

"Ehh, they started it. It was that Jason Thomas."

"That brat who wants Jenna?"

"That is the guy." Brax said.

"Make sure you don't go easy on him. Grind him to dust."

"Don't worry, I am taking care of it."

Marie looked to her left and then looked to her right before leaning in closer to Brax and whispering. "You know, Marge, from the country club, her husband has a driver who has a business on the side. I heard for the right price he breaks people's legs." She said while raising her eyebrows twice towards her nephew.

"Jeez Aunty, I am good. I don't need those kinds of services. What kind of people do you hang out with? Besides, I am sure I could find a guy."

"Alright, but I heard he does good work. Think about it."

Brax shook his head and offered some of his breakfast to his Aunt.

"No thanks, you don't eat enough as it is, make yourself a second serving. You should put some more meat on your bones."

"I am fine Aunty, this is enough food."

"Okay, I will stop pestering you. But don't come crying to me when Jenna tells you to fatten up."

"What are you talking about?" Brax shook his head. "Why would that even make me come crying to you? We love each other no matter what."

"Good, good." Marie said walking out of the kitchen. She opened the front door and looked back towards Brax with a deadly serious expression. "You can fool the others, but I know you are still hiding something from me. And I have now determined that it involves Jenna. I am watching you boy, and I will find out what you are determined to keep hidden from me." She said while backing out of the guest house. She kept her eyes locked on him as she slowly shut the door. Even when it was barely cracked opened, Brax could still see her two, laser guided deceit detectors locked onto him until the door shut all the way.

Brax shivered when she left. "How does she always know?"




Both Jenna and Holly shouted through the halls as they left their rooms after logging out. The ran together to the dining room.

"What is it dears?" Mrs. Beneil asked while finishing her breakfast.

"Where is dad?" Jenna asked.

"He is getting changed for work, he should be here shortly. Sit down, what's the matter? Both of you seem to be stirred up into a frenzy."

"It's grandpa." Holly said while Jenna nodded.

"What did he do now?" Mr. Beneil said while stepping into the dining room.

"He helped Jason kidnap Jenna." Holly said.

"He tried to forcefully get me to marry Jason. He threatened to destroy everything Brax and Holly had built for themselves." Jenna said.

"That old coot has gone to far!" Mrs. Beneil said, looking towards her husband waiting for his reaction.

Mr. Beneil's face didn't change, he reached into his jacket and pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, its-."

The girls could hear a seething voice on the other end of the line that didn't give their father room to talk. They couldn't understand what was being said, but they could tell that it was an angry voice on the other side of the line.

"Is there really no room for discussion?" Mr. Beneil asked.

The girls waited while the voice kept yelling.

"Okay then, I will email my letter of resignation in later." Mr. Beneil hung up the phone without a moments hesitation while the voice exploded once again.

"Good news. I am free to pick up your sister from the airport tomorrow." Mr. Beneil said to his wife while taking off his tie and sitting down at the table.

His two daughters were stunned. "What happened?" Emma Beneil asked.

"Father said that if I wanted to keep my position, I had to make the arranged marriage work."

"But your job?" Jenna said.

"Don't worry, it was an easy decision. Besides whenever I came across a good deal, I always invested my own money along side the company. We will be fine. The company isn't everything."

Jenna fought back her tears and hugged her father who gave up everything he built over the past 20 years for her happiness.

"Hey, it's alright. You can marry whoever you want." He said while stroking her hair. "Even if it ends up being that stupid faced boy down the street."

Jenna laughed and snorted while rubbing away the tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Did you hear what he did?" Asked Holly.

"No, you know the rule, I don't bother with work at home, at least not when your mother is home."

Holly opened a video on her phone and passed it to her father to watch. Jenna and her mother sat on either side of him to check it out as well. Over the next twenty minutes they watched the highlight reel of everything that had happened during Lucan's fight.

Mr. Beneil looked towards his daughter. "I can admit that stupid face is dedicated to you. Anybody who want's to date one of my daughters has to be at least that dedicated."

"Yeah, stupid face really sent out a message with that. I don't think anybody will bother Jenna in Evolution from now on." Holly said.

Mr. Beneil nodded. "Stupid face did a good job."

"Come on. Brax has a name and it isn't stupid face."

"Regardless, stupid face dealt a good blow to those damn tigers."

"MoOoMMmmMm." Jenna whined.

"He, he, we are just having fun dear. I know Brax's face isn't stupid, he is quite handsome."

Jenna blushed and stopped talking.

"Hmm, I think it would be a good idea to speak to him. I think I will try and catch him while it is still early." Mr. Beneil said, standing up and leaving before Jenna could react.

She quickly pulled out her phone and texted Brax.


Brax's phone vibrated, he picked it up to see who texted him.

[HeavenlyButt: Get ready, my dad knows what happened, he quit his job because of my grandpa and just left to meet you.]

[Brax: ??? Should I be worried?]

[HeavenlyButt: I don't think so, he actually said something nice about you.]

[Brax: Ahh! Really! How did he praise his amazing son-in-law?]

[HeavenlyButt: ....He said you did a good job.]

[Brax: Yes!!! Soon your dad and I will be hitting it off like best buds.]

[HeavenlyButt: Idk about that. He is still calling you Stupid Face.]

[Brax: Ehh, he cares enough to give me a nickname. I am happy, nothing will bring me down.]

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Brax put away his phone and opened the door.

"Hello Mr. Beneil. How are you?"

"Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Sure, come in. There was something I wanted to bring up to you anyway."

"Oh, then go ahead."

"I recently heard that you are a free agent. What would you think about working for World Dominators?"

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